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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by GachaGloop

  1. How about one for Beartic? Beartic Crest: Grants Beartic Water Bubble in Rain and Adaptability in Hail (while also keeping its current ability) Beartic has a great attack stat and movepool, but struggles due to its mono ice typing. To justify using him, he's gotta hit like a truck. Also I think the two abilities are quite flavorful for the polar bear
  2. Blaziken is Blaziken. Pretty good learnset and u can tutor HJK onto him pretty early Compound eyes Butterfree. Saved me a lot of times in the early game with sleep powder and tailwind Eldegoss was a pleasant surprise. Nice bulk, plus leech seed, sing and regenerator Mr.Mime was actually extremely useful with decent speed and dual screens Stonjourner was pretty useful with a thicc defense stat, stealth rock and wide guard Crawdaunt; bred aqua jet onto mine from buizel. Excellent learnset with knock off, sword dance and crabhammer Mamoswine with thick fat. Rare encounter in Angie's tower, but worth the ice shard and earthquake Amusing doubles combo with Aevium Ampharos (cotton down) and Aevium Milotic (defiant). Cotton down is still useful outside of doubles The most difficult part of Rejuv is the early to mid game, where you don't have a lot of options. The best mons in the game, funnily enough, aren't the classically 'good' mons we all know, but the normally unnoticed ones that will carry you through the rough early. Still wish we could get Salamence though, he's my fav dragon
  3. I like Attack/Sp.Atk increasing natures because I use tailwind and priority moves anw. A lot of times boss trainers have mons a level or two higher than the cap, and the extra damage makes the difference
  4. I used a regular Milotic to dragon tail the Aggron, then the Bronzong. Reset if Bronzong doesn't come in after Aggron. Beheeyem to set up reflect (all steel type attacks deal physical damage in glitch field), then wonder room (Beheeyem learns this via level up). Fire and fighting types to sweep her team after that.
  5. These are the ones I have Heracronite/Bannetite (can only have one) Absolite Abomasite Ampharosite Audinite Mawilite Sharpedonite Altarianite Swampertite Gardevoirite Cameruptite Aloraichium Buginium Primarium Normalium Waterium
  6. I think Rejuv normal is still possible without EV training, so long as you reset for good nature and IVs. At least in early game. I've only recently discovered the wonders of debug mode, which I use to save time on grinding. Sure, it'll take a few tries to figure out which of your mons live what hits, and which of your mons can 1v1 theirs. Definitely still possible, though I admit I would have to rely on rng and hax way more than I think is healthy. But you do what you gotta do. The only times I felt genuinely frustrated were V13 Val and the Geara-Zetta battle. Even then, the former prob could have gone better if I took the time to level some grass types from the area. The latter was just constant soft resetting and testing while dealing with how useless Melia is in that fight. Is it difficult? Yeah. Too difficult? Maybe, but Rejuv wouldn't be Rejuv without that little bit of bssery to keep us on our toes. It also lets us appreciate mons we normally wouldn't look twice at
  7. I used aevium ampharos to para and slow his mons, if u have access to that. It also has reflect to reduce damage from sky attacks. If not u can try normal ampharos which u might have from the help center quest. Iirc normal ampharos learns light screen, too My Mamoswine (Swinub from Angie's tower) had ice shard to pick off low health mons, especially the dragonite. Aevium milotic can tank a hit or two and hopefully poison his Pidgeot. Since the AI roosts when the pidgeot is low u can heal up your rock types or ampharos. All the best
  8. Of course I encounter a shiny Giratina when I can't catch it lmao
  9. Don't mind this comment, just a frustrated vent I edited away. Haven't played in a while, look forward to what v13 has in store!
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