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shadow of mars

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Everything posted by shadow of mars

  1. thanks for this, you are da real mvp do you happen to know if debug mode works on mobile with rejuv as well? Havent tried it myself yet
  2. I really appreciate eveything you guys do, so thanks for that And out of curiosity, what are the chances we can get at least the hisuian starter evos on next update? I'm itching to start a brand new save on v13.5 with the possibility of evolving cyndaquil to typhlosion-h . Wouldn't even complain about the absence new move(s), just the mon itself with its stats, typing and rest of the movepool would be awesome
  3. It's late but Mawile arguably is the best mega avaliable for now... was very useful on every battle of the latest chapter. And yes, although Mawile won't be *that* useful until then, I used one and Intimidate + the best type combination in the game really makes it go a long way as a support or counter to some specific pokemon. I used mine a lot (intense mode btw)
  4. the best starter is objectively blaziken other good options include cinderace and rillaboom imo. Other options can be good at some point in the game but don't compare to the consistency of any of those.
  5. ty, didn't know that, I only played the new chapter on my previous v12 save
  6. Blaziken is probably still the best starter, Speed Boost (and Bulk Up) are just too good. Cinderace still takes a while to learn good moves and Greninja is even worse (still good tho) Like others have said, there's a couple of things you should always have a couple Intimidators is great (my favorites are Arcanine and Krookodile) Wide Guard comes is handy (my favorite is Hitmontop, also with Intimidate + good support movepool for doubles like Helping Hand) a Tailwind user (for me it's Noivern and/or Talonflame) Pokemon with Sturdy (Golem with Custap Berry also learns SR, Togedemaru with Reversal + Spiky Shield for doubles, Magnezone) Destiny Bond is also very useful (Gengar is the best probably)
  7. Why do you think Starmie isn't a good option? It gets Hydro Pump, Psychic and Recover and is pretty fast. Pretty great for most of the game, not as good as a Greninja yeah, but close. Near the end of the game you also get the option to run Life Orb or Waterium-Z, as well as the Blizzard TM The problem with intense mode is that it's pretty hard to keep one single team of 6 mons, you'll eventually have to catch some stuff to counter other trainers - but since you like psychics, I suggest you get Alakazam (LO Magic Guard), Gardevoir (mega stone already accessible) and crested Claydol. Can't go wrong with Metagross (great vs. Melia's v13 Gym battle) as well.
  8. This is a very cool post, and yes natures are very important But the reason some people may look down on your beautiful Zangoose is because a single speed point makes all the difference in pokemon (either you go first or you don't). That's diffent from atk/def where super effective moves usually do more than enough to OHKO/2HKO without perfect IVs. Yes she may be faster than an adamant/serious/whatever garchomp, but no one uses that. Pokemon is dominated by +speed natures and 252 evs on every pokemon that isn't a defensive wall, so in reality you are not outspeeding any garchomp and will get outspeed by things like +speed Rotom-A, Nidoking, Excadril etc. (and dying without accomplishing anything, instead of the other way around) with such a below average speed IV. Anyway, she's still faster than +speed base 80 pokemon, so she isn't terrible indeed :)
  9. I'm fine with intense as is, with all the fields, items, switching and even the AI going over the 510 EV cap (since it can be "justified" by lore that they are just very strong pokemon, way above average). It's even better now in 13.0.3 as the devs are starting to realize that endless grinding isn't fun But multiple megas, with extra items, seems weird to me and start to feel less like a pokemon game. Idk, it's a weird and feels like cheating.
  10. Yes, devs in this game lately have this bad habit of thinking that grinding for hours is fun
  11. I love intense mode and I am actually fine with going over the 510 ev limit But things like multiple megas, with extra items to boot, are conceptually too far for me lol
  12. You can buy infinite prism scales when you get enough stickers at the GDC mart to access the evo items floor I personally like Play Rough, Gunk Shot, Coil and Pain Split (or Rest maybe) @Leftovers. Ability either Poison Point or Defiant. You can basically setup on any fighting, grass or fairy type. Would be miles better with Recover but yeah idk why it doesn't learn it and that sucks major balls. Aevian Milotic is kinda mediocre/bad overall without reliable recovery. You can try some shenanigans with Merciless (adding Toxic/Toxic Spikes over Coil) but I don't think Milotic is fast or hits hard enough even with investiment, and dies too easily if you do invest on atk/speed.
  13. You get access to it only after beating Adam (badge 13)
  14. you have to change both the first and second numeral (if your IV is 07, change 0 -> 3 and then 7-> 1 you should update to v13.0.3 too, the price has been reduced to 50k
  15. I think this sums it up perfectly. I have always played on intense mode and actually like having a box of pokemon to choose for each major battle, however the amount of time required is indeed absurd. 13.03 made it a (bit) better, but having easier IV and EV manipulation without having to use debug mode would be perfect (also natures, now it's way better with mints but god knows how much time I wasted catching synchronize natus or else I'd need to wait until GDC)
  16. according to the v13 guide you can't get torkoal in the safari zone so don't waste your time you could try double intimidate lead (like arcanine and mawile) to neuter ariados and/or a magic coat/bounce user (grumpig/xatu) vs. sticky web
  17. It's avaliable only after Adam from what I've seen edit: if you meant the egg move relearner that is. Otherwise it's in Sheridan or GDC
  18. Well of course it doesn't make the game impossible but it's an unecessary hassle. The early game is already difficult as it is and people will ev train anyway, it will just take hours instead os minutes I love the update but as I've said before, this change was awful
  19. It's the same BST as Milotic but with SpA and Atk swaped. Abilities are poison point, merciless idk the other Evolution is Link Stone with a Prism Scale equipped yeah
  20. These are mostly about v12 intense mode Noivern is great, ever since it evolved it's been a beast supporting the team with tailwind, especially in doubles Mawile has been incredibly useful with intimidate and that typing. Being able to mega evolve right after you you get the mega ring is also a plus Raichu. Fake out and lightningrod have been very useful. Also sweepeing Souta with Nasty Plot. Arcanine is the goodest boi ever, intimidate with will-o-wisp and morning sun and he found a spot in my teams for almost all of the hardest battles
  21. I just hate it that they removed the option of ev training early and moved the egg move tutor to when the game is almost over. I loved playing intense mode on v12 but this time these changes are mostly needlessly frustating. Like people said, I can't really use anything I like and just catch that one specific pokemon that counters the gym No way to get a least a few good ivs like many other hackroms have is also a pain, I don't even see the problem with having that since good/decent ivs are not even enough to win any battles
  22. Hi I have two (2) natu breeding at the daycare, both with the synchronize ability I've bred 20+ eggs (keeping track with the achievement, those are the only ones I have ever bred) and only ONE out of TWENTY eggs came with Sync. All others are early bird or magic bounce. Am I that unlucky or somethings wrong? I've tried breeding with one syncho + one early bird parent but all eggs were early bird as well. This is getting ultra frustating Anyone knows whats up?
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