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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by trogisfat

  1. after u defeat geara and zetta i dont think u can do the kyogre thimng
  2. dreepee might be also i think toxel could be and maybe hattena and impidimp
  3. i like a lot of characters and find them really likeable however im not a fan of team xen or bladestar with team xen im confused on their motives and bladestar felt undeveloped time travels cool the 1st time you do it but afterwards you realise how many plot holes it opens up but overall i still really enjoy the story and really like melia, venam, adam, aelita and ren overall i hope v13 will hopefully tell us more about team xens motives.
  4. Forget i realised i can just faint all my team and head back to centre
  5. So i just completed rejuveenation and ive moved onto love lies and im in the ice cave on the ice puzzle but i cant get out theres a dude blocking a ladder and nowhere else to go btw how do you make a backup ur main save if theres no way out
  6. i do have debug but ive had it for a while so i dont think its that
  7. its not my savefile its just like after i press start this shows up i cant pick a save file
  8. idk what happened but when i loaded onto rejuvenation it sais Script 'PokemonLoad' line 310: NoMethodError ocuured. undefined method 'width' for nil:NilClass
  9. btw theres an audino grinder in the ship so u can grind up new members
  10. heres his team also if this helps persian holding muscle band return fake out seed bomb dig Clefable sitrus berry flamethrower psychic dazzling gleam thunder wave Marowak alolan thick club fire punch flame charge shadow bone bonemerang masquerain charti berrie quiver dance bug buzz air slash scald Krookedile muscle band earth quake crunch cut rock slide Gengar wise glasses shadow ball dazzling gleam willow wisp sludge wave
  11. 1 option is do a bit of grinding swap vivveon for mawile as intimade support is nice spam rockslide with lycanrock yawn the threats ur struggling with an eevee evo could be nice also after this i recomend ev training ur mons as ur gonna need it later and iits good to have it early
  12. Crescent could have the same fate as adam and valarie as she was with them i think crescent may also have been brain washed and forgotten who she is i also suspect we will meet saki whos and crescent
  13. i think u can go back to the box and change back if not im pretty sure there is in gdc apartment
  14. so I'm just starting up a new game and I've designed the team I think I will use just wondering what u think of the team Charizard: Sunny day Heat wave Air slash Brick break Leafeon with crest: Swords dance Leaf blade Dig Sunny day Oricorio with crest : Revelation dance Air slash Hurricane Helping hand Magnezone: Discharge Flash cannon Thunder wave Hidden power ice Medicham: High jump kick/ brick break idk which one Ice punch Zen headbutt Detect Muk alola: Gunk shot Knock off Rock tomb Poisen gas
  15. ive dowloaded the debug what should i do with it now im kinda bad w this stuff
  16. other weathers bodies him though my torkoal with drought set up sun and i one shot most of his mons w thyphlsion was an ez battle for me
  17. guys i think im screwed i checked my backups none of my newer ones r there 0: really sad
  18. same thing has happened to me and i dont understand what to do i dont have any back ups or how to get to them
  19. psychic and fairy types do very well especially against the bewear i used sylveon espeon also works chimeco and swoobat can beat the bewear and if u dont wanna switch up the team maybe save a strong special attacker for the bewear
  20. i beat adam flew to gearen now im soft locked what should i do
  21. so i just beat adam and i flew to gearen to do some side quests i cant get back to gdc and finish the story plz help
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