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Everything posted by Rage991

  1. how much harder is "Intense" compared to "normal on set mode and without using items infight"?
  2. As title says. Can anyone confirm if the Rockruff from the den on Route 4 can be the own tempo variant? Or did they remove Dusk completly for now?
  3. Applin can be found by headbutting a tree in the cave that connects the beginning of terajuma jungle and the deeper part. basically the cave that you need to beat Val for to be able to use surf. you also need rock climb to access the tree's. Good luck!
  4. There should be no aevium pikachu. There is no sprite for it in the battlers folder and its the first time I'm hearing about one.
  5. I found it on Route 9. It's a rare surf encounter. 1% I think. First time you can get Venonat is in Terajuma jungle at night. Later it's also an all day encounter in Honec Woods afaIk. Good luck!
  6. Game explains you can catch rift den mons. But only if their HP is <25%. So you have to be carefull. I recommend a false swipe mon.
  7. - Choice items are not available regularly so far. - if you are willing to use a glitch in the matrix to get items from trainers, might as well just give them to yourself via debug mode *shrug* - not gonna build your team for you, sorry^^ (fairy silvally might be useful though) - no scizorite or tm earthquake ingame yet - Rock memory is now in the purified corrupted cave. purify it from route 5 and enter from safari zone. there I found the memory - just buy a bunch of rift fragments, activate a den, decide not to fight the mon and choose to clear the den which grants essence, repeat for a few minutes until you have enough red essence. fastest way imo Good Luck
  8. Phanpy's have a chance to carry passho berries (reduce dmg from very effective water attacks). So might want to farm a few of them, not just for valerie but overall, before you leave for blacksteeple! Aside from that. Good luck. I beat her on V13 normal mode in a rock mono (set mode, no items in battle except given ones), so I feel your worries. ^^
  9. I am wondering this as well. Can't teach Bastiodon Magic Coat in the resort.
  10. First, thank you, as well. But, can anyone confirm this? Cause I have 9 Badges now and have thrown over a hundred fragments into the den. I believe the den in front of the cave thats blocked by a ranger girl on the right side is the correct one? Maybe I am just this unlucky, but would be nice to know I am not doing it for nothing.^^
  11. My method for easy and nice early game money: Step 1: Butterfree with compound eyes DEAD in front of party. (increased item rate on wild mons) Step 2: Furret with Frisk and move Covet (taught by tutor in library) in second place of party. Step 3: fish in sewers for grimer until frisk tells you the grimer is carrying a Nugget. Step 4: Covet to steal item and ideally kill the grimer. Step 5: take Nugget from Furret (easy to forget^^). Step 6: repeat Steps 3 - 5 as needed/necessary. Good Luck
  12. How did you get Magic coat on your bastiodon? the move tutor in teila resort doesnt let me teach it to mine.
  13. Shuckle is in rocks in the ice cave on evergreen island.
  14. It seems I stand corrected. Thx to Vivi_Hallow and robloxspieler123. That actually works :) And I found Shuckle in a rock in the cave on evergreen island.
  15. That's really nice of you, but the mod itself isn't the problem. For the mod to work in the first place you have to replace "Scripts.rxdata" that comes with the mods in the data folder as well. And if I do that I get this error. I did some research, as this is topic in a few other threads^^, and for some people it just works and for others not. sadly =( but I really apreciate your help.
  16. Technically a good idea! But sadly I get a error message when I start the game with the changed script. But thank you anyway! Guess I'll revisit Route 2.
  17. Route 2 Rocksmash was def. changed. diglett is now a rare encounter in them. Dwebble is now in the safari zone in kakori. Tell me if you find shuckle pls ;) didnt get it even after hours of smashing on Route 2. Good luck!
  18. When you can access Route 5 / Valor Shore. There is a boat that brings you back for a fee.
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