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Alice Bell

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alice Bell

  1. Okay so important question as someone who JUST started the v13 stuff recently. (I play in chunks) Is 13.5 going to have enough early game content overhauled to necessitate another replay-? (I mean I likely will anyway but still)
  2. Thanks for the suggestions- I finally decided on Alolan Ninetales, Rapidash, Tsareena, Milotic, Gothitelle and Mega Absol as my main team. (Though it’ll be a bit before I get Milotic and Absol. Part of me just wants to get my hands on them through other means). Currently using Gorebyss and Medicham in my last two slots, since Absol and Feebas/Milotic are so far into the game. (At the Noel fight now). I plan to get my hands on a Mienshao and Lycanroc when I can, as well as a few others. I do want SOME flexibility
  3. So maybe I shouldn’t be focusing this hard but my brain screams ‘stick to the character’ so… this is my first run of Reborn but I kinda want to theme my team a bit after my pc (using Alice). Since she has a gothic Lolita aesthetic I figured I’d just lean towards generally ‘elegant’ mons; but I need a bit of help settling on what to look for. (Note that I just beat Corey so I understand if some stuff isn’t available yet. at the moment the three I’ve (mostly) settled on are Alolan Ninetales (my starter), Gothitelle and Aevian Mismagius (used a password). Missy can be swapped out if needed. Ideally I want a fire/water/grass core and something that can mega-evolve. thoughts? Also thanks in advance anyone who does indulge me on this silliness.
  4. Normal, sorry. Not casual and not intense, whatever the base difficulty is. (Also annoyed my cap is still 85 and enemies are consistently throwing higher-than-85 mons at me)
  5. So I’ve finally (playing on and off) made it to chapter 15 and upon playing the Diamond Route I noticed something incredibly odd; Angie’s Mamoswine is, for some reason, ungodly fast. I know its seed gives it a speed boost, but that still doesn’t account for my experiments. I didn’t do the exact math but I’m pretty certain it shouldn’t be able to outspeed a max speed jolly Cinderace, even with a speed boost. and maybe I used the wrong seed, but even when I used the same seed it used, it STILL outsped me. I managed a win via crest Feraligatr (because I had to use a berry to soften the Earthquake on Cinderace, and that made HJK too RNG-heavy to rely on. this chapter in general seems to be fond of rather bullshit fights what with Melia (won via Crest Bastiodon cheese) and that stupid training match against Ren…
  6. If this is the wrong place to post this I apologize. I was looking for a way to access a debug download for Rejuvenation, but every link said I did not have permission ti view said topics, furthermore I can't even see the Rejuvenation subforum anymore... Is there some sort of procedure for access now? Or has it been so long since I was here that things just changed drastically?
  7. I can do that mind, but I will be clear, if I drop one of Banette or Zoroark it’s gonna be Zoroark, just personal preference. And Midnight Lycanroc is my favourite one, I know Dusk is better but- Talonflame is a good idea though. Honestly a BUNCH of the more recent fights were only possible because Gale Wings Tailwind existed.
  8. Now I’ll preface this by saying I am no stranger to Pokémon stuff, been playing for years, just kinda wanting to run a few things at a sounding board to see if they seem functional. ’Team’ is also a bit unclear since I have almost a box full of mons in decent combat condition (EV trained and level 60-65 (current cap) but this is for my main squad So the primary team I use is: Banette (Shadow Claw/Sucker Punch/Gunk Shot/Pain Split) Primarina (Hyper Voice/Moonblast/Shadow Ball/Misty Terrain Lycanroc (Midnight) (Rock Slide/Crunch/Fire Fang/Counter) Raichu (Alola) (Thunderbolt/Psychic/Signal Beam/Nasty Plot) Zoroark (Night Daze/Hidden Power Fighting/Grass Knot/Nasty Plot) Nidoking (Sludge Bomb/Earth Power/Magma Drift/Surf) I’m having a few issues deciding between these and my subs though: specifically; Raichu or Meowstic (Female, Competitive) What combination of Nidoking/Talonflame/Tsareena/Zoroark to use. I can give a full picture of my box if needed, I’m just trying to decide what the best combo would be…
  9. So just started this game, not very far yet, but curious about something. After starting a first time I restarted to use the legacy sprite option (because I love Aevia’s alternate sprite with the dress and such). The issue is I read somewhere that the legacy sprites aren’t fully updated to certain new things in later chapters. i don’t want to restart a third time, so could I get confirmation on this? Or is there a way to go back to the current sprites without restarting?
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