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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hatman

  2. My dreams have been crushed. Upon further consideration I think I may have needed a better dream to begin with.
  3. I don't know if this is intentional or not but the level cap stops you from gaining evs, all you need is reverse candy, but still...
  4. So I don't know if anyone asked this, but do you plan on adding a way to change the forms of pokemon like furfrou and oricorio into the game? or do they already exist and I have acquired the big dumbness?
  5. so I'm using defense curl-rollout rn for tristan which I know isn't late game but more mid game, but if you d-curl rollout on the right mon. using rollout on something like Tristan's sawsbuck which can only hit for neutral damage on a non-stab move lets you rack up enough damage to sweep mons. I ended up rolling out till his lopunny came out and used fake out to save it's own life since I killed staraptor beforehand and was on the last hit, but using baton pass let me pass on speed boost to my banette to outspeed the lopunny and will-o-wisp it. I still lost because my team can't do a damn thing about his exploud, but I made it to his last two mons only losing one or two of mine. This still may be too early game but I've always been able to dent the opponents team with rollout if I used it at the right timing. As for baton pass, the defense is just a bonus for the speed boost, even if I miss rollout I can still baton pass away into something that appreciates the speed and defense like banette or even aggron or slowking if I miss late enough. Since rollout only goes for five turns it normally only kills two or three mons when I get it off, so being able to baton pass and keeping stat boosts instead of just hard swapping helps keep momentum. all of this involves the rest of my team composition and how well they set up scolipede and how well they function after it, but it gets the job done. Going into blackview I might try out another set if I REALLY think it's worth grinding the credits. I wish I could of responded earlier but we've been busy moving so it was hard to find time and stuff. if I had the internet to see your response earlier I probably wouldn't have tried rollout d-curl but life happens.
  6. how necessary is protect? I was thinking of running the defense curl-rollout combo and slapping on baton pass and megahorn for the last moves. Since scolipede has good physical bulk I thought this might work for a more high-risk high-reward set. By the way you're spelling toxic wrong jsyk.
  7. the braille puzzle is wrong, you need to go to the northwest one more time before the center again.
  8. I thought I'd make a thread for this since skimming through the desu forums I noticed poison jab isn't available nor is cross poison, not as a tm at least. This is an issue as vennipede is the starter I want and the best physical poison move it gets is poison tail. In addition, scolipede's special attack is grade A diaper batter so I was curious what people did for a scolipede move set. I thought other people may have the same issue so honestly I'm sure move sets for all the starters would be appreciated.
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