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Green Bean 501

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Everything posted by Green Bean 501

  1. Roserade was a pretty big help for me. Grass moves get boosted, and nature power turns into STAB energy ball. I did have to switch out against Swellow, but an electric or rock type should be able to handle that just fine. (I kinda got lucky since my shiny stone was found through mining tho) Of your current party, Arcanine seems like the most useful since it can change the field with flame burst or heat wave. Once you do that grounded pokemon will take type scaled damage from the fire so i would recommend waiting until your steel types get KOd (Bewear takes double damge from fluffy too) Alternatively, something like nidoking that learns sludge wave can turn the field into the corrosive field to stop the healing effects and prevent clefable from using its seed. I think this works better for your current team since your steel types will be immune to the entry damage. If one of your mons knows a steel type move i would make sure it has enough hp to take on clefable
  2. Since you're using a sun core, a Chlorophyll user would fit nicely here. Shifty is a good option since its Dark STAB will help in the third fight and Fake Out can be used to prevent Ribombee from setting up Sticky Web. A Leavanny of your own is also a good alternative since it can set up Sticky Web and STAB X Scissor/Fell Stinger helps a lot against the second and third fights. You'll definitely want to keep Blaziken and Lucario for the second and third fights as well. I would say to ditch Swampert for now since more than half your team is weak to Earthquake and Primarina helps defensively in all three fights.
  3. Once my school finals are over I'm gonna do a mono poison run from the start of the game. The real question is, should I see how things play out in the Zekrom route or
  4. If you go to the move reminder, you can actually teach it V create (along with dragon ascent)
  5. This looks pretty interesting, I'll have to give it a try once it releases
  6. E19 also has another event on victory road
  7. Rejuvenation V13.5 and Desolation V6 are on the way too. At this point there's no incentive for me to play the main games anymore
  8. Thanks, you're a life saver For anyone else who wants the answers,
  9. "The weekend" is a bit vague. Would Friday be included in that as well?
  10. I heard she likes Lopunny too. Since it's gonna be filled with post game bullshit I wouldn't be surprised to see both Lopunny and Absol in their mega forms
  11. Time was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks
  12. They'll be fought in separately, so I assume we would have the opportunity to heal, change held items, and use tms between matches.
  13. It's a pretty complicated process, so I'll let the wiki do the talking
  14. It doesn't hurt to stock up on revival herbs either.
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