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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Pug

  1. I just went through that part the other day and didnt have to change, though i was proposed to. So it should be fine.
  2. You can also manually replace all the graphics for your character with the old ones. Takes way less time but it's kinda tedious to do. By the way, if you use the code, don't interact with the clothing boxes. Changing clothes disables it and i don't think you can get it back without reloading.
  3. Nope, checked BIGJRA's playthrough. There is one blast powder in one of the pokeball "chests" in valor mountain, before the cliffside. Apparently you can also buy one (one only) by a npc in west gearen before boarding for GDC.
  4. I think i remember getting blast power in valor mountain?
  5. Honestly I didn't care all that much about the choice, just made it because that route seemed more unique and my friend ratted Flora. The whole GDC arc is my favorite part of the game and i really appreciated bladestar as a whole. But even then, the way the choice was handled seemed very odd. Letting you do that choice to subsequently just say "oh btw your character doesn't actually care about it" is.... Eh, why did i get to choose anyway? Fighting team Xen in the open while supposedly being a rat was really odd too. Thinking back choosing to ally with Flora didn't add anything to the experience and just made the arc feel weaker. While also making the mute protagonist even more gratting. I can tolerate them but I have a strong dislike for mute protagonists. Now if the little input i have on their character i'm offered is overridden, what's the point of having one?
  6. If it's still open, might as well suggest one for my favorite 8G mon. Falinks Crest: Give Steel type (making it Steel/Fighting) and Parental Bond. Fighting/Steel feels like a really cool type and overall just a straight improvement from its base pure fighting type. Plus look at them, they're in armor, why aren't they steel type in the first place? Anyway, this type should help the boys fill a niche by being the only available Fighting/Steel mons. and having a second stab. The numerous resistances should help them get that sweet No Retreat more easily. Parental Bond is just a classic offensive boost, but it gives some flavor, as Falinks is multiple mons in one. I considered having them recover some HP each turn to help them stay longer once boosted, but ultimately the effects that made it felt more relevant to Falinks.
  7. Here are some ideas that popped up! I beginned thinking of a crest for Meowstic. F meowstic to be more accurate (M meowstic is already sooo good and you don't ever not want him to have light clay, wich is really easy to get, so I don't think he need nor would use a crest.). Now F meowstic's movepool is pretty okayish, lacking in support moves but having mad coverage. The main drawback is its awful stats. But I think Charge Beam is an interesting move to play with. So here's the idea: Meowstic crest: Powers up electric-type moves(x1.5) and gives it Serene Grace. The idea is basically to turn the lackluster Charge beam into a 75 BP move that powers up her sp atk each time she uses it, allowing her to snowball pretty easily. A stabbed Thunderbolt is also really nice, because I often found her limited by having the far from stellar psychic type as her only Stab. She doesn't have any move with a chance to flinch the target, wich avoid degenerate strategies. Next I wanted to try and patch poor Spinda, an amazing mon that never really could do anything. I considered exploiting the contrary niche but there are already way better mons at it. So let's try exploiting the whole confusion thing. Spinda crest: Double Attack, Special Attack and Speed when confused. Allows Teeter Dance to confuse the user as well. Basically turns Teeter Dance into a better version of Dragon Dance. The SP attack boost is basically just there to allow you to run Spinda the way you want. Kind of a busted effect, but honestly with 60 everywhere I'm not even sure it will be that good. Next and last is Liligant, one of my very favorites. I've seen a few comments that considered giving allowing her to directly use Quiver Dance when being sent out, wich I really like, but I will just mention the ideas I had before reading these. Liligant's truest and biggest problem is her awful lack of coverage. Her only good coverage option is the Puff Ball she got in 8G, but insect and grass types are pretty much walled by the same types. With her stats, it just makes her utter garbage. I had two ideas to make up for it. first proposition: Liligant Crest: Gives her Adaptability. Might also patch up her speed or her sp attack. The first possibility is just to embrace this lack of coverage and make her totally rely on grass attacks. With Own Tempo, she can use Petal Dance without getting confused, even though she'll still be locked. She will only use grass type attacks, but at least she'll hit like a truck with it. EDIT: Just tought you can go the Regieleki route and give it a grass-type transistor, wich is basically a second stab. Basically the same as Adaptability except instead of stab going from x1.5 to x2, it goes from 1.5 to 2.25. second proposition: Liligant Crest: Gives her a fire-type pixilate (turn normal-type moves into fire-type moves and gets a 1.2x increase in power). Maybe patch up her sp attack somewhat? This time we try to patch up her coverage. Fire and Grass sounds like a pretty good combination, even though she remains walled by fire-type. If I listened to my heart i would've wanted drought on it too but let's not get greedy. Her only special moves are Hyper Beam, Round and Snore(wich is negligible). It's lackluster, but with both the 1.2x BP boost and Sun, it should get interesting. The idea is obviously to help her in her role as a Chlorophyll sun sweeper. Here's that. Looking forward to V13, and to discover what irredeemable mons will find a purpose thanks to the new crests!
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