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  1. How to speed up pokemon reborn?

    I've been playing the new update (E19) but it's being very slow for me.


    I had to get an app for it to update my openGL to let me play, I tried using cheat engine (only for speed because idk how to do anything else with it) but that doesn't really seem to work.


    any suggestions?




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battlesaw


      it doesn't seem to be changing the speed of the running shoes.


      it also isn't affecting the text speed (i have it at max but its still slow along with the battling) what happened to the fast foward option?

    3. Dred


      Usually an issue with devices that have older specs, or a power related issue. If its a laptop, try plugging it in and see if it works. 

    4. Battlesaw


      it is a windows 10 desktop, it was working perfectly fine with reborn before the update

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