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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tyler8675309

  1. I appreciate the they reply. I don't know why I'm getting rocked so hard either. I just don't see how the Vikavolt is so fast but the game has been challenging but not literally cheating so I enjoy the grind. Just gotta keep trying. Thanks for the info. I might try the grimer and see what I can do with that.
  2. So I was able to beat him once somehow. Then I goofed up the Madame X fight but I know I can beat that one since I have a quick guard Talonflame. Now to preface this post I played all of Reborn and loved it. I got frustrated a lot but I always found a way to get past certain parts. I ended up having about 55 pokemon in the PC just ready for rotation against whatever opponent was next. I loved how I had to come up with new and different strats with pokemon I never would have used. With Rejuvenation I've hit a wall against Neved. I've read up on what other people did and I'm sure if I put in a lot of time I could train my mon's and win but I'm hoping someone can answer this one question. Why in the hell is Neved's Vikavolt faster then my Luxray?!? I know my Luxray doesn't have perfect speed IV's but damn Vikavolt doesn't either. At least according to the wiki. Also he only has 63 speed EV's. I maxed my Luxray's speed EV's so it really doesn't make ANY sense to me that Vikavolt is faster. I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm just whining but every time I try the fight it frustrates me that the Vikavolt is so darn fast. It blows my mind. I'm not super interested to play this if the opponent is just gonna cheat and be faster or stronger with no explanation. I want to love this game as much as Reborn but OOF. I dunno if I can. Regardless, I appreciate how the game isn't just Reborn 2.0 and it definitely is its own game. Lots of respect to all of you who has made this game what it is so far. I like the story that I've experienced so far. P.S I am on normal difficultly. My team is a protean ability Greninja, a pixilate Sylveon, sheer force Nidoking, tough claws (dusk form) Lycanroc, Gale wings Talonflame, guts Luxray, and I have a Cofagrigus for back up if I need to switch someone out. All lvl 40. Any help would be great. Thank you!!!! :)
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