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Everything posted by trogisfat

  1. This started around after beating marianette and it makes it so any time I close the game the next time I open it my save file is corrupted and while I know to use backups to counter in the short term I end up just going back to where I was. I have no mods and have not meddled with any scripts Im on the latest version as well.
  2. i recommend checking out the item guide as the discs should be in there also togepi is only availible through megg
  3. Chapter 1 attack on the SS Oceana It was just a normal day on the SS Oceana me and zipzap(my trusty Pikachu) had just wiped the floor with a nooby trainer and were about to meet mum to have a banquet that's when it all happened. I suddenly heard screams and the sound of panic I quickly tried to stealthily look around there was a massive gap in the floor and the ship was burning that's when a tall skinny orange and blue Pokémon id never seen before appeared charging right at me. ZipZap use voltackle it dodged and sent him flying with just one attack. "ZipZap no" I ran for him narrowly dodging a beam of ice. "Zip we aint winning this with your pure power we need to try a new Strat. Some small rubble dropped form the roof giving me an idea. The mon was heading towards us and fast "Zip use extreme speed above" ZipZap shot up full speed in the blink of a second smashing through the roof the mysterious mon didn't even have time to react before it had been completely crushed under the rubble. "good job ZipZap." I ran over feeding him a super potion. "Time to find a way out of this dump" the upper stairway had been completely collapsed and I didn't have any mons that could help me swim to shore the only way was down. The lower floors were just as wrecked fire and rubble thankfully none of the weird orange Pokémon. I traversed to the bottom level where it was completely flooded I heard fighting through the door. Nancy "Sylveon use moonblast" Mysterious voice: Starmie dodge and use scald" I ran in to see Mum fighting a lady in glasses "mum what's going on" Nancy "Ace run for it now forget about me make sure you and ZipZap get off the ship "B-b-but mum I cant leave you" Nancy "Please Ace you have to run" I hesitated but quickly grabbed ZipZap and ran as fast as possible "As if I'm just going to let you go" she had short purple hair and glasses I turned to see 2 of the orange Pokémon angry and after me I froze they leapt full speed at me that's when I heard the sounds of a heavy crash a piano had flattened. Piano lady "Run while you still can kid at least one of us will live to tell the tale" That's when one of the orange Pokémon appeared behind her and teleported away. "You heard her ZipZap come on lets run." We ran as fast as possible going up the stairs narrowly avoiding one of the weird orange Pokémon. We need to head to the decking there we can try swim away. The way outside was blocked by heavy rubble. "Grrrr ZipZap use brick break." Cracks started appearing in the rubble. "ZipZap volt tackle finish it of." Zip Zap charged full speed into the rubble lighting energy surrounding it blowing it to pieces and making a clear way through. I ran onto to the decking it was weirdly quiet. Neved " Hehe you've come far kid but I'm here to stop you my names Neved and I recommend you stop running and give up" "Grr well that's annoying Zip its over time to give up" P-p-p-pika? Neved "I could tell you were smart at least i dont have to chase you now" "Pikachu quickly volt tackle" Pikachu quickly rams into neved sending him flying into the seats. "good job ZipZap now finding a way out" Neved Injured stands up. Neved "You little piece of shit I was gonna do this easy but I guess you didn't want that huh" "How the hell did you get up." A Barbaracle is sent out of his poke ball. "Razer shell now." Out of nowhere a talonflame ascends from the sky's launching a powerful attack straight into the Barbaracle sending it flying. The talonflame rises getting ready to charge at me I brace for impact and realise it had picked me up with its claws and we were going fast really fast.
  4. mighteyanas good early game as well as prankster liepard could have uses its just i feel like ketas gonna be really difficult
  5. idk depends how much more power u want but with dragon dance/ swords dance dragon claw hits really hard
  6. go up and back up and use the fire stone i think and just start exploring
  7. idk for sure maybe quickly check it now have u beat crawli
  8. sorry no ik its on the discord and it might just be the newest download
  9. nice team i completely changed my team as well after ryland to try get the strongest possible and i only kept 2 mons
  10. turn it off when u get to allymissa ruins as ur game will crash
  11. If ur gonna use sillvally keep switching discs
  12. Unbound and insurgence are both good choices
  13. i think its cause hms werent in gen 7 but it still learned rock climb through the lvl up and they didnt give it the hm
  14. i have downloaded it and put it in the data folder nothing has happened is there something ive done wrong or does it not work for 18.2 thats what i have
  15. So i downloaded the mod and put it in the data folder nothings chnaged is there something ive done wrong
  16. trogisfat


    my name is Dartvad if u can trade now
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