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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Hokonoto

  1. Hello, this looks very nice. Does it work ? Thanks for this job anyway
  2. Thanks all the dev team for the release ;) great job !
  3. Wow It worked !!! Thanks a lot
  4. The screen was blocked on this picture...
  5. It failed again. I would not like to annoy you. We could give up if you prefer, but I thank you a lot anyway
  6. After that the trade begin, I read "The user exited the trade". We are facing a kind of bug
  7. I have tried several times. Maybe you could try to make the request with my id (Hokonotoii) ?
  8. I don't know why the trade failed, I am trying again
  9. I am also online yes the togepi is very perfect
  10. I 've just seen you like heartscales, si I give on to the mon to send I will maybe be absent for some minutes, but now I am on line on the game
  11. Thanks a lot ! my id : Hokonotoii I prepare for you a shiny mon, tell me if you search something
  12. Hello, i m searching for a lucky egg by trade. Would someone have one ? Thanks
  13. Hi, I edit this previous text : Maybe someone could help me to have a Rowlet ? I would like to have a good grass pokemon for a baton pass team (I don't like Deerling so much). I can give high-sell item or heartscale Thanks a lot ! _______________________________________________________________________________ hello, I am looking for a random Mr. Mime, or a random rowlet, or a male clamperl (if possible with a deep sea tooth, that would be carried by mime or rowlet) ((or the three of them if possible ;)) I'd like to make a baton pass team but I cannot find theses pokemons where I am (Ashen Beach) Maybe someone have one of them ? In exchange I have for example some torchics, shiny sandshrew, shiny skorupi, shiny gloom I stay online tonight my id : Hokonotoii Thanks !
  14. hello, I am looking for a random Mr. Mime, a random rowlet, and a male clamperl (if possible with a deep sea tooth, that would be carried by mime or rowlet) I'd like to make a baton pass team but I cannot find theses pokemons where I am (Ashen Beach) Maybe someone have one of them ? In exchange I have for example some torchics, shiny sandshrew, shiny skorupi.
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