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Farhan Ahmad

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Farhan Ahmad

  1. So our little god from reborn has returned
  2. You can make shields act like an extra life to the pokemon . So super effective move should be able to destroy 1 shield per 1 or 2 moves depending on the damage. And normal moves will destroy it in 1 to 3 moves depending on the damage. And non effective moves take even more turns to destroy the shield. This will make the game a little bit easier and allow players to stratergise more . So moves like destiny bound and perish song and 1 hit KO will also destroy 1 shield .
  3. Guys I have the solution for joiplay Go join the discord server of Pokemon rejuvenation Go on the v13 crashes And ask for any queries
  4. Js there an another way to play it? Like some other emulator or something ?
  5. It is difficult but actually while I was in Gearen city, I did the Zumi sidequest and got a dedenne And that dedenne has been very helpful since it's a electric/fairy type
  6. Wanna tell you that Narcissa's gym was the easiest gym by far Dedenne and Drifblim sweeped through her team
  7. I defeated her by first changing her field into haunted field And then sweeped her with speed boost ,bulk up and stacking shot (tm which get after defeating Keta) Combusken And for Girafarig and Toucanon,I used Luxray Can you give any tips for marianette My team is Lvl 30 Combusken Lvl 30 Frogadier Lvl 30 Swoobat Lvl 30 Nidoking Lvl 30 Luxray Lvl 30 Pupitar Also I have fletchinder,rockruff,houndour,pigeotto in my PC
  8. Can you give any tips for marianette My team is Lvl 30 Combusken Lvl 30 Frogadier Lvl 30 Swoobat Lvl 30 Nidoking Lvl 30 Luxray Lvl 30 Pupitar Also I have fletchinder,rockruff,houndour,pigeotto in my PC
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