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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Venyal

  1. Okay, no problem. I expect bugs and such in a WIP. I just thought maybe it was on my end! :)
  2. https://gyazo.com/72567085fb8f13cae7c53a9929d85eae I got this error as I was fighting the monster house sableye. i get through most of them but the lvl 97 one always gives me this and it resets. what can I do to proceed?
  3. Like quite a few, I change some of the shinies to colors I'd prefer. Reborn has excellent base shinies 9/10, but some people don't like certain colors, for example I hate pink, and some people may have favorites or just would prefer a change on playthrough number 245. So I figure I'd start a topic here where people could exchange their own custom shinies, since showing a few of mine on discord have a couple of people interested. I hope this is the right place for it, as it seems like it would be. The idea is for people who are open to their recolors being used by others will post them here, and we can just pick and choose what we like. I've included some of mine. A dianci-inspired shiny Carbink, blue Emboar and Pidgey lines, a few green recolors since there aren't that many, and a couple of gender based changes for more pop. Feel free to pick and choose, and use them as you please, they're available for anyone and should be usable on reborn and rejuv. VensCustomsV1.zip
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