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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by JDMM

  1. I cant find where i can remap my controls and cant use Turbo Mode (I lost a battle and i forgot to save beforehand so im back a bit in the game)
  2. That would be awesome... Only weak to Flying and Rock, I think, and pretty good offensively.. Almost unresisted.. Only Dragon would resist it iirc
  3. Cant you go back to V12 and buy them there?' i have both versions
  4. Im playing on patched V13, continuing my old savefile, saved while doing the puzzle
  5. EV trainers, like the Ninjas in Uranium, and level trainers (Audino/Blissey trainers) would be a great addition as well, as would be a way to max IVs on your Pokemon like Bottle Capping in official games (Through Heart Scales or some other sorta easy to obtain renewable thing, Late game Heart Scales are obtained easily from Pickup) since late game every boss has perfect IVs and EVs Nature mints are useless in Reborn because you have the Psychologist (and with your Pokegear function even better) and by the time you get access to the Psychologist is the time that Nature changing starts to be useful, unless the mints are dirt cheap the Psychologist is fine (Heart Scales fishing isn't too bad Automatic Pickup should be a thing present in the game from the beginning because it is very annoying having to go to the Pokemon menu after every battle to check for items (I use Pickup mons a lot while I grind levels and EVs) The flame body /insta hatch is a good one as well for breeding egg moves (or just use the SWM mod for egg moves in the Move Reminder) Removing field HMs for good, and when you get a HM get a susbtitute item, especially for stuff like Rock Smash, Cut, etc..
  6. So i just reached Grand Dream City, and i wanted to get some stuff from the Dep Store (The items sold there are alike the Department Store in Reborn right?) and i want to know where to get them I wanted EV reducing berries and the Power Items BTW, is there a Nature changer in Rejuvenation?
  7. Only need to specify a typing, abilities(if you can't find a name for it just say it's effect, can make up a new one) , signature moves(same thing as the ability "rules" , BST and a general stat spread I'll start Ground/Fairy Abilities : Pure Power/(Special variant of Pure Power) HA:Filter BST:600 Stat spread :Equal HP, Defense and SPDef, and equal SpA and Attack(its lowest stats) , and Speed in the midway between Signature Moves/other moves Ground type move(one like Photon Geyser, that does damage in the category that the Pokemon has more stats) that ignores any immunity (Flying type, Levitate and Air Balloon), 95BP,100 Accuracy A Fairy move like the Ground one, except for the immunity ignorance A status move like Clangorous Soul (Omniboost for a %of its HP Acess to Giga Drain and Drain Punch So, I think you can see how this thing would be pretty broken :Fairy/Ground coverage with the immunity ignore on the Ground move means it has pretty much at least neutral coverage on anything iirc and the combo of the Status move with Giga Drain/Drain Punch means it has a way to recover HP and get Omniboosts (Seen Kommo-o doing this and that thing is insane) The regular abilities offset the fact that this things worst base stats are its Attacking stats, meaning you could choose wich one you want to use, if you want to use it offensively, while the HA makes it more defensive, in the case you want to use it defensively
  8. Does the Pickup QOL work? Or can i transfer the one from Reborn as well? I use Pickup a lot in Reborn to get items while grinding, so.. And Rejuv even has an achievement for ir .. Also is there an EXP All mod with the EXP Share like in Reborn or i need to purchase the perk from the Hotel or is it obtained elsewhere?
  9. Jeez those are some godd fking IVs Nature isn't a big deal since you can change it later, but good IVs are mandatory since boss pokemon will have perfect IVs by mid game..
  10. I got one at Lvl 20 without no attacking moves... what can i do?
  11. So I just started a Rejuvenation playthrough and I just done the whole Rift Gyarados thing I caught a few Shadow Pokemon and one of them is a Alolan Grimer that I could use on my team(its typing is amazing and it's a very good Pokemon) How I do to purify it? I just send it into battle to open its heart meter and that's it?
  12. Bronzor, especially if it's Levitate, because of Stomping Tantrum on Venusaur, Numel(Hope for Solid Rock and delay evo for Earth Power and Flamethrower) and Sandygast.. Swampert is okay, just switch out on her Venusaur, Jynx is also OK, it is a bit on the frail side tho.. Maybe Raticate if it's Guts with Speed investment, If it gets poisoned or you can poison/burn it on a wild mon it can do some good damage, buy Facade in the Game Corner for it as well since she has no Normal resist(Maybe combined with Wide Guard Throh?) Also maybe even Trubbish since she has very few Ground moves, no Psychic moves AND it is a Poison resist(idk about its moveset but it is a resist after all Diglett is unfortunately useless since it's a Physical Ground type and EQ is garbage for her battle, it is also pretty frail
  13. Ah.. Shelly.. She's probably the most difficult one to face, because you don't really get much against her team.. Rain makes Fire useless, coverage against Rock and Flying types, etc... I'd say a Flying type (Careful with Anorith and Yanmega because they pack Rock moves(Rock Slide and AP respectively ) would be your best bet alongside something like a Skuntank (she has zero Ground moves and you can go Acid Spray support for your other Pokemon), a Fighting type with something non Fighting (Knock Off on Haryiama can be pretty clutch, get one with Guts and try to Poison it on Malchous Forest or something(Off beedrill or Poison Pointers) (Careful with Flying moves on her team) and the Granbull from the Peridot Ward..... Other than that I really don't know
  14. You could even teach it Facade, status it before the battle and obliterate Saphira's team with a 273 BP Fairy moveat +2 :v
  15. I chose Mudkip and don't have either Zard or Venusaur(and I don't wanna find them and grind them up) For her Starmie I'm thinking of SPDef- HP Prankster Klefki with Choice Band (Trick turn one then Screens, then either set up Sun or chip it with Dark Pulse(or both)), then send A-Raichu, Nasty Plot and sweep (Or Swift Swim Modest Miracle Seed Ludicolo if Swampert comes in) for Kingdra I'm bringing either Granbull or Clefable (bait the Zmove then kill it with either a Max Attack Adamant Play Rough or a Modest Moonblast respectively) Tho I admit that Grassy Terrain+Sun also bodies her
  16. JDMM

    Choice Scarf

    I see.. BTW.. For Amaria I was trying to get a Taunter on my team so she won't be able to set up Light Screen with Starmie.. But none of my Pranksters can learn it so I was thinking of doing Trick - Choice Band with my Klefki (Steal her Light Clay for myself and use it for my advantage) but would that make it so I lose it?
  17. JDMM

    Choice Scarf

    So I was looking at Hardy's team and I was thinking of dropping him with a Choice Scarf Water Spouting Water Absorb Jellicent (Timid Max Speed max SpA) coupled with a Surf Ludicolo in Rain (set up turn one by a suicide lead Prankster Klefki)+Fake Out on Ludicolo for the Aerodactyl (since it is Gen7 mechanics and Swift Swim only activates turn 2, not in middle of the turn like in Gen8) but I don't know where I obtain it from.. Would it work? Other than that maybe Muddy Water Swift Swim Kingdra(where i get the Dragon Scale to evolve it) and Scald Ludi Nvm, I can get the Scale from Dep Store
  18. I have a few good Ground types, namely Moxie Krookodile and Swampert(my Starter, and idk where is the megastone, tho id need a Rain Dancer if i wanted to Mega it up), also a Excadrill id need to train up and a Camerupt i could Mega up if i got the Mega Ring before doing the fight since i already got the Cameruptite. Rotom has both bulk, SpA and decent enough speed Also have a Golem, a Donphan and Nidorina(could evolve into Nidoqueen if i wanted) but those are underleveled as crap xD.. Maybe couple Rotom with Krook and try a Moxie sweep with EQ (Krooks moveset is EQ, Power Trip, Bulk Up and Brick Break i think)? Since it wouldnt affect Rotom because of Levitate,...
  19. Can Discharge Rotom-wash (Painsplit, charge, max SPA max defense) coupled with a VA Lanturn (Tbolt/Shockwave - Charge beam-Scald-idk) do the trick? That or a Lighting Rod fast mon or something?
  20. JDMM

    EV resetting

    So, i wanted a place to train a Rotom-W in SpA and Defense for the Amaria battle (chose this EV spread because i will keep Charge for SpDef boost and i got Pain Split as well) and all the spots are a pain for it (Lots of Ground types) and i only have Hydro Pump for them).. Even for SpA those spots arent that good... Could change it to Heat form and spam Overheat in the Obsidia Ward on the Oddishes...
  21. Yeah, especially with DD being much likely the main gimmick of the Gym Battle
  22. Even with a Dragalge+Goodra makes it 4physical ones.. I was against Kommo-o and Hydreigon because of the 4x to Fairy but I'd rather see her with a Kommo-o(for the Rock resist like Seel said) Give it Roseli Berry and GG
  23. Yeah, seems like Mega Altaria would be the best answer to her (Provided you can get it) with the boost for Dragon from the field DClaw is good enough but I think Pixelate Return would be stronger? (102*1.3*1.5) since it's pretty easy to get max friendship (Just use Pokesnax or a Blue Moon Ice cream) Garchomp being used by Terra and Solaris doesn't mean that Saphira cannot use it (Excadrill is used by both Terra and Titania) Make it a bulky one(Max HP then split between Attack and Speed?) so you can set up 2DDs for good measure That or Screens/Memento support
  24. It's confirmed that the battle will be in the Dragon's Den field? I'd put Dragalge in so she had a Fairy neutrality besides Dragonite (because of the Multiscale buff) and even with MegazardX Fairy neutralities aren't ever enough for a Dragon type specialist (and the SE hits are always good to have, since only like Mawile can resist (actually being immune) a 494 BP Sludge Wave (Counting a Life Orb, 2x Se and Adaptability)(You could use a Expert Belt instead for a bit less power but no Recoil) especially when Ice types are not a thing that matters.. Flygon over Chomp makes sense for the access to DD.. Also having a Special attacker is a matter of balancing the team Over your "Fire power buff and lack of resistances to Fire by Fairy types I think the only one that does is Primarina (wich is so slow that would be overwhelmed by pretty much everything)
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