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Posts posted by Nildryn

  1. 6 hours ago, Logan_the_balalaika said:

    Congratulations for completing your playthrough!


    Aside from the pokedex sidequest (which is connected to starter egg quest and restoration projects - both available in the Grand Hall), i sugget you try your skill and patience with magic square puzzle if you haven't already. You can start it in the house in Agate City next to the pokemon center. Though I think by doing the pokedex quest you'll stumble upon the majority of the sidequests.


    As for the leaders, i can't remember every one of them but Shade and Noel posed a problem for me. Samson, Charlotte and Terra (90% bc of garchomp) were also diffucult and i certainly didn't win on the first try. Trick room + rampardos/araquanid helped a lot in these gyms. Similarly to you i was prepared the most for Titania and the battle was still challenging. I remember fighting Amy in doubles since i wanted to bear her at her best. Hardy was meh. Now that i think about, some of those battles were difficult because i barely used any healing items, usually as many as the specific leader had or less.


    Eventually, you can always start a new playthrough and do a mono-run or explore various story branches. Perhaps you'll get different ending when ep19 comes out, who knows?

    Thank you!


    I read something about that one so I might give it a shot ^^

    I think some fights in the early game would have been a lot easier for me if I knew you could grind xp/money in the grand hall from the start x)

    When I reached hardy I was so stocked up on full restores that some stuff was cheesable. So yeah if I go for a 2nd playthrough that should help a lot!

  2. 16 hours ago, Mindlack said:

    How do you manage Terra? With Ciel, she’s one of the Gym Leaders where I just can’t seem to make anything work, so I end up spamming healing items, especially for Quagsire which doesn’t care about set-up mons. Ciel I always eventually cheesed after setting up a mon right under the Togekiss’s nose and making it sweep. I also struggled with Hardy. 

    Shade was an issue in my two completed playthroughs but I swept it in the third one. 


    I remember beating Charlotte first try in my first playthrough (with a Magneton’s Sturdy being the deciding factor in the end, while the Prankster Damp Rock Rain Dance at the beginning was a huge help), but I didn’t manage to do it again. Luna and Titania (with Swampert, Excadrill and Intimidate Scrafty in the same team, it helped) were the only other ones.

    I realized in my second playthrough that Amaria doesn’t have anything for the bulkiest grass types. That made hers probably the least stressful Gym battle ever, to be honest. 



    I think my team just matched well against Terra for some reason. I had Decidueye, seismictoad, walrein, meowstick, Scrafty and Arcanine for that fight. Seemed to be quite effective 😀

    It seems crazy to me that you managed to clear Luna and Titania in one attempt! I had a lot of trouble with them.

  3. Yeah I did a few side quests already and they seemed to give some fun stuff. So I will go explore some more then ^^


    I can understand the troubles with shade! He took me a lot of time as well. His gengar just one shotted a lot of my pokemons, but eventually I managed to cheese it a bit with a diggersby and win the fight. 😅


    I also completely agree with terra. I hated that character so I was really happy when I sweeped through her with ease. She was the easiest gym by far. I had a lot of trouble with adrien and even more with samson tho x)



  4. 46 minutes ago, Jace3 said:

    Regarding the gym fights, I found the water and fire gym were the hardest for me :)

    Especially, when you did the water gym as a double battle.

    Yeah the water gym was really difficult for me as well. I did it in singles and she almost one shotted everything with surf so I cant imagine doing it in doubles! 


    Also thanks for the suggestion! that definately looks interesting so I will give it a shot and see how far I can get 😄

  5. 38 minutes ago, Rendolf said:

    Man you were able to beat Charlotte on your second try in your first playthrough? She is quite possibly the hardest gym leader out of all of them so good job for that

    yeah I was surprised when I read that she was one of the more difficult ones after I beat her. But if I understand correctly she was nerfed a few times right? My Seismitoad with rain dance and damp rock surf spamn seemed to do it for me ^^

  6. Hey guys first time posting on the forum so hopefully this kind of topic is allowed.


    I just finished my first playthrough of this game (till next episode comes out ofc). and I just wanted to say that this game is amazing.

    I feel like everywhere I went on the map there was something to find. The interactions with all the random NPCs were great and gave some great sidequests.

    But man this game was though as heck. I still can't believe that I managed to beat the last triathlon fight since that one was crazy.

    I dont know how many times I had to reset this game but its probably far over 100! x)


    I think there were only 4 gyms that were easy for me out of 17. Hardy and Terra were the only ones that I managed to one shot. 

    Noel and Charlotte I managed to 2 shot but everything else was just so difficult. Honestly not sure what the hardest gym was but I think I had to prep the most for Titania.

    Also Samsons hawlucha still gives me nightmares😅


    Is there any content you guys would recommend doing before the next episode? I would love to hear you guys thoughts about the hardest/easiest gyms/fights!

    Looking forward to episode 19🥳



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