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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by not_navyblue

  1. this mod has been secretly updated for a while now debug, rejuvenated is now at version 2.2 (we don't talk about 2.0 and 2.1) and is still at a beta state, but it's now available for download just... prepare your computer memory just in case, that known issue is still puzzling to me atm
  2. DISCLAIMER: This mod is only a proof of concept. A while ago, I had the idea of splitting Reborn's Debug Menus to make them more moddable and allow modders to add their own options in the same Debug Menu, like the newer versions of Pokémon Essentials. This is that idea made manifest into reality. Modular Debug Mode is a proof-of-concept Reborn 19.5 mod and an attempt at decentralizing the Debug Menus in a similar fashion to Essentials v21.1, allowing for certain degrees of moddability for Debug Mode and possible co-existence of separate Debug Menu options from several mods. You can take a look at the mod below by downloading it. Not compatible with mods that modify pbDebugMenu and/or pbPokemonDebug. NOTE: A Reborn Evolved account is required to download the mod. Download: Modular Debug Mode.zip
  3. you know what, sure why not let's make dark void great again v1.3 dropping riiiiiiiiiiight now -- dark void's accuracy is restored to its original 80% (because 100% accurate dark void is, simply put, bullshit) direct damage-dealing moves are still fair game though the v1.2 download is still up for anyone who doesn't want dark void's accuracy to be restored, though it's updated with a backported debug console feature
  4. good... uh... morning, i guess? it's 3 am where im at at the time of this writing so ill keep this short and then ill be gone for milk for the foreseeable future again mod is updated to v1.2, 100% accuracy is now properly displayed in reborn e19.5 and rejuv v13.5 as it turns out, the part that actually sets all moves' accuracy to 100% in battle is forward compatible so porting the mod to newer versions turned out to be somewhat effortless im just. not very active at all. lol anyways, im going to dozaierk sdafk;j lsfadb,clkj;
  5. omg i forgot to remove the print line v1.3b dropped, removing that print line (now comes with -100% more text boxes)
  6. v1.3a happened luckily no one mentioned about an oversight with opponents using pre-megas if one of your pokemon in the party has pre-mega enabled regardless of ownership this quick update fixes that (hopefully (2))
  7. v1.3 dropped, very sorry for the no-mega inconvenience changes: - enemy trainers can no longer use pre-pulse (pre-mega but for pulses) - enemy trainers can now use pre-megas only when anyone in your party can mega evolve and has pre-mega enabled (hopefully) - added an option where the ability chosen from the "set any ability" will not override a mega pokemon's ability - fixed a bug where you somehow can't mega evolve (hopefully)
  8. @EasyOne please clarify because i honestly don't know what kind of file you're talking about
  9. update v1.1 happened it simply changes generate specific id's code and also cleans the menus up
  10. just gonna leave this here mod updated to v1.1, this simply solves the day-old issue of incorrect accuracy being displayed when checking the summary in deso
  11. Notice: Debug, Rejuvenated 2.2 for V13.5 is in a beta state, and may be somewhat unstable and/or buggy. Take caution when using this version. Debug, Rejuvenated grants you access to Debug Mode in Rejuvenation V13 / V13.5 like every other Debug mods currently existing... with a twist. Note: This is only confirmed to work in Rejuvenation V13 (1.1) or V13.5 (2.2). All other games are certainly incompatible and some standalone Rejuv mods are not tested for compatibility. Unique features accessible via the Pause Menu Debug include: Permission Levels / Debug Levels - This allows you to set the current permission level of your game, which determines which Debug Mode features are accessible and what's not. This feature affects the whole mod and also persists across different saves. By default, the permission level is set to "Moderate" (in 1.1) or "Safe" (from 2.0 onwards). Modified Add Pokémon / Add Item - No longer do you need to scroll through a list of items and species to find what you're looking for, for there is now not one, but TWO new options in the form of selecting by item/species IDs or by item/species names. You can still search by list if that's what you want. Added since Debug, Rejuvenated 2.0: New to the "Add Pokémon" feature is "Full Customization", a new sub-feature that allows you to modify the Pokémon's nickname, shininess, ability, gender, moves, EVs, IVs, held item, etc. before it is added into your party/box. The old functionality has since been renamed to "Quick Generate". (and no you cant cheat in the black prisms in this manner) Modified "Set Money/Coins" - These have been renamed to "Modify Money" and "Modified Coins" respectively. These features now also allow you to add or subtract money or coins. "Modify Red Essence" option - Rejuvenation has "Red Essence", which acts as a currency of sorts for certain items as well as a necessary feature for certain events. Previously, modifying this was risky, since it involves directly modifying game variables (and a slight mistake can be fatal to your save file). Now you can add, subtract, or set as many Red Essence as you want, without doing it manually yourself. Mystery Egg Changer - What was inside of the Mystery Egg can now be changed with another species from a list of possible candidates. Additionally, this feature also allows you to re-enable some of the Mystery Eggs if it has been obtained in the current save file before, allowing you to endlessly get as many Mystery Eggs as you want. Expanded since Debug, Rejuvenated 2.0: Renamed to "Mystery Egg Modifier", other Mystery Eggs added in V13.5 are now supported, some of which now have hints on how to get them, but some can only be modified before it is obtained due to being tied to a side quest. Shiny Daycare Egg - Accessible via "Day Care Options...", this feature allows you to obtain an egg from the daycare that is a guaranteed shiny. Warning: The following feature will contain story spoilers pertaining to content from V13 onwards. Unique features accessible via the Party Menu Debug include: (Almost) Any Abilities - This feature allows you to select Abilities for your Pokémon that would otherwise require additional changes in the scripts to obtain. Added since Debug, Rejuvenated 2.0: Abilities that may not be usable outside of its intended Pokémon are now marked in red. Generate Specific pID - A feature taken from @Aironfaar's Generate Specific ID mod (found here) that does exactly what it does. Now uses a unified menu instead of a chain of menus. Pre-Mega Switch - Allows you to, if the Pokémon can Mega Evolve, to toggle whether or not your Pokémon can use Pre-Mega (read: mega evolve without holding a mega stone). Reworked since Debug, Rejuvenated 2.1: Because the Pre-Mega feature has been removed in the game from V13.5 onwards, it had to be recreated from scratch. Unlike 1.1, the Pre-Mega Switch of Debug, Rejuvenated 2.1+ now allows you to select from a list of available Mega forms if the species has multiple Mega forms (like the Gen 1 starters, Mewtwo, and Gengar). If there's exactly one Mega form, it acts as a toggleable option a la Debug, Rejuvenated 1.1; if there's no Mega form available, it won't appear as an option. Starting with 2.2, Pre-Mega also resets if a Pokémon's species has been changed. Modifiable Obtain Text - If you like to transfer Pokémon from one game to another or from one save to another using Shared PC and notice the Pokémon having some... interesting obtain locations, or you gave yourself a Pokémon that's not found in its found location using debug, you can change its text to look like it came from that place. Expanded "Teach move" Selection - A new feature added since Debug, Rejuvenated 2.0 (it was not listed in the changelog because i forgot), the "Teach move" sub-option now gives you the ability to choose a move by ID, name, or list (original and Type-based). The list itself now also displays the ID, Type, and category of each listed move. Party Menu Debug features that will not be implemented in future versions (and thus remain exclusive to 1.1) include: Signature Move Tutor - Your Pokémon can now learn most of the Legendaries' signature moves, even moves that fail on Pokémon other than their intended users like Dark Void and Hyperspace Fury. Additionally, some of Rejuvenation's own signature moves, particularly those of Gym Leaders, are included. Built-in Move Relearner - Somewhat of a redundant feature, but pretty handy for when you run out of whatever the local Relearner wants. (In hindsight, it really did feel like a redundant feature.) To use this mod, simply download the file/s below, extract it if it's a ZIP or RAR file, and move the file/s to the [Game Folder]/Data/Mods folder. Mods folder not existing? Simply make one. This mod is obviously not compatible with other Debug Mode mods that modify pbPokemonDebug and/or pbDebugMenu. Changes: This mod also uses a custom version of @Aironfaar's Generate Specific ID mod (the original Reborn version is found here), which has a single unified menu for ease of use instead of a chain of menus. This custom version does not have a "random" option because "Randomise pID" exists. Known Issues: Debug, Rejuvenated 2.2 may use up more memory than what is typical of a Rejuv script mod when using certain features. though i could pin the blame on the massive atrocious code that i whipped up for this mod NOTE: A Reborn Evolved account is required to download the mod. Debug, Rejuvenated 2.2 /// βeta state (for Rejuvenation V13.5): (unzip this bad boy into your rejuv's mods sub-folder) Debug, Rejuvenated 2.2.zip Debug, Rejuvenated 1.1 (for Rejuvenation V13): (if it has issues, use this edited version instead, but idk why you would be in V13 when we're already at V13.5) Debug, Rejuvenated 1.1.rb i am not ready for v13.5 v14 yet jan dont do this to me "The Engineer is a bloody- Sentry- (absolute-comedy.wav)" -Demoman TF2
  12. Disclaimer: Did you feel infuriated when that Cinderace of yours missed a High Jump Kick and straight-up died just because it missed? Irritated when your Togekiss for some godawful reason misses Air Slash 4 times in a row (true story) and Just Not™ able to flinch hax at all? Want to burn a threatening opponent while dealing high damage using Inferno, but just can't because of its paltry 50% accuracy? Do you want to run Dynamic Punch on your Machamp while also trying to run Guts + Flame Orb on it without DPunch missing most of the time? If your answer to any of the four is yes, Pristine Accuracy is for you. This mod simply does what it does best: set almost all attacking moves' accuracy to 100%. Because otherwise if it's not 100% accuracy, then it's definitely 50% accuracy. accuracy and evasion stages still matter though Take note that it does not, however, increase the accuracy of: Status moves Variable-damage attacks with no set base damage (e.g. Seismic Toss, Crush Grip, Magnitude) Variable-damage attacks with a set base damage like Eruption are affected by the mod (though in Eruption's case, it's pointless) Moves with unavoidable accuracy (e.g. Aerial Ace, Snipe Shot, Flower Trick) One-Hit KO moves (e.g. Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine) Exception/s to the above restrictions: Dark Void (restores it back to 80%, its original accuracy) because let's be real, the accuracy nerf is too much; the darkrai-only restriction is already enough to stop smeargle. So what the difference between Metapod's 100% accuracy mod and Pristine Accuracy? It is modular. Replacing data files is not needed. The mod is written in Ruby and does not rely on game-specific data (for the most part). This means that it doesn't care if you prefer to play vanilla or modded, or are playing on Reborn or Rejuv; it simply applies the changes all the same. Also possibly compatible across different future versions (and probably different games), but that's to be tested upon. and as it turns out, it is in fact forward compatible. to an extent. It is compatible with Reborn, Rejuvenation, Desolation, and even Azure Act 2 altogether. No need to compile all the PBS files or modify the scripts and make a copy for each of the three games, just download one copy, Ctrl-C Ctrl-V it if you want, and be done with it. This mod is compatible with: Reborn (E19.16/E19.17 & E19.5) AllGen Reborn Mod Rejuvenation (V13 & V13.5) Desolation (EP6) Azure (Act 2) All other mods, games or versions are untested for compatibility, so see if something works with this mod and what doesn't. To install this mod, just download the mod from below and place it into one of the following, depending on game or version: Reborn E19.16/E19.17, Rejuvenation, Desolation, and Azure: (Game Folder)/Data/Mods Reborn E19.5: (Game Folder)/patch/Mods If the Mods folder doesn't exist, just make one and paste/move the mod in it. Changes: Also, reporting all other issues regarding the mod is recommended. After all, bugs can happen in areas where people least expect it. NOTE: A Reborn Evolved account is required to download the mod. v1.3 Download (the version with Dark Void buff): Pristine Accuracy 1.3.rb v1.2 Download (the version without Dark Void buff): Pristine Accuracy 1.2.rb make dark void great again
  13. hi hello i bring a 1.2 update here lol change: - enemy trainers can now utilize pre-megas and they do it frequently. maybe even too frequent. - z-moves are semi-unlimited now, being one-per-pokemon instead of one-per-battle
  14. soon. i will have to figure out how it should work though. :) the z-moves one is not yet set in stone as it is an entirely different realm in the code as for keeping mega forms outside of battle this may be an optional thing but again, not yet set in stone
  15. mod updated to v1.1 change: - reworked and rewritten the pre-mega side of the mod, allowing you to be able to use your pre-mega'd mega charizard y 100% of the time (bye bye randomization)
  16. please tell me why does the mod not work
  17. idk what i just made or why it worked but It Just Works™ before we start: debug mode is required. seriously. wanna know what this does? - unlimited megas! one mega not enough for you? guess what, you can now mega more than one pokemon in battle! your team of six mega rayquazas can actually exist now! still can't mega evolve more than one per turn though, sorry. oh and pulse mons are supported - any abilities! for your pokemon! now huge power regigigas can actually come true in-game! - pre-megas! if you played intense mode rejuv you know how bullshit this one is (i didn't but i still know). but for those who don't know, basically this allows you to mega evolve pokemon without holding a mega stone. now, choice band mega mewtwo y is actually possible! i don't know why it worked, but it worked! oh and pulse mons are supported (2) fun fact: did you know that if any of your pokemon in the party has pre-mega enabled all enemy trainers will pre-mega their pokemon when given the opportunity? yeah, good luck dealing with all of that lmfao :) - semi-unlimited z-moves! new in v1.2 is the ability to use a z-move once per pokemon! get your two eevium-z eevees up and baton pass your way out! by the way, pre-megas don't work on pokemon with z-crystals yet, so keep that in mind. you can access the middle two on the party menu debug. im still too lazy to add it to pc menu debug, sorry. (laziness count: 3) by the way, to actually get this mod to be loaded into the game, just place it into the (Game Folder)/Data/Mods folder and you're mostly good to go. mods folder not existing? just make one obligatory compatibility notice: - compatible with: aironfaar's generate specific id. fervis's all gen mod (source: dude trust me) - idk what else is compatible or not compatible changelogs, because: aaaaaand that's it. i guess. ok back to whatever you were doing. also keep a backup just in case. you'll never know if bugs hidden on sight are gonna bite me and you in the back. and if there are problems please do tell. hackmons reborn 1.3b.rb
  18. finally skippable lavender's nightmare realm ive been waiting for this moment
  19. everyone can expect a rick roll but no one expected zeight to get an upcoming battle slated to happen soon™
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