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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KeinNiemand

  1. Does it no longer work for the latest version? I may update it if it no longer works.
  2. Probably gonna be a while since I'm currently not playing Reborn and I'm pretty bussy. And on the occation that I do have time I keep forgetting about updating this mod. It could take anywhere from a week to several months till I get to it. Edit Update to E19 is out
  3. Not yet but I'll port my mod to E19 as soon as I have time to do so. I don't look at this forum very often so I didn't even see that reborn has updated to E19 before now.
  4. WIth that password it might be unecarry to update this mod to E19 depends on how the password works exactly. Does the password keep the money rewards from trainers the same? In Pokemon Essential Trainer money reward depends on their highest level pokemon so just lowering levels would decrease money rewards. If the lowers money reward I might try to make a mod that changes how the password works so money reward stays unaffected. I'll probably try to update my Remove Disobidience Mod for E19 eventually. I'm just not looking at this forum very often so I havn't seen that E19 has been released.
  5. Just download it and extract all the files into reborns data folder override anything when it asks you to.
  6. You can to unistall just replace the files the mod replaced with the original files.
  7. I've uploaded a 70% and a 90% version If you want to make it even easier you could also use my remove disobedience mods which let's you level as much as you want and win by overleveling.
  8. This mod reduces the level of all trainer pokemon by 20% to reduce difficulty. Also increases trainer base money reward to compensate for the lower levels. It dosn't change wild encounters, teams, moves , ... This mod is for 18.4.3 of Pokemon Reborn (latest test build) Incompatible with any Mods that modifiy trainers.dat, trainertypes.dat or trainerlists.dat. Compatible with any mods that don't modify These files like my remove disobidience mod that removes the level cap: Download Link (90% of original level): https://keinniemand.com/index.php/s/wccW5j69ZMZda2K Download Link (80% of original level): https://keinniemand.com/index.php/s/8oCWYfHzX3e4c72 Download Link (70% of original level): https://keinniemand.com/index.php/s/9kgbEC9kSRx5DiE I wrote a program to change the trainers.txt to create this mod so creating a diffrent version of the mod for a larger/smaller decrease in level or even a increase in levels is pretty easy. Ask If you want a version of this mod with a diffrent level decrease/increase. Github link to the patcher program.
  9. I don't know what could have caused that since my mod changes nothing that has anything to do with maps. Are you using Pokemon Reborn version 18.4.3 (witch is under Test Builds in the download section)? In what ways do theese maps break? Does the game crash? Are there any Errors?
  10. A mod to remove Pokemon disobedience. With this pokemon will always obbey you no matter what level they are. The current version of this mod is compatible with Pokemon Reborn 19.16 Installation: It's recommended to backup the 2 files beein replaced/your scripts folder before installing this mod. Copy all files (except readme.txt) into the Scripts folder. Compatibility: Not compatible with any mod that modifies PokeBattle_Battle.rb or PokemonUtilities.rb. Download: 19.16: https://keinniemand.com/index.php/s/YYmqsnBj3baP37D Old Versions
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