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Everything posted by JDMM
Ice is imo pretty under rated.. Surely has a lot of weaknesses, but is amazing offensively.. For example Mamoswine is an absolute beast, Ground Ice is amazing STAB coverage, hits like a truck and is pretty bulky as well, even more if it's Thick Fat. Then Hail chip, Aurora Veil, Slush Rush, etc Also Freeze-Dry has to be one of my favorite moves. Being able to hit Gastrodons, Swamperts, Kingdras, Dracovishes, Palkias, etc for 4x damage is pretty cool.. It's basically free coverage for Ice mons
Actually i went +18, so a 452 BP Stored Power (because of 1.2x boost from the Glitch field).. I could had given it a Mind Plate for even more power but went with Synthetic Seed for the +2 so I could Minimize turn one more safely Cosmic Power + Stored Power is just broken in the Glitch Field because it also boosts the Special Attack, and Unaware also counters her whole Amnesia strats
Thing is that in Reborn you have to rebuild your team for each gym leader/PULSE and have one to just do your shit around(while boring to grind stuff up I think it's the best way to play plus I have a thing of using a lot of Pickup Pokes to get shit for free while I grind). While you are right. I'd change Nidoking for something else if I picked Drapion or Krook since they overlap in typing and weaknesses (I'm one that thinks that overlapping types isn't that bad, if weaknesses don't overlap).. I'd get a Crobat or something like that for the Poison type if picked Krook.(Overlaps on the Electric and Rock weakness with Zard but Primarina should take care of those) but it's pretty strong and can also be your Flyer later on) I'm for example going to have both a Lucario and Medicham on my "going around" team.. I might box my Drapion depending on what else I might pick up, probably Crobat since I don't have Flying Type and Krook would overlap with Swampert for the Grass weakness . Dark type is useful but I'm thinking having a Fairy and Steel type is even more important (either Clefable or Granbull in my case for the Fairy, and Lucario for Steel) and Medicham hits like a truck with Pure Power, and has Thunder punch/Ice Punch coverage besides its double stab of HJK and Zen Headbutt ..... Or get a Houndoom sometime soon since I have a Houndour in the box
Go for a Sniper Drapion for your Dark type.. Only weak to Ground and hits pretty hard.. Give it a Chople Berry or Scope Lens and you are good. Or a Krookodile with either Moxie or Intimidate.. You can change it up pretty easily with Ability Capsules, just mine for Shards and you are golden
LMAO just swept her with Clefable.. Unaware Cosmic Power, Minimize, Stored Power GG
Can you PP stall the Mewtwo? Like I have a Sandile and a Thick Fat Walrein, can I pivot between the two (like start with Walrein, baiting either Psychic or Tbolt, go to Sandile, baiting the Ice Beam, back to Walrein, etc?
For Terra herself i was thinking of doing a Hail team with Haryiama or going in with my normal team... Does the Blizzard never miss in Hail t work with the Glitch Field?.. You can get a lot of Ice types in the caves , i even have a Snow Warning Vulpix to set up Aurora Veil...
Just checked something, i could do Light Screen/Mirror Coat with Electrode i can find inside the Glitch Cerulean Cave too,just level the Electrode up to 75 so it could outspeed the Mewtwo for the Light Screen... Then i could even use the Minimize Clefable ... Since i cant even breed or id use Mirror Coat Sturdy Avallugg..
Not even to the Shade gym right? I was thinking of doing Sturdy - Mirror Coat Magnezone (I have quite a lot of Heart Scales from Pickup and mining and a Sturdy Magneton)
Welp.. Gonna need to level mine up... Snarl him down if I can... Not a Dark move but will decrease its attacking power. Was also thinking of Revive PP stall it, but it might take a lot of it.. (even though I have a butt ton of them because of my Pickup grinding "strategy")
Does it work on the Glitch wasteland too?
I need to get past the stupid Mewtwo first... i dont have any Focus Sashes or a Wobbufet (seen a vid on YT of a guy using aWobbu for the Mewtwo)
I could also kill Nido with Ground Gem EQ from Camerupt, baiting the Quagsire, get the Toxic off on in and stall out until it dies... Can also Knock Off Chomp's AV with Haryiama or just brute force it with Clefable and Normal type Moonblast.. Even Stored Power from being +12 should do some good damage.. Pallosand has zero chance of doing anything, because Clef is Unaware as well
If only I could get a Shedinja
Im thinking of killing Nidoking with something then going for a Clefable sweep with Minimize and Cosmic Power/Glitched Field boosted Stored Powers, plus Synthetic Seed.. Actually i might go for it straight on Nido because of the type change from Synthetic Seed.. Quagsire might give me trouble with Unaware tho,,, Also, are the Fairy, Steel and Dark types ignored for the Pokemo(Turning Normal) or just the moves deal Normal damage?
I like Cain too, probably my favorite.. He's super funny, always flirting with everyone and cracking jokes even when things are tense, good for some comical relief and relaxation in hard times, which I think makes a lot of sense (Reminds me of Marnie from Sword and Shield) ... But most of the characters are pretty good.. Everyone has so much personality and so many intricacies between the stories..Some are psychos like Blake, yes, but hey, I like it. And yes, Julia is outright hilarious as well.. If only we had more interaction between her and Cain I guess it would be gold Overall I only don't like Fern.. He's just outright rude, hypocritical and narcissistic.. Even the Meteor bosses seem less of an assholes than him, even if they are hostile.. He's not even the strongest rival. Cain would wreck his ass in a battle(not outside of battle tho, that honor is reserved for us) , also his team is horribly weak to Ice while Cain's and Victoria's are pretty well balanced
It's a Ghost gym, never too many Dark types .. I used a Skuntank with Crunch and Sucker Punch (that I later substituted for Drapion too, Sniper Night Slash/Cross Poison is OP)
For me, Shelly (I'm at Charlotte so can not say anything about the ones who come next) For many reasons.. limited access to good counters, the Prankster Rain Dance, Speed Boost Yanmega.. Anorith hits like a fucking train and extremely good coverage all around .. Also Grass coverage in Giga Drain and Energy Ball if you can bring Rock types Florinia and the first one were pretty easy (the first one was easy just because I picked Mudkip tho) Heather's dad wasn't too bad, just Skuntank and Crobat were a bit of an annoyance Kiki was a Simple Calm Mind Psychic Swoobat sweep, pretty much Aya is also kind of annoying but you can get some good counters around Kiki's gym (Camerupt and Pallosand) just watch out for the Water moves on Drapion and Dragalge, and leave Toxapex for the end, just double target her other Pokémon (Muddy Water accuracy drops from Swampert/Marshtomp kinda helped for Icy Wind misses Shade was pretty easy, Crunch/Sucker Punch Skuntank pretty much swept him Radomus is annoying as well but Intimidate Play Rough/Crunch Intimidade Granbull (Because of the Gallade lead) + Drapion (Night Slash, Cross Poison, Fell Stinger, Bug Bite) kind of carry(my strategy was to kill the Reuniclus first turn since it's so OP in Trick Room (and the Magic Coat from the seed makes it so you can not stop it from Trick Rooming) and the SpA boost from the Seed makes it just yikes, from there it wasn't too bad,just don't let Gardevoir stack Calm Minds with other pokemon on it's side or she sweeps you away) The Normal one was pretty easy except for the Porygon and Swellow The Ice one (I don't remember her name ) I broke the mirrors with EQ and wasn't too bad. Samson can be annoying but Minimize/Cosmic Power/Stored Power /Moonblast Unaware Clefable with Weakness Policy totally bodies him(its a prize on the Circus itself, if it does not come with the HA just Ability Capsule it) . Had a lucky Quick Claw Play Rough with Granbull on the Hawlucha, baited Lucario to go for its Steel move, switched to Swampert and killed it, then bring Clef in safely, Minimize, Cosmic Power and sweep him with Moonblast and when he procked the Weakness Policy i went for the Stored Powers.. Huge Power Medicham is pretty helpful as well (you can get it in Route 2) Charlotte was just a question of terminating the Superheated field with Surf+Blizzard (Swampert and Walrein with a Telluric Seed) send in my Thick Fat Haryiama with Damp Rock Rain Dance after the Ninetales came out and pretty much sweep her... Even went for the memes on Rotom (she sent it last) with Smack Down into Earth Power
About to fight Noel, how well do you think I'll do?
JDMM replied to Shirokodaki's topic in Team Showcase
For me Noel was pretty ez, just his Porygon and Swellow gave me some troubles first time(Download SpA boost TriAttack hits surprisingly hard, plus it has pretty good coverage (had to bait a Attack boost on it) and Guts Brave Bird is also yikes) .. I just killed them then swept him with Fell Stinger(got the +3on Girafarig I think) Drapion and Guts Haryiama.. Gave Drapion a Chople Berry for the Bewear tho -
I actually did something like this but I actually released the Pokemon that was holding it.. But I got my mistake pretty quickly and just reset the game without saving
I think it's Terra.. I got the pass from the house in Ametrine and it sounds like it.. But first I have to beat Blake on the top of the mountain.. DD Intimidate Gyarados and Mamoswine lead is yikes ny only Electric moves is TPunch on Medicham or Discharge on Pachirisu .. I'm thinking of leading Granbull for the Intimidate, along maybe Haryiama with Fist Plate or Fighting Gen CC to try to one-shot the Mamoswine.. And train a Magnemite up to send it in after killing the Mamoswine.. And pair with Swampert to spam Discharge on the guy
I already beat her.. Used the Surf+Blizzard strat and worked to perfection,cancelling the Super heated field until her last Pokemon Equipped a Telluric Seed on Walrein just in case but didn't even needed it, since Darmanitan missed the Rock Slide on it, then sacked them while doing some chip with Dive and Surf I then sent in Haryiama holding Damp Rock on the Ninetales, Rain Danced, and started sweeping her... With some heals in between but not too bad
Not playing now... Also don't know how to work the online ..I will try my strategy first and see.. If it had good HP and SPDef could also be nice to Prankster Taunt HER screeners (Scrotom and Delphox) and for last Protect (Earthquake go brrr) and Psychic Also wouldn't the Misty Terrain revert back to the super heated one after the 5/8turns? Idk how it works