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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Chezzz

  1. Hi Folks, Sending out some feelers to see if anyone is interested in doing a bit of a rivallocke with me for pokemon reborn. I think it will add a more competitive and engaging aspect to an already very fun game. Last time I tried doing this with someone from the community they quit after the first gym. So please, I only want to start this with someone if they are willing to see it through. We can discuss specific rules that we both want to inplement but a couple I had in mind. 1: we each pick 3 starters the other person can choose from 2: can only catch first pokemon in each area 3: can only catch two 'static'/event pokemon between gyms 4: after someone finishes a gym you wait for the other person to finish. We then battle and winner gets to initiate a trade with the loser of that battle. Send me a message on here or to my discord if your interested Flapjack#6095
  2. Hi Everyone, For starters, kudos on the amazing game so far! I know I speak for everyone when I say we all appreciate the work you guys put into this. :) I am really thankful I have found a pokemon game that is looking to put more of a focus on mega evolutions. I think its such a cool aspect of pokemon, and yet its a shame most pokemon do not get a mega evolution, Speaking personally, I like to use pokemon that are often overlooked and arent conventionally considered "strong". These are the pokemon that really need mega evolutions the most but also seem to never get them. My question is, given everyone has a different favorite pokemon, will there be a push to try to introduce a mega for every pokemon line? I honestly think this would go a long way in making this game stand out even further and add to the replayability and variety in team composition. I realize this would add a lot of extra work, maybe the design of some of these megas could be given the the community similar to how it was given for custom shinies? Other points/random thoughts about megas that would be cool to implement if you guys also thought they were good idea: 1: It doesnt seem to make sense to me to be able to catch a pokemon and mega-evolve it just because you happen to have the mega-stone for that pokemon. Mega evolution was always described as have an amazing bond with a pokemon, maybe in order for a pokemon to be eligible to mega evolve, it has to be hatched form an egg by you, and have max friendship? And maybe other criteria's that would make sense, that I just cant think of right now. 2: It might be too much to have access to EVERY mega-evolution throughout a playthrough. If every pokemon has a mega evolution, is it even that special anymore? Potentially having access to different megas through each playthrough would also add to the replayability? - For example, maybe there could be important choices you make in moments throughout the game where say you are forced to choose a favourite type, and you will have access to megas of that type for the remainder of the game. Maybe some of the choices you make in relation to Nova, Shiv, the black foxes etc. give you access to different megas depending on the choices you make. I realize this is asking a lot, and I am kinda just spit balling ideas. But again, I guess overall, my question would be, can there be an attempt to add megas for most/all pokemon lines? Thanks and Happy New Year!
  3. Hi gang, I've been flirting with an idea that I think would add another element to my next playthrough. And that's doing a modified Rival Locke of this game with someone. I say "modified" because of how different and difficult the game is compared to normal pokemon games, I think it makes most sense to modify the rules a bit. Let me know if anyone is interested in doing this with me or if this even seems feasible. The modified rules I have invisioned are below: 1: you can only catch the first pokemon in each area. If you kill it or fail to catch it, you cant catch anymore pokemon in that area. Before the first gym, you can catch 2 pokemon in East Gearen City as there are limited wild spots before the first gym. This will have to work on the honour system as there isn't a way to verify if you really have stuck with your first encounter. But I will be honest about it, I hope you do the same. Also dupes/shiny clause in effect. 2: After the first gym, you can only capture two static/event pokemon between each gym (this rule sounds kind of arbitrary, but I think having it in place makes sense so there is still an elemenr of randomness to the team makeup and we aren't using the similar teams full of event/static pokemon. 3: gotta nickname our pokemon (this one isn't a big deal either way but seems fun) 4: I would like to play on normal reborn difficulty. I think that's a good balance of challenging but also not cornering us into having to use the strongest pokemon/similar teams. 5: No nuzlocke rules where if a pokemon faints it's dead. Again I think it puts the team party composition into too much of a box . 6: After one person finishes the gym they have to stop playing and wait for the other guy to finish the gym once both people finish the gym we do our rival battle and the winner gets to make one pokemon trade. Maybe we have like a 2 or 3 week guideline for how long it should generally take inbetween gym, seeing as people do have outside loves as well. 7: We would have to go on pokemon showdown and do our battle there. Just input the exact team you have into showdown, and should work fine. 8: We each those 3 starters the other person can pick from and they pick one of those. Let me know if anyone wants to start a new playthrough and wants to work with the rules above.
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