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Reborn Development Blog
Rejuvenation Development Blog
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Everything posted by Battlesaw
How to speed up pokemon reborn?
I've been playing the new update (E19) but it's being very slow for me.
I had to get an app for it to update my openGL to let me play, I tried using cheat engine (only for speed because idk how to do anything else with it) but that doesn't really seem to work.
any suggestions?
Im still not able to get my original file back
i tried renaming the file to the original name but now it won't let me.
i just wanna play the original version
can someone help please? i got the randomnizer but after i couple days i went back to my original game because i wanted to get to the next gym but it wont let me, i tried changing the file name to the original one but it keeps giving me the randomnizer file:(
Im trying to download pokemon reborn again so I can add a randomnizer to the new one so it doesnt mess up my current game.
how do I download a new game of reborn without it going to my original file and how do I add the randomnizer to it?
How to beat Serras froslass?
I can`t get past the second or third pokemon because its always froslass, and it always out speeds all of my pokemon. what pokemon are good against her
There’s a Gym Leader help thread that can offer some good suggestions if you give them your team. Or you can make a separate thread too to get advice.
In the meantime (it’s been a while since I last challenged her), I remember Klingklang’s Mirror Shot (as well as solid defences and great typing) tearing through her team, wrecking three mons on its own.
If you care only about winning, you can also destroy her field with a Pokemon knowing Earthquake (Donphan, Krokodile, Swampert) or Boomburst (Noivern) or any other way. Losing her field doesn’t make her a pushover but it usually helps.
I can't play pokemon rejuvenation, I downloaded it (using windows mega) but it crashes before it even opens saying i need a different version
Unable to fish?
for someone reason I cannot fish. Every time I try to fish it says "not even a nibble" every single time. I don't know why It won't allow me to fish. I have the good rod with me.
Should I wait to play rejuvenation until I finish pokemon reborn or should I get a head start in the game?
how to beat aya?
I can't beat her at all because I can't knock down the Toxapex
my team:
Meowstic (m) lvl 41
fake out
disarming voice
Swampert (m) lvl 43
rock throw
muddy water
Noctowl (f) lvl 43
air slash
Durant (f) lvl 43
iron head
Ampharos (f) lvl 41
power gem
rock smash
Zoroark (f) lvl 43
night slash
foul play
pokemon I switch to:
infernape(43), cofagrigus(42), Mushana(40), Grumpig(40), bronzong(40), mr mime(43)
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Not sure, to be honest. Perhaps someone with Earth Power could help, or (field-boosted) Mud Bomb Gastrodon, you could just bring more Psychic types, who really are a pain.
As for Toxapex, I guess the question is more: "how much of a nuisance does it remain?". If you manage to get it to sleep, that should help you get some time to deal with some of Aya's mons and hopefully gain an advantage.
But again, I'm not very good at this game, and you'll certainly get far better ideas from other members if you create a thread for this (or use the Gym Leader help thread).
so im doing wonder trade right now and i got a few gabites (and like 50 frillish) but both of the pokemon have the same stats (gabite with gabite) and frillish with frillish, they all have the same moves,lvl and even the hp to get to the next lvl. what do i do?
So im training my Geodude and right now its ability is rock head, every time i evolve it its ability either changes to sand veil or stays at rockhead, im trying to get the ability sturdy to fight against PULSE Muk, what is the chance to get that ability for graveler? I don't have any Ability Capsules with me either.
is generation 9 gonna be added to pokemon reborn and rejuvenation?
is there a way to finish Pokemon reborn without Taka dying? I like Taka alot (like Taka,Zel/zEl/zeL,Shade,Corey,Cain are my favourites so far) but is there a way to play a game without him dying? (i was reading on the battles and saw that he dies in a route)
Note that Reginald Sanshire’s solution keeps Taka alive only until the end of the current release. You can apparently reach the same result by
SpoilerRefusing to battle Taka at the WTC and then refusing to let him explore Tourmaline Desert with you.
However, there is no telling what fate will befall him in E19. I tend to believe that he’s going to die anyway – not that I like it.
best pokemon to beat Shade?
I got passed Shelly (after like a month of trying) and the doctors, but now I just need to face Shade, I took down Gengar (after it got rid of 4 pokemon I had) and lost to Rotom, which pokemon would be best to beat him?