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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by wogo2

  1. I recently finished some monotypes (ghost, dark and fairy) and so i gave the better mons to my main game so as to have a great team for E19. Im still undecided for my last team member, my options for that slot are aegislash, togekiss or eviolite dusclops. Which one should i go with and what should their movesets be? other recomendations are also welcome. Was also thinking about swapping infernape with volcarona and adding something else. Im aware that i lack special attackers. Current Team: 1) Tyranitar Adamant Sandstream Smooth Rock 252atk 252hp 31IVs Stone edge Crunch Earthquake Thunderwave 2) Excadrill Adamant Sandrush Life orb 252atk 252speed 31IVs Rock slide Smart strike Earthquake Swords Dance 3) Gardevoir Timid Gardevoirite Trace/Pixilate 252spatk 252speed 31IVs Hyper voice Thunderbolt Calm mind Psychic 4) Weavile Jolly Item pending Pressure 252atk 252 speed 31IVs X-scissor Icicle crash Ice Shard Throat Chop 5) Infernape Adamant Iron Fists Black belt 252atk 252 speed 31IVs Close combat Mach punch Flare Blitz Gunk shot/Shadow claw
  2. Out of nowhere this error started occuring, i tried re downloading the game but i still cant make it work. Does anybody know how to fix this or if it can´t be fixed how to run an older save file? Thanks Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `length' for 0:Integer PokemonLoad:316:in `pbSetParty' PokemonLoad:507:in `pbStartLoadScreen' Scene_Intro:106:in `closeSplash' PBEvent:54:in `call' PBEvent:54:in `block in trigger' PBEvent:49:in `each' PBEvent:49:in `trigger' EventScene:708:in `update' EventScene:612:in `main' Scene_Intro:179:in `main'
  3. How did you get/make that picture with your reborn team around your avatar? just curious. Totally unrelated to the gym leader topic
  4. I hope i´ve got what you need, what is it? nature doesnt matter, i can change it with heartscales
  5. As the title says, tangrowth would be the perfect way to round up my team, i´ve tried a ton but cant get a properly IV´d one, if anybody is willing to trade one id be very thankful
  6. Where can i get life orb? cant even find it in the item guide
  7. also, how would you say i should ev tangrowth+nature?
  8. Oh i see, then theres no problem ill just breed it. Thanks!
  9. I was thinking about tangrowth too, guess i wasnt so far off. Do you know where can i get freeze dry? I looked for it but couldnt find it
  10. Any changes you see fit regarding natures, moves, held items or the final member are more than welcome Excadrill lv. 95 Ability: sand rush Nature and EVs: adamant, 252 attack, 252 speed Held item: Pending Moveset: Earth quake Smart strike Rock slide Swords dance Tyranitar lv. 95 Ability: Sand stream Nature and EVs: adamant, 252 attack, 252 hp Held item: Smooth rock Moveset: Earthquake Brick break Stone edge Crunch Honchkrow lv. 95 Ability: Moxie Nature and EVs: Jolly, 252 attack, 252 speed Held item: Scope lens Moveset: Sucker punch Night slash Brave bird Super power Alolan Ninetales lv. 95 Ability: Snow warning Nature and EVs: Timid, 252 Sp.Atk, 252 speed Held item: Light clay Moveset: Aurora Veil Dazzling gleam Blizzard Ice beam (dont know what to give it instead) Infernape lv. 95 Ability: Iron fists Nature and EVs: adamant, 252 attack, 252 speed Held item: Black belt Moveset: Flare Blitz Close combat Mach punch Gunk shot
  11. Yes please, i do need the egg, whenever you´re online let me know so we can trade. Is a shiny klink ok for the trade?
  12. Heyy so i wonder traded the loudred and can´t do the mission for the mega z ring, does anybody have one to spare?
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