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  1. You could always kill bird pokemon ontop of that building in the onyx ward
  2. ok caused my friend just said it with no context and i was confused on how it would work thank you
  3. ??? Bro the dratini isnt my first priority im just confused
  4. I asked my friend about getting a dratini and how to get it and he said I cant unless hack or debuged in i dont remember, but i dont know how to and dont know if its too much to ask for, if somebody could help me with the dratini by doing one of thos too would be grateful (if not its ok)
  5. Hey its ok dont worry about it somebody gave me a gible, thank you for trying to help though
  6. Hey sorry i wasn't on but, but if you are available i am now
  7. Is anybody willing to give me a gible, i made a post earlier but cant seem to find it (Also the gible doesn't have to have the best stats i just want gible)
  8. Hey i am on now if you are, gible would be good (Its my favorite) but if you cant dratini is good too
  9. Hey i was wondering if anybody can trade me a good dragon type so my freind can do a mono run (Please no noibat is what he says)
  10. I can trade now if you are able to my name is Ghost_
  11. Is anybody willing to trade me a magikarp I don't have much to trade but I might be able to give you something
  12. I need help Rift carnivine wont spawn for me and i dont wanna reset my game
  13. i need help for some reason the rift carnivine wont spawn so now im stuck and really dont wanna reset my game
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