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Everything posted by JDMM

  1. Eelektross is pretty pog, no weaknesses is good and it has a pretty good move pool as well.. Galvantula im not a big fan but yes, Compound Eyes Thunder is super powerful. Ampharos is slow as crap tho wich i dont like... But the Sticky Web support from Galvantula is something i could make use.. I see Pimpnite using Galvantula a lot to set up sweeps with Sticky Web and Thunder Wave support so its a good support, but i would like getting screens up and having 2 support slaves isnt that good for a boss battle , plus Supersonic and many other good Compound Eyes action..... I first have to beat Titania.. In fact i got the Magikarp from the side quest now, i might try a DD+Moxie Gyarados sweep (it only has Bulldoze tho, not EQ, since no EQ TM yet, but Crunch and Waterfall as well, and setting up DDs is going to offset Agility and Sand Rush)( she cant do shit to Gyarados as well, no Electric or Rock coverage)
  2. In fact I currently don't have much to deal with Water(although I don't have any weaknesses to it) just some coverage moves (Elemental Punches on Medicham and Thunder Fang in Granbull.. Even though I just caught a freaking Vikavolt at level 75in that garden in Peridot, just used a few Heart Scales(I have a lot from Pickup) to give it Tbolt, Bug Buzz, Air Slash and Agility, it also has pretty good IVs as well I wanted to get a Magnezone for Amaria but I can't access the backroom of Shades gym to evolve my Magneton.. I will very surely get a Ninetales A with Freeze-Dry for her anyway Just because Grass isn't really an option since every Water type and their moms gets Ice coverage
  3. I got it. Plus in that weird forest near her gym there are Flame Body Ponyta and Rapidash
  4. Not 100,it turns into a "no miss move" like Swift But Freeze-Dry is also pretty pog.. Especially for Amaria. Hitting Ludicolo, Kingdra, Swampert etc for 4x after a Nasty Plot is well, nasty, for them
  5. Ninetales - Alolan is only good because Snow Warning +Aurora Veil is broken by itself, and Ice /Fairy STABs+Nasty Plot can make it a very powerful sweeper as well, especially with Veil up.. It only "fears" Steel moves pretty much
  6. Where I obtain the egg? I am at Titania now
  7. That looks like a good moveset even for using for the whole game just replace Blizzard with Freeze-Dry(to kill some Gyarados, Swamperts etc) and last slot for moonblast
  8. Honestly I don't think that you can do something like that.. The Gym Leaders use very specific strategies, have field effects that power their moves and nerf moves that would otherwise wreck them (Aya for example nerfs EQ to 25 BP and Corey makes Ground moves do extra Poison damage (At least Mud Shot and Mud Bomb)) and cover each pokemon's weaknesses pretty well so you need to bring very specific Pokemon and strategies yourself to counter them.. I don't mind training multiple Pokémon since I have a "Pickup strategy" that makes it so I obtain a lot of healing items, Heart Scales, Ability Capsules and other useful stuff rom Pickup while I grind up my gym Pokemon.. What I do is having a team to roll around the world and then pick up specific Pokémon for gym battles, grind them up and EV train them in pairs(Lucky Egg and ExP Share) while having 4 Pickup Pokémon on the team.. It's a bit time consuming but works very well.. That said, a Prankster support lead (Screens, Taunt, Weather changing moves, etc) is pretty much mandatory for a "ultimate team", but I'd EV train it to be as bulky as possible.. Probably Max HP split defenses or something (I just picked up a Meowstic for that), a good Fairy type(Mawile for example) and then have a type balanced team with powerful Pokemon
  9. The one where you find him when you have to Battle him? It's open already I think Also I just thought about something else :I'm not using Rain Dance to kill the Hail but Sunny Day, because of Big Piplup that way Camerupt is safer
  10. I actually found a super good way to stall the Kings Shield effect from the Seed on her Pokemon, and might also be a good start for my side :Bulk Up on both Haryiama and Krookodile (idk if Swampert can learn it but if it can I'll teach it over Rockslide or Brick Break
  11. I went there and idk if I picked it up, have to go back.. Also thinking of bringing a Prankster Meowstic to set up screens and rain dance so the A-Sandslash can't setup the Veil, maybe Max HP split defense? Then just bring stuff to sweep her? Especially Moxie Krookodile I think it can do serious damage to her team For her Excadrill maybe bring in Air Balloon Lucario to Aura Sphere if it faints whatever I have prior? It looks it will either SD or set up Sandstorm first turn
  12. Where you can get the Orbs? I can just look at the HP and keep Potion'ing it up so it's not a big deal
  13. Also thinking about using either Moxie Krookodile(Max Speed, then 154 in Attack and 100 HP for a bit of bulk) or a Sand Rush or Sand Force Excadrill of my own.. And Camerupt Maybe I go Haryiama (Guts-Fist Plate or Dark Gem) Close Combat Brick Break Knock off Rain Dance Camerupt (Solid Rock-Ground Gem or Expert Belt(if I can get it) Flamethrower Earth Power Swampert (Damo-idk what item) EQ Waterfall Brick Break Rockslide Krookodile (Moxie-Magic Seed?) EQ Crunch Brick Break Fire Fang (I think it gets it through Heart Scales) Excadrill (Sand Rush-Magic Seed) SD Earthquake 2random moves Idk what I'd use lastly, maybe Medicham(Pure Power - Wide Lens) HJK Fire Punch (random Dark or Ghost move for Aegis) Meditate (to stall Kings Shield)
  14. So, I'm at Titania's gym now and was thinking of using Guts Haryiama with Fist Plate for her battle (Knock Off,, CC, Brick Break, Rain Dance to waste Kings Shield effects) but I need a way to either get it normal poisoned or burned. Are there any places I can get those status easily and safe? Like Willowisp or Poison sting or something? Maybe at Byxbysion Wasteland? Also, Unburden Hawlucha would body her holding the Magic Seed.. With SD on top of course
  15. Where can I obtain a Togepi (or an egg)? Togekiss would be a pretty good addition to my team with Flying and Fairy coverage (plus the very OP Para flinch strat)
  16. Right over the dude that is selling stolen Pokemon (3 Heart Scales for each nature change (farm them in Tanzan Cove from Luvdisc and from Pickup +lvl51)
  17. JDMM

    EV resetting

    Thank you for the tip. Time to kill stuff I'm at Victoria's battle in Devon Corp and I'm going to level to 80 while EV training in the stats I want to with the Pokemon in the guide.. Is there any more that give SPDef alongside Tentacools? I want to train my Clefable in SpDef and Tentacools seem like a pain in the ass for it (want to do Max HP, split defenses só it can tank shit while setting up Cosmic Power and Minimize for some Stored Power nukes) Can I do it like bringing a Psychic type to kill them while Clef is in the back holding the Macho Brace or it has to be holding the ExpShare for it to get the EVs? For HP I'll do it in Tanzan Cove
  18. So, i reachedthe Rebuilt Reborn City and i am now going to reset some useless EVs i got into my squad ( Especially Attack on Special Attackers and vice versa I bought a few of those EV resetting disks and so.. I Used one on my Crobat to reset SpA an went to use some vitamins to give it Speed and Attack,but it says it wont have effect (Its not maxed either at the 252 or the total 512)
  19. Oh.. Good to know that.. I just found weird that Titania's Excadrill used SD into my Unaware Clefable like 3 times.. I just murdered it with a +18 Stored Power in the Glitch Field
  20. For me she was the most annoying one.. For all others a few team tweaks did the job.. But for her it's pretty impossible to get good counters (Fire types are useless, because she has multiple Rain Dancers, no access or very limited to Sunny Day or Drought pokemon at that time (I guess??) and Araquanid will wreck any fire type you can get, plus Hydro Pump on the Masquerain) Flying types? Get rekt by her Anorith.. Rock types? Get rekt by Energy Ball and Giga Drain.. Fighting for the Bug resist? Nah, she has Flying coverage as well Also Ciel and freaking Para flinch togekiss lead.. Like really?? Good thing that Im training my future Flyer already (Inner Focus Crobat) and I think it will help against that thing.. That or Inner Focus Lucario with Meteor Mash
  21. Because setting up 5 turns is something that I don't see happening with Reborn's leaders.. That or you did it on one of her Physical attackers and healed up.. I said t because Electric=weak to Ground, but Levitate ignores it and I was asking if it's something that could happen, AI not "seeing" the Levitate and going for the Ground move..
  22. Does she have a Ground move on some of her Pokemon? Because I think the AI does not "see" Abilities. Terra's Excadrill set up Swords Dances on my Unaware Clefable after not doing anything with Amnesia Scalds with her Quagsire..
  23. Actually it does.. The field only changes the moves to normal, not the Pokemon.. I actually did this as a test for Terra herself
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