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About Sovereign_One

  • Birthday January 26

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  1. Pokemon Yang gives gym leaders unique moves, similar to Pokemon Rejuvenation.
  2. So say a certain idiot didn’t read the banned Pokémon list as thoroughly as he should have and accidentally submitted a banned Mon on his team. could I possibly re-submit or did I just shoot myself in the foot. XD
  3. You're the opposite of me then. When I make a team for reborn/rejuv, I often just go into battle with Pokemon I like the most and proceed to face an uphill battle the entire fight. Making a team for this mod was the first time I ever really looked at how certain Pokemon interact with a field. I mostly just looked at a what the field could do and made a team that I think complimented separate aspects of it.
  4. Two questions: 1. Will destiny bond work the same as 1-hit KO moves? 2. Does toxic work or is it still just like being poisoned regularly?
  5. I tried both, neither did anything.
  6. Anyone know how to get rid of this? is there an item or pokemon move that does it? I couldn't find anything about it.
  7. Clearly it's our very dear friend Athena Cykes on vacation from the ace attorney franchise
  8. ohhh.... forgot that we were going beyond lvl 100 here
  9. so I tried it again and it looks like she might only appear at night
  10. so I don't know if its a glitch, a bug, or i'm just missing something but i'm attempting to do the 2nd battle me quest but Novae isn't showing up. the quest said she'd be right next to the inn but she isn't there. Edit: nevermind, i don't know if it was the patch but she's here now
  11. so it's been 24 hours and no new number has shown up, so this really is the final clue we get here, until V13 comes out of course.
  12. maybe it turns it into another cypher?
  13. so looking at it now I almost want to say that this has to do with Angie, and if it does, then I think that's Cera tied up there.
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