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Thanks for the clarification Seel and Gastro, appreciate it! I actually did know that... at some point. That being that crests take EVs/Nature into account as well. I edited the text a bit to make more sense, haven't proofread it completely though lul. My main point with Ariados is that you can't expect it to set up webs and continue living, or even outspeeding the pokemon it set up webs on, if it even lived the attack. Of course you can use a Galvantula/Ariados combo - Spidercore; but I think crest mons should be self-sufficient in a way, just to not make you to jump through hoops to use them to their fullest potential. And yes, pokemon is about building teams, but even so :v
This will obviously contain spoilers to the crests obtainable within the v13 release of the game. Anyway, I have always been a big fan on pokemon specific held items (Thick Club, Light Ball, Stick...) and the whole concept of giving love to otherwise underperforming pokemon is something I can completely get behind. Because of that the idea of crests is intriguing to me and by now I have tested most of them and I would like to share some opinions, praise and propose changes with this thread. I am yet unsure of the form which I will use to go through each crest currently available, but I will try to make it as palatable as can be. So let's start alphabetically! EDIT 1 : The "Proposed change" section of the crest analysis is more catered toward making the pokemon usable on its own, without too much reliance on the team. Of course you can't as well without a well put-together team, but some crests should make the pokemon it supports more splashable in different teams imo. 1. Pokemon - Ariados Crest - "It increases Ariados' Speed by 1.5x and always hit critically if target is slowed/poisoned." Opinion - With 40 base speed multiplied by 1.5 (even fully invested) still makes Ariados kinda slow (maxing out at 294 at level 100; For comparison, Arcanine with a mid speed tier hits 317). A 100% critical hit chance on a pokemon with the Sniper ability is nothing to laugh at, yet the condition of the critical hit is one that only Ariados can fulfil - slowing down (string shot, sticky web..) or poisoning the target. Which means, to make full use of the crest, Ariados would have to set up webs or get a toxic off first. Considering its mediocre bulk (70 HP, Def and SpDef) this feat might be a bit too much for the friendly neighbourhood spidermon. You could use with other support pokemon that will set up toxic spikes or sticky web, but that completely eliminates the one thing Ariados as a spider should do. It is a nice idea, but barely useable on its own. Proposed change: Making the crest be a focus sash to secure getting up sticky webs is a bit boring, so my proposed change to the crest is a complete overhaul. I think the best thing an Ariados crest can do (to keep it in theme) is a symbolical buff its defenses a bit (30% still wouldn't bring it to 100 Sp/def) and give it a Gulp Missile type of ability that has a chance to use three of the following attacks when taking damage from a damaging move: String Shot (40%), Toxic Tread (35%), Sticky Web (25%). In addition to that I would keep the "[...] always hit critically if target is slowed/poisoned." So the idea behind it is, Ariados is slow. It will get hit, and with buffed defenses it should live. When taking a hit, it would either poison or slow the opponent and score a Sniper critical hit in the same turn (unless it put up sticky webs, but nobody in their right mind should complain about free webs). 2. Pokemon - Bastiodon Crest - "Deals 50% of the damage taken as recoil and recovers that amount." Opinion - LOOK AT THIS Those are Bastiodon's base stats. What are you supposed to do with it? Tickle the opponent and hope they die of laughter? No, of course not, stop being silly. Bastiodon is a pacifist, it will take all the hate you throw at him and endure it, it is just that Sturdy in body and mind. While it lacks immediate damage output and reliable recovery the crest swoops in it allows Bastiodon to stand around and ask the opponent "Why are you hitting yourself?". It also grants some recovery which on a pokemon with such defenses is always welcome. It can put out passive damage with the crest, setting up a sandstorm or stealth rocks, and if we pray loud enough, maybe one day even toxic. Proposed change: It's perfect as it is and so are you. :* 3. Pokemon: Beheeyem Crest: "May disable opponent's move and faster opponents do reduced damage." Opinion: Not tested yet. Proposed change: Sorry! I shall update it with my sniffing-my-own-farts rant soon(tm). 4. Pokemon: Boltund Crest: "1.5x boost to biting moves if Boltund moves before target." Opinion: With a respectable base speed of 121, Boltund is likely to outspeed and get the Fishious Rend-esque boost, ultimately giving Boltund two 50% boosts on biting moves, while still not a sweeper on its own, it is a pretty amazing buff for Boltund. Proposed change: I always liked elemental biting moves, due to being a sucker for coverage and them having two potential side effects (flinch + status). Not every pokemon must be "competitive", but as all dogs, Boltund deserves the very best, so in addition to the current crests effect's, I'd also include a "Serene Grace" buff for biting moves. Would it be broken? Dunno, probably not. Would it make me happy? Hell yeah. 5. Pokemon: Castform Crest: "Causes Castform to use first weather move and gives it a special ability." Those "special abilities" for reference: Opinion: I always felt sorry for Castform. Such a friendly looking fren, such an unique ability, the precursor of the "weather generation", introduced one of the most fun competitive moves as its signature move... and. it. still. sucks. Changing up the stats of the forms and accompanying them with useful abilities that keep in theme with the "bulky water", "fire wallbreaker", "offensive ice type" stereotypes is really well thought out. Love it. Proposed change: I would love to use Crestform on all weather teams, which means I'd have to teach it 3 weather moves. That doesn't leave too much to the imagination. So instead of having to know Sunny Day, Rain Dance and/or Hail, I think it should set the weather according to the typing of the pokemon on the second party slot (fire/grass = sun, water = rain, ice = hail.) 6. Pokemon: Cherrim Crest: "It forces Cherrim into Sunshine Form regardless of weather." Opinion: A bit lackluster. For the uninitiated; Flower Gift (the "Sunshine Form") gives Cherrim a 1.5x boost to its Atk and SpDef - in double battles this boost applies to the allied pokemon as well. It is nifty to not have to set up Harsh Sunlight, but at the later stages of the game it really isn't that difficult, especially in double battles. Proposed change: Perhaps Cherrim should reap more benefits of sunshine, perhaps it should ~let the sun shine~ in a way too. I'm not talking about directly setting up Harsh Sunlight as weather condition. Think of Goku vs Vegeta at the beginning of DBZ, when Vegeta pulled a pocket moon out of his pants. What I am trying to say is, Cherrim should be able to use Solar Blade without charge regardless of weather, Solar Beam too if you want to go completely mental. 7. Pokemon: Cinccino Crest: "All moves turn into multi-hit moves. 2-5 hits of 35% the BP." Opinion: I tried it. I tested it time and time again. With max friendship (102 BP Return) did about equal damage to Tail Slap, that shouldn't be the case looking at the numbers. Tail Slap is 25 BP x 5 (125). Following the maths, Return should do 35.7 x 5 (178.5). That is a considerable difference and I couldn't figure out why they did about the same. Someone more skilled than me looked at the code, allegedly, and it turns out that the crest only does 30% of the damage as opposed to 35%. Therefor Return actually hits for 30.6 x 5 (153) which is still higher than I thought considering the testing I did. But that is Return, one of the moves with the strongest base power. In comparison (if we use the 30% equation), Bullet Seed 25x5 (125) again, vs Seed Bomb 24x5 (120). Not a huge difference, but still a nerf. I don't know whether the Cinccino crest is bugged, or whether my game is having a hard time with it, but it really isn't a buff for me. Besides, Cinccino doesn't really get access to many great moves to abuse the crest. Of course, you can use Secret Power and use the multiple hits to get status afflictions relatively easily, but is that all we want Meech to be? Proposed change: I dunno. It is a nice idea, but I don't think Cinccino profits too much from it. I'd like if the actual numbers got checked, but what I would like to see is the crest giving Cinccino Skill Link + Technician. Watch the world burn. 8. Pokemon: Claydol Crest: "Special attacks use its Defense stat. Beam moves are boosted" Opinion: Fun. Allowing Claydol to be a physical wall while still dishing out considerable damage is great and I cannot emphasize how much fun it is to just shoot out Hyper/Solar Beams with no charge needed. Considering the typing and the build it implies, this is the one Excadrill counter that you want. Proposed change: As I said, it is great I love it, wouldn't change a thing.. but... give us Ice Beam/Meteor Beam/Body Press right now and nobody gets hurt. This is a ransom note tbh. 9. Pokemon: Cofagrigus Crest: "It increases Cofagrigus's Sp. Def and Sp. Atk by 25%." Opinion: It is just a stat increase, nothing too exciting. Cofagrigus already has 145 base Def and 105 base SpDef, so this crest just makes it more durable and able to dish out more damage. A stat increase is always nice, but a bit boring considering the crests I've talked about before this one. Proposed change: Once again, I would propose a complete overhaul of the crest. I'd keep some of the buffs still, because why not. Cofagrigus has such an unique ability, I think it would have been a bit more creative to make the crest synergize with it, in example: Each time an opposing pokemon gets mummified it also becomes afflicted with "Curse" and each time the "Curse" takes life from the opposing pokemon, Cofagrigus soaks up half of the life force taken. Gets it more passive damage and recovery, somewhat like the Bastiodon crest. 10. Pokemon: Darmanitan Crest: "It makes Darmanitan stay in Zen Mode." Opinion: I do love myself form change abilities. Darmanitan was one of the few pokemon that got the short end of the stick with it unfortunately. It is nice to be able to use a Sheer Force Zen Mode Darmanitan, a great Trick Room sweeper. The only problem is that ordinary Sheer Force Darmanitan is still better. The offensive stat is the same 140 Base Atk vs 140 Base SpAtk for Zen Mode, however ordinary Darm isn't forced to have the crest equipped giving it free access to an item slot, something like Life Orb. Sheer Force - Life Orb - Flare Blitz? Sheesh. Not to mention that the Speed stat of ordinary Darmanitan is a lot better (95 vs 55). To be fair, Darmanitan really didn't need a buff, but making the crested one worse (outside of Trick Room) than the uncrested one just feels wrong. Proposed change: In addition to giving it Zen Mode, I'd make the crest also act as a Quick Claw to compensate for the loss of speed.. sometimes. Nothing too grand, but it doesn't force you to use a Trick Room team to make full use of Crestmanitan. 10 done for now, this gets tiring. Hope people actually give a damn about this D: More to come tomorrow!
I think whoever sends this boxes is just hyped for the gen 4 remakes
"Eye" can also be read as "I" "Eyes" as multipe "Is"
Rumor has it that the first person to figure it out gets to play v13 before others
Any idea what the next step is? Finding a new url by deciphering the current one? Is there even a third part to this?