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Everything posted by Mageknight

  1. The current quest you're on should be put on hold for a second, do some of the others, then eventually a quest will unlock that involves getting Rayquaza, meaning you can then go back to this one.
  2. You get Cosmog by fishing in the starry lake with a super rod and I think the mining stones are there so that you have an infinite supply of them, since they respawn after you mine them. You're supposed to interact with glowing crystals and orbs to break them, and some can only be used if the weather is snowing or clear, which you change by talking to the pokemon on the way. Yeah, you may have to put his off for later since more Z-cells appear in the later areas in later quests, because you don't need to complete this one to get to the next set of quests.
  3. I don't think this is a bug, since that's how its been for a while, so it probably would have been changed it if it was wrong. Also, it could be kind of broken if you got to set-up multiple cosmic powers and end up being almost invincible, and really powerful.
  4. Possibly because the black box she comes from was stolen from the lab Xara and Jean used under Axis High, and those two have some connections to Team Xen.
  5. iirc, Nim also needs life force to live, she just gets it from absorbing it from others. She still has a body somewhat resembling human biology. I'll admit, it is a stretch to assume that these androids cannot be affected by Nihilego, but I highly doubt they use the same kind of energy that a living being would.
  6. They did have their essence absorbed by Nihilego and turned into statues.
  7. Tried doing it at 50 thousand and nothing. It has to be EXACTLY 10k, no more, no less.
  8. You need the HM to fly. Neither fly on Pokemon that learn it naturally, or the wings work before getting it.
  9. I'd like to add that it's possible that the other castle near Blacksteeple could be the "Yveltal" castle or Yvven (since each castle name is tied to a legendary, like Zygara: Zygarde), so it's possible we know of 5 castles. Also, Griselda mentioned Tiempa and Spacea's kingdoms being called Time and Space, which could be actual kingdoms that are just called Time and Space, or names very close to those, or it's more metaphorical, and they reside in pocket dimensions.
  10. I had a theory where Clear and Kieran's Master was running around in the Madame X armor, not necessarily to impersonate her, but to use it's probable universal deletion protection, and that's why we've seen Clear and Kieran teaming up with Madame X, even the duo isn't affiliated with Team Xen.
  11. I would try to lead with Zangoose and Butterfree, Sleep Powder Rotom, Return/Close Combat Mamoswine (I don't know which one would be better), send out Absol, Sucker Punch and Quick Attack when Beartic comes out, then Close Combat and Superpower when Walrein appears. From there, it should be 2v1 so it should be fine.
  12. Well, I'm glad that got cleared up. That does bring back the question of how people are starting to remember things from the ruined future, but that's a subject for another thread.
  13. You're implying that Cosmia was posing as Mosely when she went to the mart, and that Cosmia knew what happened at Blacksteeple in the ruined future. Would you like to elaborate on this?
  14. I'll admit, it's a bit of a stretch to assume that the previous world had the same legends and history, but it would be a bit convoluted if each world was that different from each other, rather than each world being the same, just with alterations caused by the nature of the reset or because of the actions of those who survived. I think that when the world is reset, it doesn't erase the old world, but instead the old world is pushed down into the earth, and the new world is formed above that. I don't know a thing about who Variya is, or why she appears when someone goes super. My best guess is that she's like Mom in Zeight and is just a cyberghost who guides people from beyond the grave. I had an idea that Ana is from this world, but her Nano Drive isn't and is instead from the previous world, but it was damaged at some point or another. First of all, it is explained that they aren't alternate versions of Xara and Jean, but android duplicates made by someone from an alternate dimension/timeline who based them off of the Xara and Jean of their world. I will agree that their existence does complicate the story a lot, with what their able to do, and what they have been doing. But it seems that their plan is to manipulate events to cause the destruction of this world, for whatever reason.
  15. I've had the exact same thoughts, it just sounds so unlikely, but it would be hilarious if he was. But it would make more sense if he was Lord Xenadin's son or something.
  16. The stats are on the pages of the pokemon themselves (i.e Machamp's page has the stats of G-Max Machamp on it)
  17. Oh ok, its the little girl next to the tables in the market-like area
  18. One of the tutors in Neo Gearen, so it could be a bit later than you expect.
  19. I'd like to add an important detail about the Madame X armor. In the same scene where her mask gets broken, she says something one the lines of "if it weren't for the accursed armor..." This could mean that the armor somehow limits her abilities, which means that she had some kind of power previously. But this brings up the question of why she needs to wear the armor anyway. She could be wearing it to hide her identity, but that doesn't seem like the kind of reason to wear it in exchange for limiting her. My guess is that, assuming she is from another time, this armor is what protects her from erasure or overlapping.
  20. Ok, so I have a few of theories about how the world has been reset before. First, the Eclysia Pyramid. Because of some explaining from Kieran, we know that this is an ark, a vehicle used for a purpose of preserving and protecting a group of people. My theory is that it came from the world where Garufa Inc. was created. As it was implied in flashbacks and in a journal entry in the old building in the 3rd Layer, this world was ending. To save themselves, they built the pyramid, which they most likely used in conjunction with Amethyst Grotto to escape their demise by resetting the world, and using the ark, they kept themselves safe from the reset. In addition to this, I want to talk about Adrest. There are two different regarding this character. 1. He is one of the parts that made up the initial deity, who was found by Nymiera and was sealed inside the Amethyst Grotto, waiting to be reawakened when he is needed. 2. He is the son of Variya, the blonde woman seen in flashbacks, and is also seen alongside her in said flashbacks. So this is where it connects to the previous theory. What if, when the world was reset, the one who was sent to Amethyst Grotto to reset it was the human Adrest, who the had the soul/deity Adrest inhabit his body because he was the one who reset it. And then, when the world starts anew, this human Adrest is also the one we see protecting Nymiera in the past. I also had a theory about the Nymiera in Zeight. My idea is that she was created in the 3rd Layer world, and was most probably based of off legends of Nymiera that were passed down in that world. And that this AI-Nymiera can interact with the future iterations of human Nymiera when the world is reset.
  21. I think this could be the new symbol added to say that you made a decision that leads to the bad ending, since I remember in a dev blog post a while ago that talked about this.
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