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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raghav

  1. There's no way laura won't have a mega on her team, also bannet will probably not use moves like eq on his pokemons since their power if halfed in grassy terrain
  2. Is there a way to get the move 'celebrate' on any pokemon in E18 of reborn in a legit way? If not will it be possible in E19?
  3. You can see anything related to pokemon at balbapedia
  4. You can get maril in grassy paths of route 4 after reaching agate city, means after completing the current game available
  5. I'm in agate circus rn, can I get a pineco or foretress outside of reborn city?
  6. Raghav

    Porygon Z???

    Poygon line is good and u always get a shiny porygon somewhere in glitch world
  7. My user id is raghav, pls anyone trade with me. Also please have it hold a sunstone too I want one before battling corey
  8. That would be really cool! And maybe after defeating them all we could also challange the mc of reborn in the end
  9. So why are you even trying game-z if it runs normally on default one? Game-z was made for the people who had some troubles playing on the default one
  10. You have joined magma gang that's why u got oshwot instead of litten. To get litten you have to go to agate city, there will be a guy in a house who'll trade you a litten for a statler iirc. Btw thanks for the save file! :D and also you should use a scrafty instead of pangoro imo
  11. There is a lady on oceana pier that trades an own tempo rockruff to you for a normal rockruff and ONLY that rockruff can evolve into dusk lycanroc between 5-6 pm evening
  12. You may swap nasty plot with light screen/reflect cause raichu can get OH'KO any time
  13. So I joined the discord server of reborn, but how can I get verified so I can share images too?
  14. Is it based on the starter you pick? Or totally random? Like I chose torchic so I got pawniard
  15. Sylveon with misty terrain or espeon with calm mind and psychic is pretty good and why your Arcanine doesn't know any physical fire type moves? I would say a good moveset for Arcanine would be flare blitz,heat wave,outrage/extreme speed,close combat
  16. Your team is great but their moveset are pretty bad ngl like why you have a physical move like iron tail and light ball(It doubles the attack and special attack of ONLY pikachu) as a held item on sylveon? Also you don't have any psychic STAB move on Metagross as well? sky uppercut and high jump kick work like same you should replace one of them with fire punch or thunder punch and have drain punch as your main fighting STAB to get back the health you lose vai flare blitz. And thick club only doubles the attack of CUBONE AND MAROWAG not every pokemon.
  17. Hello, has anyone tried trading or online battling through emulator (joi play) on Android? I was curious if we can do that as well
  18. You should teach your A-ninetales freeze dry instead of ice beam for water coverage and close combat/extreme speed for Arcanine instead of fire fang and also you should replace flame burst with heat wave since both have same area altering effects but one has better power and hits two pokemon of the opponent at the same time and maybe give your manectric something else cause it's speed is already pretty good and also why do you have two fire types on the team just curious you should replace one for a water/grass imo and a good moveset for Delphox would be mistical fire/flamethrower,sunny day(with heat rock ofc),any other coverage move(would strongly recommend solar beam if u have TM) and psychic/psyshock
  19. Aside from the topic anyone knows if I can find a corsola other than that event from appophyll and from underwater houses? I'm trying to complete Pokedex too and in the Pokedex it says it's on other places as well
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