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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by trogisfat

  1. trogisfat


    ok ill log onto rejuv now ill tell u my name when im on
  2. trogisfat


    Hi would any one mind trading a vulpix normal i dont mind the ivs just make it female thanks
  3. So im about to fight charloette but i have a really bad feeling about this as my team doesnt do well against fire heres the team Sceptile ability unburden leaf blade x scissor nature power detect max attack speed and jolly Mamoswine ability thick fat ice shard earthquake ancient power hail max hp attack and adamant zoruak Night daze Nasty plot hideen power ice extresansory max special attack speed timid Typhlosion flash fire hidden power ice nature power flame thrower extrasensory max special attack speed timid Jolteon volt absorb hidden power ice baby doll eyes discharge thunder wave max special attack speed timid any pokemon u think i should use or can i take this tesam to the win kling klang clear body gear grind shift gear discharge vice grip max attack and speed
  4. idk if youve been doing this but go through the where theres not rails pointing at or youll go round in circles
  5. trogisfat

    razer claw

    i dont mind i think ill use mamoswine instead
  6. trogisfat

    razer claw

    from my egg in jasper i got a sneasel which im gonna use just curious when i can get a razor claw
  7. I really wanted to use a beldum and ik how to get it but io just cant get the shards my guide sais theres one at caracatoros where i respawned but ive gone to every rock and cant find it
  8. is nature power shadow ball cause if it is unburden sceptile would work
  9. i used max attack max hp bannete with ghost gem and 2 shot it with shadow sneak another start is if u cant beat it why not join it and use a seeded drifblim because for me after that she didnt have much threats and my team was able to win
  10. yay lets go this will probs be ur hardest fight and after this u can get a lot more encounters
  11. the elementals r really good gives u agility but also torment its unfortunate u dont have any of those fire as trick room could be good just keep throwing urself in she has a really tank team but not as fast which u can take advantage of
  12. angies field * Ice type attacks gain a 1.5x boost in power * Dark type attacks gain a 1.2x boost in power * Fire-Type attacks are harshly weakened (0.5x). * The following attacks gain an Ice sub-type and gain a x1.2 boost in power: Surf Muddy Water Water Pulse Hydro Pump Night Slash Dark Pulse Hyperspace Fury Hyperspace Hole * Activates Ice Body, Slush Rush and Snow Cloak * Refrigerate's base power boost becomes x1.5 (from x1.3) * The following moves can transform this field into a dimensional field: Blast Burn Inferno Lava Plume Heat Wave Eruption Flame Burst Burn Up * The following moves transform this field into an icy field: Seed Flare Purify * The following moves take one turn to use: Ice Burn Freeze Shock * The following moves have no effect: Gravity Magic Room Trick Room Wonder Room * Snow Warning and Hail last 8 turns * Dark Void is 100% accurate. * The abilities Magma Armor, Blaze, Flash Fire, Flare Boost, Solar Power, and Flame Body are nullified * Berserk boosts special attack by two stages * Rattled boosts the user's Speed upon switch-in * Power Trip gains 40bp for each boost, rather than 20bp * Snarl lowers Special Attack by two stages * Parting Shot additionally lowers Speed * Nature Power becomes Ice Beam * Camouflage changes the user's type to Ice * Secret Power may freeze * Elemental Seed raises Speed by two stages and torments the user
  13. how many elemental seeds u got as they boost speed and give torment which means i dont knwo for sure unburden sceptile might outspeed
  14. nincada is found agers away in the restoration quest but u can get shedinja after 5th gym head to wispy tower and go left its a 1percent
  15. So im starting a new run of rejuvenation and i was wondering what pokemon i could use my starters blastoise who looks like bowzer and is sick i do have debug so if its really far in the game i can debug it in btw ive used venusaur, torkoal, typhlsion, feraligatr, empoleon, sillvally, medicham and malamar
  16. go on files this pc devices and drives the 1st one go on users your name then games go on rejuvenation and itll say ur save states go the nearest save state before u fought zetta and geara
  17. in the main hall in gearen theres an ev training facility it sais what evs ur getting and after 4 battles youll have 252 in a stat i recommend breeding a new teamm it doesnt matter if they have eh ivs just focus on getting good ivs for ur main attack and speed/hp
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