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stealth07 last won the day on May 8 2023

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About stealth07

  • Birthday 02/17/2001

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    United States
  • Interests
    gaming, anime, manga, manhwa, manhua, drawing, and pokemon (obviously)

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  1. I know you don't need help anymore since you said you swapped to your own team, but incase anyone wants a strategy using erins team on intense mode, the following strategy worked for me. 1. Level erins whole team to 85 vs the regice's 2. Take the following sequence of events during the battle, this strategy does rely heavily on not missing focus blast and sleep powder, so it may take a few tries -Lead with dubwool and zangoose -Have zangoose close combat mamoswine, and dubwool use rest. Mamoswine will use earthquake and rotom will use cold truth. Zangoose will live the eq with a little bit of health and will 0HKO the mamoswine before dying to rotom. Dubwool will live with a very small amount of hp, and use rest healing back to full. - Send out ampharos to replace zangoose - Angie will send out beartic. Use anything on dubwool it doesnt matter its gonna faint this turn before doing anything. Have ampharos use focus blast on beartic. Beartic will target dubwool and rotom will use cold truth again. (Occasionally rotom uses discharge instead but it makes no difference regardless of what it uses). Beartic will live off its focus sash. - Send out florges to replace dubwool. - Have florges use a non protect move so that it faints this turn and ampharos use blizzard. Beartic will target florges, and same old cold truth from rotom this will KO florges. Ampharos will KO beartic. - Send out absol, mega evolve and use superpower on walrein. Have ampharos thunder walrein. This is take out walrein, rotom will cold truth KO'ing absol. - Send out butterfree. - Have butterfree use sleep powder. this prevents rotom from doing anything this turn. Use a non focus blast move on ampharos you don't want to KO rotom just yet. - Butterfree uses quiver dance and ampharos now focusblasts rotom KO'ing it, also hope for the non first turn wake up, since it screws the whole strat. - Cera will send out morpeko next. - Have butterfree use whatever its getting fake out'd this turn. have ampharos use blizzard this will KO morpeko. - Cera sends out ursaring - Use sleep powder and focus blast and you should win the fight. Hopefully this is helpful to whoever needs it for this fight!
  2. how do we get the EV training room cards now? edit: figured it out they got moved to after angie
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