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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Ghalieger

  1. Cool! Thanks! That's the one place I didn't even CONSIDER looking. lol
  2. I'm feeling kinda dumb here but...where the heck is Magrodar Crater? I don't recall ever visiting any place by that name, unless I just missed it when I was there...Screenshots are most helpful....I'm a visual person by nature...
  3. I decided to just remove it, better safe than sorry. I know I didn't have Ursaluna in the beta, because I wasn't part of beta testing. So, yeah...I'll say it's likely I got it through modding, and we can leave it at theat. I've got so much going on in life right now I'm lucky if I can remember what I was doing when I played last, which is usually around 24 hrs apart. My apologies.
  4. I really wish I remember where I got it. I'm 90% I got it before I found any mods. Would you like me to remove my post here, just in case I'm wrong?
  5. I'm pretty sure I said I got the one in Terajuma, I know, I used the whole Island name because I forgot specifically where I got her. So, I got the helper from Kristilline, I got the helper from Goldenleaf, but I'm missing one, that's SUPPOSED to be in Akuwa.
  6. Hey all, I'm trying to complete the Goldenwood Forest Restoration side quest. The issue I'm running into is the volunteers. I got one from Terajuma, one from Goldenleaf, and the last one is SUPPOSED to be in Akuwa, but I can't find them. I've been in every building, I've talked to every person, and I've got nothing! The aquarium is back to capacity, but the only person there is the director of the aquarium. So, what am I missing? Like, the only thing I have left, for this portion at least, is this one last volunteer. Help?
  7. I'm running in flipping circles here, no matter how I go about it, the Red Heracross is NEVER in a spot where I can corner it. What am I doing wrong? Is there some sort of trick? An item or move that I don't have? I've gone through every possible direction and combination of branches that I can think of, including trying just walking, and biking, to see if that makes a difference. Nothing seems to work. I'm so stuck!
  8. I feel like I'm missing some stuff, most specifically the HM or TM for Flash and Strength. I have 9 badges, but I don't have either of those moves, so I can't get to some places that feel like I should already be able to, and I can't complete the Crobat quest either. I feel like I've been everywhere, but maybe I just didn't talk to the right NPC?
  9. WooT!! This sounds like it's going to be a BLAST!! I can't wait!! (Except I can, because people like you guys make overall better games than AAA studios.)
  10. Family first. We can wait. Also, please, don't forget to take care of yourself through all this. I've been in your shoes as far as a family member with cancer is concerned. I lost a lot of sleep and mental health during the whole ordeal, all because I didn't take time to take care of myself. Best wishes, and hope everything turns out for the better, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.
  11. This is going to be good. I always planned on doing a Twitch series of this game, but life gets in the way. I'm thinking that I'll be shooting for having things sorted in life by the time v14 is released, since it seems the main plot points and scripting (actual words being said by characters) of the game will be all but set in stone by that time. That's when I think the optimum time to do a series will be. WooT I'm so excited!!
  12. Burnout is bad, sanity is good. This is probably the best Pokemon game I've ever played, I recommend it to absolutely everyone who likes Pokemon. Looking forward to the new content!! I can't wait to see where you take this, and how it will end. One thing I know for sure: we will all be saying: Damn that was good, once it's over. WooT
  13. I tried to send this privately, but couldn't, so here it is, all public and whatnot.


    Hi, I have a small Twitch channel that I'm working on, recently started transitioning from Playstation based streaming to PC based. I am planning on streaming playthroughs of Rejuvenation, but I just wanted to make sure that was going to be an ok thing with you and the rest of the dev team. I really love this game, but I'm also aware that Nintendo has a history of cease and desist letters and, even though you've been at this for years, I don't want to be the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak. In short: I just wanted to make sure that you felt the risk of Nintendo doing what they do best was within your risk tolerance level. Does any of this make sense?

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Jan, Ame and Caz are all fine with you streaming their respective fangames on Twitch. Nintendo doesn't usually go after fangames unless they start actively promoting it on social media or start creating fangames to get money. Plus they don't usually shut down games until they're fully complete anyway. At least you went out of your way to ask Jan but you should be fine

    2. Ghalieger


      Thanks for the info! I'd rather ask and be sure it's ok than just do it and be the one that got it shut down. You know? I'd feel like absolute garbage if I was the one that triggered a takedown of these games, especially after all the effort that's been put into them. Great storylines, boatloads of side-quests that add to the lore of the games, Aevian variations of Pokémon, interesting characters, I love it all. I do still enjoy the mainline games, but these just hit different. Sorry, I get kinda wordy sometimes.

  14. Yeah, IDK WTF happened, but I got it all working, debug mod included. Thanks for all the help guys!! :-) (my comp isn't loading any emojis, :-( old school it is then.)
  15. After the update I don't have the debug anymore, and I'm assuming that if I download and install the debug mod again it'll just revert to 13.01 again, initiating the same problem. I'll try it, but I won't hold my breathe. I'm also working loading up an old save. I'll try the debug mod again first, if that reverts the game to 13.01 like I think it will, then I'll go for loading an old save.
  16. @Neo Loves Cookie Thanks! I thought I had, as I was certain I downloaded it when I downloaded V13. I checked, and I was on 13.01 or whatever, and I think I know what happened: I had downloaded a debug mod recently, as I was sick of not being able to get to the EV rooms and there was absolutely NOTHING telling me about when I could or when I was going to be able to buy the room cards from the AP store. I have the update, which now says I'm at 13.04, but I used the debug mod beforehand to get to gearen lab, as being where I was would cause problems. Now I'm stuck, can't get back to the sewers, and I'm pretty sure is New Game for me. Unless you or anybody else has any Ideas?
  17. I think I fixed it, I apparently hadn't done the update properly. Oops.
  18. I've been playing V13 with the 13,04 update, I got to here in the West Gearen sewers (see attached image), and it just stops. Doesn't come up with an error message, nothing. I can't move, I can't open my menu, I can't do anything. The only thing that happens is the animation for Garbodor sitting there, similar to how the thumbnail in the party menu acts. Has anybody else encountered this? I posted this first in Discussions because I was blind and didn't see Troubleshooting
  19. I've been playing V13 with the 13,04 update, I got to here in the West Gearen sewers (see attached image), and it just stops. Doesn't come up with an error message, nothing. I can't move, I can't open my menu, I can't do anything. The only thing that happens is the animation for Garbodor sitting there, similar to how the thumbnail in the party menu acts. Has anybody else encountered this?
  20. Hey, so, I've been following your guide here, and I can't find my way back to the GDC Tournament Building in Ch. 14. I've gone through the tournament, and then did the side quests, but now, as I stated, I can't get back. I've tried going to the train on route 9, I've tried finding a way in from inside GDC via Claydol's teleport, but I can't find any way to the tournament building. Help please? I REALLY don't want to have to start completely over for the umpteenth time.
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