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Everything posted by JDMM
I see. Flygon over Chomp because of the access to DD, and the Dragon reducing berry for obvious reasons(Would give it EQ over Bulldoze) I'd put Life Orb and Dragon Pulse on Dragalge because I don't like the drop from Draco Meteor, even with the White Herb I don't think it's that good, and get rid of T-Spikes over some other move, if it gets Flamethrower I'd go with it On Haxorus I'd give it Dragon Claw over Outrage(Same for Tyrantrum) and some other item, maybe a Roseli Berry (again, don't like the lock in and confusion) On Dragonite I'd not give it HyperBeam and give it Fire Punch
Could also give her a MegazardX for Steel types and Ice/Fairy neutrality
So, with EP19 coming up, what team are you thinking Saphira's will have? I'm betting Dragonite (obviously) Dragalge(to deal with Fairies) Kommo-o (to deal with Ice) or Duraludon if they put Gen 8 mons(Deals with both Ice and Fairy) Goodra (Mono Dragon and a pretty bulky mon) Kingdra (not weak to Ice and a powerful poke all around Garchomp (powerful dragon type, deals with the Steel resistance to Dragon)
Thanks.. BTW the electric tiles in Devon were annoying.. Thread can be closed
so, im exploring the rebuilt Beryl and the forest and there are invisible walls everywhere
Cant find Pika in the trees
What about Rotom-Wash? Seems a good option too So Meowstic-M for Light Screen support A-raichu (Magnet/Zap Plate) Surge Surfer Max Speed Max SPA (Modest or Timid) Electro Ball Tbolt Grass Knot Nasty Plot Vikavolt (Magnet/Zap Plate) Max SPA Max Speed? (Modest or Timid) Buz Buzz Tbolt Agility Air Slash Or Ludicolo (Big Root, Expertbelt or Miracle Seed) Swift Swim, Timid/Modest, Enough Speed to outspeed her team, Max SPa, the rest in HP Giga Drain Energy Ball whatever else Rotom-Wash Electro Ball Thunderbolt/Discharge Pain Split Charge Togedemaru (Sturdy-Custap Berry or Amplified Rock) Max Attack (Electric Terrain Suicide ) Electric Terrain Zing Zap
Can i control if Pika evolves into normal or Alolan Raichu?
Another non existent type combo that would be pretty good Ice/Electric Has a few weaknesses (but as I said before, would make it a prime candidate for Weakness Policy) but Ice/Electric is an amazing type combo for offense (BoltBeam is a staple of offensive coverage) being only cucked by VA Lanturn and pretty much does either SE or neutral to anything else
I thought it would do 50% damage, so would deny the Ground(. 5*2=1)weakness and make Water *2(.5*4)
Even Camerupt is pretty okay with it.. Solid Rock means that it is only 2x to Water and no other weaknesses.. The thing with P-Groudon is that NORMAL Rayquaza (Air Lock) or even a Golduck(Cloud Nine) beats it with one Surf
The fun thing about Freeze-Dry is (I'm doing the Zekrom route) 4x SE on Ludicolo, Swampert and the probably scariest one, Kingdra, it's only not SE damage on Lapras
Also Grass Knot for Swampert
So i just beat Titania (Managed to do the Krookodile Moxie sweep i wanted to) so i now need to build a team for Amaria Was thinking of getting a Swift Swim Ludicolo a (I know she has one but like its literally one of the best options against her team (only Kingdra and Ludicolo resist Grass, and electric) For kingdra im bringing my Max Attack Granbull or my Clefable, that or try to breed a Ninetales -A with FreezeDry(aready have a Vulpix and a Vanilite family mon, Another good option seems Raichu-Alola Also bringing Vikavolt and Magnezone (i already have those as well) So where can i get Lotad and a Pikachu?
The Galar fossils are weird but pretty cool (also Dracovish is fucking broken under either Trick Room or Tailwind, because Fishious Rend is just crazy if you go first, but I prefer Tailwind or Trick Room with Life Orb over Choice Scarf because even with Fishious Rend being OP, a fucking Toxapex will live it for sure, but does not live a Psychic Fangs to the face) ) it also gets Sand Rush wich is pretty good but not as crazy as the sheer power of Strong Jaw The fact is that their designs are based on the fact that in the beginning of Paleontology scientists used to combine different species of fossil to claim they discovered a new one.. When in fact it was, many of time, a scam, sure some were not on purpose but some were on purpose.. But yeah all of them look super uncomfortable Arctovish if they rotated its head wouldn't be so bad but that way it's just yikes
True.. At least it makes it pretty OP in Inverse Battles but it's a shame.. It has pretty bulky stats but so many 4x weaknesses that it doesn't matter. It would be better off as like a Dragon/Ice type but GF for some reason thinks that every fossil mon has to be a Rock type (at least the Galar ones stopped that trend)
The funny thing about Grass/Steel is that the only Pokemon that has that typing is Ferrothorn, and like 99% of Ferrothorn sets (in PvP) are Iron Barbs+ Rocky Helmet, then Max SPDef Max HPand Iron Defense, Leech Seed, Synthesis and Gyroball or something It's also weak to Fighting but there are like 3 non contact Fighting moves (Aura Sphere, Focus Miss and Vacuum Wave) all moves that are either not very widespread, unreliable or weak.. So basically to kill a Ferrothorn you have to use Fire. Or use Protective Pads in your Fighting type user
Can also use Power Trip over Crunch and replace Brick Break with Snatch (Aegis is usually the last she sends out, right?) and if I can sweep her other Pokemon while Snatching stuff(Even Calm Mind from Klefki, tho I think it might go for Draining Kiss, maybe?) Power Trip would wreck the Aegislash,and even Scizor
So, I was researching for a strat against Titania and I came across Snatch(my Krookodile can learn it) So for what I see, she likes to set up shit (Especially Agility and SDs) while protected by the Seeds effect, so I was thinking of Snatching her moves (Since Kings Shield doesn't protect against Snatch) This is most useful Snatching Agility(to outspeed the Excadrill even if it gets the Sand Rush) and Swords Dance (Sandstorm isn't even Snatchable) So I think f doing EQ Bulk Up(for using first turn against Excadrill while it sets up the Sandstorm, and on Sandslash, to get the Defense boost and the Attack boost (maybe equip a Magic Seed on it for good measure, setting up 2 Bulk Ups and getting +3 Attack? ) Snatch for stealing Agility from Empoleon and for some other troll reasons Brick Break for the 4* against Sandslash
And interestingly enough, can hit one of those for SE damage as well (Rock)
Poison, Flying and Rock??
Hmmm, interesting in the way that has pretty OK Super Effective coverage and also to the point of having a lot of weaknesses, but none for 4X, wich would make it a good user of Weakness Policy, if it had the bulk for it that is....
Also, i dont think a Pokemon with lots of weaknesses (Unless they are 4x) arent so bad With respectable bulk it makes them prime users of Weakness Policy, especially with Screens up Take for example Latias and other bulky Psychics Cosmic Power/Calm Mind Recovery move Stored Power Fighting or Fairy move Same for Dark types with Power Trip Bulk Up, Agility, Dragon Dance or SD (you can make it like Max HP splitted defenses for the DD, Agility and SD sets) Power Trip Recovery move (If it gets Drain Punch or other physical draining move its perfect) whatever you want
So, in your opinion, what are some of the best (and worst) typings in Pokemon? you can do either ones that are already present or not So, imo Present ones Ghost/Fairy ( Mimikyu) So, Ghost offsets Fairy's weakness to Poison while Fairy offsets Ghost's to Dark Has pretty good offensive coverage, hitting super effective STAB on Ghost Psychic Dark Fighting Dragon also pretty good neutral coverage as well, not many resists to both STABs Steel/Dragon (Dialga/Duraludon Dragon offsets Steel's Fire and weakness while Steel offsets Dragon's to Fairy, Dragon and Ice, for a total of 2( Ground and Fighting) Also atleast neutral STAB coverage against everything except Dragon, Fairy, Rock, Ice that get hit for SE damage and Steel, the only resist? Steel/Fairy Steel covers both of Fairy's weaknesses (In fact turns one into an Immunity) while Fairy offsets Steel's to Fighting (leaving only Ground and Fire weaknesses) Also hits super effective STAB on Dark Fighting Dragon Fairy Ice Rock Poison/Dark Only one weakness (Ground, chople berry or Air Balloon ftw) Pretty good SE coverage, and being a Dark type not weak to Fairy is pretty cool imo, also can deal SE damage to Fairy Ghost/Dark Honorable mention because while its just better than Poison/Dark defensively, only being weak to Fairy, and having 3 immunities (Fighting, Normal and Psychic),Ghost and Dark are way too similar offensively, literally being super effective on the same things, while dark has more resists (Fairy, and Fighting i think) and Ghost has Normal as an immunity and Dark as a resist, so you wouldnt even use (probably) one of the types offensively Ground/Ice Insane offensive STAB coverage, Ground is only resisted by Grass and Bug and doesnt affect Flying, Ice covers both Grass and Flying and again, most Ground types get Rock moves for the Bugs For the weakness neutralization, Ground removes Ice's to Rock while Ice removes Ground's to well, Ice ... In the case of Mamoswine it gets Thick Fat, so by bye Fire weakness as well (also deals STAB SE damage to Fire from the Ground ) (EDIT) Ghost/Fighting (Marshadow) Defensively, only negates Ghost's weakness to Dark and thats it offensively its the only unresistable STAB combo that exists in Pokemon Non existant in the Main games yet Normal/Ghost Again, only one weakness ( Dark) and almost perfect STAB coverage, only not hitting Rock and Steel for atleast neutral (Could get Fighting moves,like Drain Punch, since all Normal types get Fighting moves), immune to Ghost, Normal and Fighting as well