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15 Fledgling

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  1. Yes it does since if you hit a flash fire mon in ghostly field it gets flash fire soo yeaa
  2. For me mega gardevoir was the hardest part, after resetiing like 3-5 times I was able to beat her with double sucker punch cinderace and bisharp which gets a field boost, Btw gilded arrows uses the secondary typing of the mon that uses it, if the mon doesnt have a secondary type it uses the mons first typing so Hydreigon has a +1 stab dragon type attack move with 80 base power Edit: You can actually progress even if you lose to melia.
  3. Im pretty sure you could steal a reuniclus from ren with Trick Room in V12 unfortunately that cant be done in V13
  4. You can fight random npc's with busted teams for completing the story/farming a lot of money there are also sponsers the best being the guy who gives 10 times of what you would win normally
  5. you could use debug and get its steps lowered into 1
  6. Im pretty sure you can get any pokemon's shiny so I dont think its intentional, It either has to a glitch from beta dev team or you getting dumb unlucky
  7. Depends on the person Ig but Idc what its ability/move/opponents move makes its type So I only care what it actual typing is.
  8. WIth 50k you can max ur ivs legitamately since many players were complaining that you couldnt
  9. Like she gives you tickets to her concert but can u actually go?
  10. well its actually the only way to beat the virtual gyms lol
  11. But what they werent ready for was the protagonist's ability to change characters
  12. I would go feraligatr cause its crest is insane especially with sheer force also for moveset on A .chandelure im decently sure it gets overheat which u get from beating amber, the last mon you might wanna get a setup mon for your team a steel or dragon like scizor with swords dance or hydreigon with nasty plot could be very good.
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