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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Palikkamaa

  1. Welcome to the Reborn region. I heard that its quite lovely place, dont you think? So calm.. so peaceful..
  2. Today's work (or last 3 months or so) is featuring Julia. I upscaled DA pictures up to 8k, since sharper is better, right?
  3. I think I rng failed me once, giving a low SPa but 2nd one was good enough for me (+26 in every important stat). Beldum was full nightmare. 1 batch of eggs took 10min to hatch.
  4. Yea.. I think I spent multiple 8 hour days hatching good-enough iv shiny beldum. Dont you dare remind me about salandit. That little girl took me 22! Shinys.
  5. Hi. Im collecting here some of my fan art from the Reborn. Most of the creations will be or are inspired by the story events that happened before e19. After some fiddling around, I downscaled pictures to 1k HD low quality previews and created https://www.deviantart.com/palikkamaa for the full sized 2k 8k pictures. I'll show here handful of most recent arts I made and slowly detele older previews to make room for new ones.
  6. Hi. I have android 11 and the game wont start. It freezes right after pushing the icon and whole phone lags. I have tried all 18.x versions and none of them worked. Phone model is samsung a71
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