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16 Fledgling

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  1. >what it could be? Of course, it’s Labradorra B00TY Tournament Area
  2. Fern is true champion of Reborn League, Lin is Meteor Agent Ace, Taka is the winner of Labradorra b00ty Tournament.
  3. Oh, THE LABRADORRA GRAND TOURNAMENT OF B00TY battle royal is neat. Hype train speeds up. Well, since we don`t know (or know?) Lin`s team, but field boosts both of them, who was the winner of the battle between Lin and Saphira? If it`s possible to spoiler lol
  4. Nice guide! Thanks a lot :) Small addition - IIRC, Emolga isn`t obtainable in v13 because of revamped Route 4 where in v12 we could catch it.
  5. Yeah, as mentioned earlier, you need to use Leaf Stone into Regional form of Misdreavus which can be found in Sheridan Wetlands.
  6. Just use false swipe and reduce HP into red bar and catch mons for 500 or 1000(if blue beam) essence.
  7. Encountered right now from a blue beam 2-star Rift Den near the exit into Wispy Ruins. Note that if you got blue beam and didn`t encounter Ditto, you can restart game, anyway it will be blue beam but other mon. First one usually is Rhyhorn-1star, then second goes Ditto.
  8. I have 15 badges but I dunno if that chasing miniquest depends on badges.
  9. It isn`t related to day-time, and tbh I don`t know, what chance has blue beam to appear after throwing rift fragment, but it`s not 50/50, I`m sure.
  10. Most of rifts will be with red beam, so blue beam has a some chance to appear but it has more chance to have shiny pokemon.
  11. Corrupted cave in Mt.Carotos (enter from Waterfall in Sheridan Arena, then right elevator in the room where castle or smth big at the top) No specifics, it`s overworld encounter.
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