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Aariq last won the day on February 22 2021

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  1. I think it's just casual mode with halved field effects, so it should be slightly easier than last update.
  2. You can acquire Rookiedee in the game by mystery egg completely legit. Nothing will happen if its debugged, don't worry. The only time debugging a mon has caused me an issue is when I tried to change Silvally's form directly, it's probably the same with Arceus too then.
  3. Okay, the sketch and spritesheet came out pretty good. Your character bares a striking resemblance to Officer Jenny in the spritesheet. You can definitely improve them more, but they are very close to looking finished, so with some inspiration from the Zumi sprite from Rejuv, I have modified your OC with a change to the hat to make it look more like a beret, and another with glasses. I do hope you can learn from the art and improve your own, I am willing to help if you want. Mainly because I have way too much free time and I have fun helping. And, to answer your question, the best way to learn spriting (in my experience) is to take inspiration from sprites and models and the such. Not too much though, that would be plagiarism.
  4. It took my entire evening to figure it out you better appreciate it
  5. It's just a slowed version (and maybe bass boosted) of Atmosphere- Beyond.ogg or Pokémon Red and Blue- Route 3 Remix by GlitchxCity.
  6. First, why did you post this under Starlight Divide? Second, to solve your problem, is there ANY place you had saved or backed up your files before you reset your PC?
  7. There seems to be something weird about the Reborn scripts at the moment. I just tested the Rejuvenation scripts and they still work to change the data. I'm not sure what happened.
  8. All the data for forms of Pokemon is stored in the file called 'PokemonMultipleForms' in scripts. Use that one to tweak Shaymin. I also recommend editing the script file 'montext' in Scripts>Reborn to change the stats of pokemon, since that one and PokemonMultipleForms directly affect the game and you will not need to compile the PBS files every time.
  9. Tell your brother to upload the save file to Dropbox or Google Drive and give you the link.
  10. From people who already have them. You either trade a mon holding a fossil or just the finished fossil mon. I genuinely don't know what what you thought.
  11. well this is awkward (100% will try tho)
  12. It was supposed to come out around this summer. But v13.5 is becoming more of it's own version, instead of just an extension v13. So I would say it'll be out by October at least and January at most. I do recommend v13.05. Definitely a good version to re-experience Rejuvenation.
  13. It's okay, you'll get through it. You probably already have by the time I reply
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