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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AuraReader

  1. The OP didn't reply to your suggestion, but I can confirm (as I was looking for a solution to the same problem) that indeed you have to give Anabel your medallion first, then you can buy it in the Night Alley at night. Thanks for your help @Nishtala!
  2. Hi, I'm looking for Wailmer Pail in v13.5. Does anyone know where is it now?
  3. Damn, I'm as excited for this release as I am for Starfield. Can't wait! Also, I'm glad you give us info this early on where we shouldn't load, but I think I will start from the scratch to experience everything you prepared for us. I love your work! Good luck and have fun while playtesting!
  4. Hi fellow Wo-Chien enjoyer! Don't worry about all that, take your time, focus on your life and rest as much as you need. We're not going anywhere, world isn't ending tomorrow and we all know best pastries can be created only thanks to patience, time and passion!
  5. Damn, I love that music. I'm even more excited for the future updates!
  6. I think this is a good idea IF it's easy to implement for you. If not, then you shouldn't give yourself more work to do (you already did so much with this game and continue to do so).
  7. Perfection as always. I love how much work you put in art for this game. Also, Jan - good luck with finals!
  8. I love that outfit on Talon. Also, it's so funny his ace is not Talonflame since Australia has brown falcon (kinda looks like Talonflame body-wise) and Braviary is more American
  9. You're doing such great things devs. Love how you refresh locations and add new functionalities to the UI. That Snorunt is great as well, can't wait to see Froslass and Glalie. Take it slow, no need to overdo it
  10. I've put this in the bug reporting sheet for v13 , so no need for this to be in here anymore
  11. Saw this reported in the sheet for v13, so no need for this to be in here anymore
  12. Hey, so I found out that when you have speedup on (x2.5) and enter a battle with that speedup then you only get to see a black screen. I tested that on 2 seperate trainers just in case that was a problem only with one of them. Also, what's interesting, I tested the same thing on x2, x3 and x4 speedup and there was no problem like with x2.5 speedup.
  13. Also another one, when you enter Pokestar Studios you can't move as if there's supposed to be some sort of cutscene when you move one tile from the entrance (screenshot)
  14. Hey, so I found out that when you fly to Pokestar Studios in GDC you are placed in a column. You can leave thanks to fly, but I just want to report that there's something like that.
  15. AuraReader


    Tbh it doesn't really matter, because you'll have to strategize every single important battle, but I wouldn't recommend grass types. Chimchar or Torchic would be good, Froakie might be as well. But remember to get any of those with HA.
  16. AuraReader


    Later today? Can't wait to start my adventure again, my character is waiting patiently Thank you devs for your hard work, it's really amazing what you're doing, definitely the best fan-made game
  17. And we got to 100%. Can't wait for testing phase to be finished.
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