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Everything posted by AceTrainerDevin

  1. yeah this mod is definitely not gonna be done by the end of the year theres a lot that still needs to be done like most of the random trainers teams rebalancing of important trainer battles and some of the early game random trainers etc.
  2. she did not her team was mimikyu togekiss snorlax aegislash gardevoir and hydreigon in normal mode and in intense mode its mimikyu togekiss Hydreigon aegislash gardevoir and yanmega
  3. Zoroark has been replaced on the team this wasnt done specifically for this fight since melia has not used zoroark since getting kidnapped by amanda this also is the case in normal mode
  4. yes we have not fought melia on a field built for her before would be cool if that eventually happened though unless you are refering to fairy tale field but i doubt you are since that field has existed way before that melia fight and is just one of the fields rejuv took from reborn
  5. you can counter the entire field by just abusing it yourself with moves like hypnosis and other buffed moves you dont have to have the ability to remove the field to counter it and yes not everyone will be prepared for the battle on their first try but this mode is called intense for a reason you arent supposed to just steamroll everything otherwise what would be the point of a hard mode you can have a different approach by changing around your evs and seeing how you can adapt instead of only relying on removing the opponents field
  6. yeah its just the attacking stats which has been nerfed to just a 20% for every fainted ally in v13
  7. ok so either you have 19 or less speed ivs in which case youd get speed tied for 19 ivs and outsped for any less or gearas spiritomb used shadow sneak and you didnt use a prio move against it
  8. also i just realized i forgot to remove spiritombs dual dark typing from these calcs after i did the spirit break calcs since spirit break is 4x effective against spiritomb on haunted field although the correct ones arent too different besides the hyper voice one as that is the only one that no longer kills +1 Lvl 87 252+ Atk Muscle Band Huge Power Spiritomb Shadow Sneak vs. Lvl 85 0 HP / 0 Def Altaria-Mega: 151-178 (60.8 - 71.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Lvl 85 252+ SpA Pixilate Altaria-Mega Hyper Voice vs. Lvl 87 252 HP / 252 SpD Spiritomb: 218-258 (82.2 - 97.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Lvl 85 252+ Atk Pixilate Altaria-Mega Return vs. Lvl 87 252 HP / 252 Def Spiritomb: 246-290 (92.8 - 109.4%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
  9. not really since it still lives with 0 ivs and 0 evs and can almost kill with no attack ivs +1 Lvl 87 252+ Atk Muscle Band Huge Power Spiritomb Shadow Sneak vs. Lvl 85 0 HP / 0 Def Altaria-Mega: 171-202 (77 - 90.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Lvl 85 252+ Atk Pixilate Altaria-Mega Return vs. Lvl 87 252 HP / 252 Def Spiritomb: 222-264 (83.7 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO so if you have another mon in the back that can tank a hit you should be fine even without that good ivs i feel like you are heavily underestimating how many pokemon can take down that spiritomb while yes spiritomb is threatening it isnt just an instant win button and all you really need to take it on is a pokemon that can take a shadow sneak and can deal considerable damage back you only need to worry about phantom force if you are slower and if hypnosis is a problem run a chesto berry
  10. Since damage rolls dont exist on intense you just need a kasib berry to survive spiritomb with delphox +1 Lvl 87 252+ Atk Muscle Band Huge Power Spiritomb Shadow Sneak vs. Lvl 85 0 HP / 0 Def Kasib Berry Delphox: 215-253 (86.6 - 102%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO
  11. Actually i did take into account the field boost ai damage boost and the crest boost why else would the spiritomb in the calc have huge power plus 1 attack and a muscle band
  12. I am aware of what the crest does and you do know that with 9 speed ivs and no speed evs Mega altaria outspeeds spiritomb mawile does not learn bullet punch and grimmsnarl out speeds and just destroys spiritomb with spirit break with only 112 attack ivs and just 8 speed evs with a jolly nature Edit: did a calc Spiritomb doesnt even kill 0 bulk investment mega altaria with shadow sneak while altaria just one hits it with Return or Hyper voice +1 Lvl 87 252+ Atk Muscle Band Huge Power Spiritomb Shadow Sneak vs. Lvl 85 0 HP / 0 Def Altaria-Mega: 151-178 (60.8 - 71.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Lvl 85 252 Atk Pixilate Altaria-Mega Return vs. Lvl 87 252 HP / 252 Def Spiritomb: 444-528 (167.5 - 199.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO Lvl 85 252 SpA Pixilate Altaria-Mega Hyper Voice vs. Lvl 87 252 HP / 252 SpD Spiritomb: 396-468 (149.4 - 176.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  13. I doubt they meant that you should just spam ghost and while spiritomb is powerful on haunted field it kinda can just get solo'd by quite a few fairy types or any dark type since it pretty much cant touch them also the ai does not input read if thats what you mean by "as well as an AI that makes decisions after you pick a move"
  14. for me at least gym leaders having access to megas and other items you cannot currently get makes sense since the league would probably provide them with those items because they definitely don't want just any trainer beating the leaders especially the higher ranking ones and while the gym leaders fields can ruin your initial strategy Its not like you cant abuse the field yourself and as for your rivals having access to megas before you do well thats just to make some of the later intense mode battles a bit harder and isnt considered canon to the story
  15. oh I wasn't aware off corrosive field boosting sleep powders accuracy and forgot that Marianettes Stantler holds a crest
  16. the accuracy boost is only 10% for status moves so your just getting unlucky if those hypnosises are always hitting you
  17. Hey everyone I'm Devin and I started playing reborn around a month ago and finished e18 around a week ago and while I knew the game would be difficult I definitely didn't expect to be actively ev training and swapping team members as often as I did anyway's back to talking about myself. Things I like: I love having exciting Pokemon battles, the feeling of winning a battle with only one Pokemon left is amazing I enjoy playing the legend of Zelda I started With BOTW and loved the series ever since I read manga sometimes (mainly the Pokemon adventures manga) there's probably some other stuff I could talk about but i'm pretty bad at thinking of stuff to write.
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