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Everything posted by Rage991

  1. Cheers mate! Then only the shuckle search remains.
  2. Hello all, like many others I started a new game with V13 release. To make it more interesting I'm doing a Mono-Run of my favourite type: Rock. I have just beaten Valerie and am still missing some of my boys. Anyone know where I can get: - Our boy: Rockruff / Lycanrock (I know you can catch Lycanrock in the restored Goldenwood Park, but surely you can get it earlier than that?) - The fortress: Shuckle (Pokedex still gives out Route 2 but I have rocksmashed for hours and only got geodudes and a single diglett for my efforts so~.....) - Sand(storm)y dude: Missing! Have you seen this Rock? Roggenrola / Boldore I would be grateful for any help. Thank you in advance and keep having fun!
  3. It's a rare encounter and should be in the lower middle part zone. in the grass thats labyrinth like where you can also find duskull. Good luck!
  4. Just beat Val in a Rock-Mono. No items (except given ones), on Set-mode. On normal mode though^^. I knew Val would be a roadblock. Took a few tries to optimize, but worth it. Damn that Lanturn though.^^ Team: Lunatone Drednaw Barbaracle Bonsly A-Graveler Coalossal
  5. Abomasnow is massively underrated. saved my bacon more than once. Hail + Blizzard is a real neat combo, add Giga Drain from move tutor and it can put in some work! Cradily is also pretty neat. Might be my preference for rock-types though....^^
  6. Use a backup file in the save folder. But, yeah, agreed, something is probably messed up^^ you should report that bug if you haven't already.
  7. Do we know yet where shuckle and my boy rockruff/lycanrock have ended up? I only know that Lycanrock can be found in the fully restored goldenleaf park, but surely thats not the earliest we can get it now? Dex says, shuckle is still on Route 2, among other places, but I have rocksmashed for hours and only got geodudes and 1 diglett.
  8. Chewtle is VERY interesting for me. Thank you for the info's!!!!
  9. Hey, I know how far the vid goes, but have you reached Route 2 yet? And did you manage to find Shuckle? I've been smashing rocks for too long
  10. Has anyone found it there yet? According to pokedex location Shuckle is still on Route 2, but I have been smashing those two rocks in front of amethyst cave for nearly 3 hours now und only gotten geodude's. Update: A Diglet showed up. Wonder if that is the 1% encounter.
  11. Gossifleur is an event mon in gearen park after the events in goldenleaf forest.
  12. "ARE IN ANY MAP ON FLORIA ISLAND BESIDES THE GEAREN LAB. IT WILL BREAK, I PROMISE. " Just out of curiosity: What if you load up, while still on the ship in the very beginning?
  13. Rage991


    Welp.... RIP me^^ Thanks for the warning
  14. Rage991


    You sure? As I understood it only the Own Tempo Rockruff is later in the game. I think Jan once said Rockruff itself is not in the same spot anymore but "not so different that players need to worry". But I guess I'll find out. Worst Case: I play without species-clause until I have enough other teammembers.
  15. Rage991


    I'm gonna attempt a Rock-Mono for the first run, so Normal mode for that. Afterwards comes the Intense run.
  16. Rage991


    Honestly, I hope the Terrain Surge - Abilities do not change the fields. It would be way too game breaking in a game thats all about field effects.
  17. Rage991


    It will take as long as it takes. And we should be grateful we are getting such a great game at all.
  18. Rage991


    I find this amusing :P and Awesome, ... obviously
  19. Rage991


    Total Badass! Absolutely worth the wait! I love you guys so much!
  20. On Zumi's Twitter is a Pic with puppetmasters(?) eys and the text "16.07.2021" and we know that the last package was the last hint. So I dont know what else it could be. But we'll see. :)
  21. Honestly, I am not so sure. I am not saying we won't get 1 more package. But about the correlation, wouldn't it be kind of lame to know the answer to whatever next riddle so far in advance? I mean, it's kinda too obvious, right?
  22. The Riddle in the initial post states: "Open and you will find a clue to the path forward. A trial awaits for you to solve on the way to your goal...." "clue to the path forward" would have been the first riddle with the password. And "A trail awaits you ON THE WAY" should be the cipher since it is on both sites. So I think this is it . My friend and I found it a lot of fun, if also brain melting :P Very excited what this all means. Of course there are theories and hopes, but I dont want my words to turn to dust.
  23. Praise the sun for the dev's and especially Azery! Take your time. I know it will be worth it. Thank you for all your hard work!
  24. Come on, mate :) . No rushing them. It'll be out soon enough for sure. Better a great, fully tested than a frustrating, buggy game experience. Just a bit more patience. Have faith . soonTM
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