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Salfy but forgot password

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Salfy but forgot password

  1. Hello strangers I was just wondering how people make those team sprites showing their team from in-gam reborn and rejuvination like this random one I found: was just curious how they're done.
  2. I like sceptile a lot used it in my omega ruby team which was the first pokemon game i played
  3. I love arbok an goodra from the anime Also Mr.Rime is really neat but I like Galarian Mr.Mime due to its sheer power
  4. Neato I think Vulpix is nice also I like the Alolan form more though >:)
  5. I can see why with 3 charizards on each of your teams lol I always liked charizard my favorite mega evolution was Y I like mawiles lore and design and it is pretty good competitively Gardevoir isnt one of my favorites but is a good 7/10 for me
  6. I have always liked empoleon quite a bit the design is pretty good and the water steel combo is neat
  7. I once tried shiny hunting for a shiny poochyena never got one even after like 2000 encounters still think mightyena is pretty cool though had it on my first pokemon team in omega ruby
  8. What is your favorite pokemon? Mine is Meowth mainly
  9. So hello hello some of you may have a faint memory of the name Salfy or not heh.Ah well I'm back nice to meet anyone I've never talked to!

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