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Everything posted by JDMM

  1. That would be a great strategy even with no Light Clay(I think I have one tho), I'd just double target Darmanitan first turn and send it in when something faints, thing is I don't have a Meowstic, and if it's not available atm I'm screwed I didn't get Espurr in the Magma gang street (never used it and had a Psychic type already) but I should have got it even just for Prankster screens
  2. I have no Terrain setters besides a Electric Terrain Togedemaru My Swampert is easily living Thyphlosions first Eruption and I'm easily being able to kill it and the Darmanitan ... Problem is when Ninetales comes in and Sun + Superheated Field starts shutting on me.. If I could get SPDef and Def EVs on the Walrein I think I could get the Surf/Muddy water+Blizzard off and terminate the super heated field (if my Swampert is faster than it, wich I think it is, especially if I get a Rockslide miss from the Darmanitan, even if they do go down.. Then send in Hariyama to heal up the team and go for a Fist Plate boosted CC before going down, and Camerupt (since she doesn't have any Water moves, and so has nothing for it, and I can do some damage with Rockslide or Earth Power).. Or do Rain Dance if Ninetales already went in so she would probably switch it out and let me do some damage to whatever came in.. As for Rhydon, if she doesn't have Sun up only Volcarona and Rotom can damage it with Giga Drain or HP Ice.. I could go Palossand instead and go for Earth Powers on her mons.. I'll try the Swampert + Walrein strat first and see
  3. Dive.. I'd love to get Liquidation or Waterfall but I don't know where I get them.. Liquidation it says it's in 7 Street but I went to all the tutors and didn't see it
  4. Problem is that the super heat dampens my Muddy Water/Surf damage.. But with the level difference Walrein might survive.. Plus I will try to train him so he gets Defense EVs (Boldore, Crustle, etc in Route 2,but idk where I can get SPDef)
  5. The only problem is Rock Slide on Darma.. I will need a miss on it, especially on Walrein..
  6. I was thinking about it..... But not being able to EQ since no Flying or Levitate is kinda bad.. Maybe go for the Swampert-Walrein strategy? Surf/Muddy Water (Surf hits allies in Reborn, right?) with Swampert to put the Terrain back to the super heated one (since Thyphlosion outspeeds my whole team with Eruption) then Blizzard to terminate it, then Rain Dance after killing the Ninetales or something These field effects are broken lol
  7. Where I can get a Gyarados now tho? Can I Old Rod fish for Magikarp or something? Moxie DD/Dive/Waterfall(I think I can't get Waterfall tho) Gyarados+EQ Swampert would absolutely body her for sure.. Maybe instead of Pallosand, because I see a lot of Grass moves in the last Pokémon.. Especially Drought Solarbeam is pretty poggers.. Volcarona would get rekt easy by 2 rock Slides(Charti Berry cuts Rock damage right?) , and I think that she tries to Quiver Dance first,
  8. Or a Blizzard Thick Fat Walrein? so i could terminate the Superheated Field?
  9. Also could use A Wishiwashi from Ametrine Mountain... Surf while Swampert Dives? + Hydro Pump or Water Pulse with the Wave Incense.. Instead of Clefable
  10. If i could get a Tyranitar around here id change Pallossands ability and do a Sand team ...... Even have a Smooth Rock
  11. Thinking of runing this Thick Fat Haryiama, with Fist Plate ( more to sponge hits in case i need to heal stuff up) Rhydon , maybe not even Ability Capsule it with Wide Lens Stone Edge Solid Rock Camerupt with Rock Slide and Earth Power, idk what item, maybe Rock Gem or something Swampert with Damp: Dive, EQ and Rock Slide, i have a Telepathy Medicham in the PC if i wanna go Surf (its Modest LOL).... Idk, with a wave incense or hard stone? Unaware Clefable with Minimize, Cosmic Power, Moonblast and Stored Power, idk what item i should give it (id give a Bright Powder if i had it) Pallosand with Earth Power and HP Rock, maybe Ground Gem or Hard Stone
  12. Id go Rhydon for the extra stats tho
  13. Are there any Trade Stones around here? Didnt get access to the Dep. Store Stickers for it....but i got the Protector
  14. Neutral Nature, just Ability Capsule it and evolve,right?
  15. Sure... Huge Power still kinda cancels the drop from being Modest... And I can do it when I can get back to Reborn City or get other place where I can do it..
  16. Is there any place to change my Pokemon's nature around Agate Circus? I just caught a Meditite, had Huge Power but a Modest Nature :v Psychic/Fighting is a pretty nice type, and it gets «BoltBeam» coverage with the Punches as well Id change it to either Jolly or Adamant then give it Wide Lens High Jump Kick Zen Headbutt Thunder punch Ice Punch
  17. JDMM

    I'm lost

    Thank you. Already progressed through. Now having trouble getting past the last spinner inside the Sanctum.. Dude's too fast
  18. JDMM

    I'm lost

    So i just beat Radomus, now im supposed to go to 7th Street to find Luna? I seen in th Wiki that Bennett would be in 7th Street to progress but i cant see him... Does it need to be during the day or in a specific weather?
  19. Pickup In Tanzan Cove there are Dedenne in levels that they can Pickup Blast Powder
  20. How can i beat this ? Level 75 Arceus??? Im capped at 60.. Where can i find a Focus Sash and a Perish Song or Mirror Coat pokemon? This is otherwise impossible
  21. So my ladies, gentlemen and all in between Since there is quite a bit of grinding and team changing in Reborn, i came up with the idea of while grinding having on my team the Pokemon i'm leveling up (usually 2 or 3, since i have one EXP Share) and then a bunch of Pickup mons (Using Dedennes and a Pachirisu atm) and was wondering the ideal level tiers i should put them, accordingly to my current level cap, to get the best «item coverage» possible and be able to spare some change in healing items and stuff i'd say 31-40,51-60,71-80 Id also like to get a Pickup Zigzagoon/Linoone for being my HM mule and Pickup «slave» while not grinding (Especially for Cut and Rock Smash), where can i get one?
  22. I wouldn't have a type specialty but something else Use a Doubles format Likely using Rain with Swift Swim Ludicolo (Leftovers) Giga Drain Hydro Pump Rain Dance Ice Beam? Pelliper with Drizzle (Damp Rock) Hurricane Surf Uturn Tailwind Dracovish with strong jaw( Life Orb) Fishious Rend Psychic Fangs Crunch Thunder Fang Lanturn with Water Absorb (Magnet) Thunder Volt switch Scald Ice Beam Lapras with Water Absorb (Life Orb) Freeze-Dry Surf Thunder Rain Dance Ferrothorn with Iron Barbs (Rocky Helmet) Leech Seed Gyroball Power whip Protect For singles I'd do something like Blue in the Johto games with a sorta balanced team
  23. It should be "Biting moves restore user's HP by 75%of damage done" or something.. Or call it Vampirism (Good for a Mega Crobat for example
  24. With Fakemon? I will give some idea Sharpshooter Increases Crit-Rate and Accuracy for the Pokemon, Evasion boosts and Accuracy dropping moves dont work (Compound Eyes+Super Luck+Keen Eye) Maybe a bit OP but it could be for a Legendary Forecast (something) Summons a random weather on switch in, or a specific one based on what «weather rock » the Pokemon is holding, changes the user's form for a type matching said weather ( Give Castform an evolution or just change it) (IDK what i call this one, id call it Adaptability, since i think t makes more sense than how it is normally) gives a 1.5x boost to non-STAB moves, but doesnt change the user's type like Protean Ninja Set up moves additionally raise Evasion
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