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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Bananacake887

  1. Hey, loving the game so far and all the effort you guys are putting into it! Just a small question from me, how old is Adrest?
  2. It's called 'Pearl' on the jukebox and can also be heard in Sugiline Cave. It's a Unova Route 10 remix by GlitchxCity, found here.
  3. The method to obtain Squirtle hasn't changed in E19 so you can just watch a guide on Youtube on where to go/what to do.
  4. I'd say so since I can't find one either. Those waiting for the official release should know not to click on spoiler tabs now that open beta is out.
  5. Farewell peeps, see y'all on the other side!! (in before the thread stays until the official release).
  6. Each to their own I guess, can't stop what you do in private though such things can lead down a slippery slope if you can't control the habit. I'd recommend censoring/renaming any names that could be offensive if you're gonna put it out in public(such as the bug reporting forum). The community guidelines has a list of banned language which will apply in this scenario. If in doubt, censor it.
  7. Lol same here, though I fear it will drop while I'm asleep and I'll miss out on the initial excitement. :( I believe Ame/Cass are in Colorado which is MST?, and since Ame is in charge the release will likely be based around her timezone.
  8. I know, it's so sad I loved the Intense difficulty and have managed to beat it twice(with another 2 on hold till after E19 drops); can't think about reverting back to the gross normal mode though I do understand and respect the reason for its removal. Hopefully it returns once the game is completed(V16 I think). At least it sounds like it can be somewhat replicated in Reborn with the addition of passwords, like being able to adjust levels and potentially make every Trainer Pokemon hold a PULSE2. Another reason why this episode is gonna bang!
  9. Fret not! Granted you have either a Brave Exeggutor or 252 Attack EV's(both with reasonable IV's), you should be able to one-shot Gardevoir with a Z-Iron Tail and one-shot Ninetales-A with an ordinary Iron Tail. 252 EV's in SpA or Quiet nature(depending on what you picked to run Iron Tail) should allow you to obliterate that pesky Hydreigon with Spacial Rend. Just pretend that Steel types like Metagross and Magnezone don't exist and Exeggutor shall lead you to victory! Yeah someone try-hard will have an easy walkthrough for the Elite 4 in probably a week. Worse comes to worst you can just P2W and stock up on healing items
  10. I believe they did say it is one team for the whole Elite 4. However, there is technically no Champion and the battle with Lin is speculated to be within the Citae Arc-d'Astrae and not at the Pokemon League, so you'll likely be able to change teams before her. There has also been a new consumable item announced that acts as a portable PC, but it's not clear whether its availability is exclusive to the postgame. Better start EV training those Pokemon :D
  11. Smeargletail says here that El has an Elite 4 room, and I doubt we will fight someone else(Bennett) on a field that doesn't benefit them(I don't think the Dev's would bother making El's room unless it will be used for something), whilst the Flower Garden field boosts both Laura and Bennett so if there were to be complications as to who is an Elite 4 member, it'll likely be between those two.
  12. Maybe Lin spilt kool-aid on her bed, so Sigmund billeted her out to Terra's family for staining/vandalizing orphanage property?
  13. Maybe the real Labradorra Tournament of b00ty was the friends we made along the way
  14. It seems as though storming Labradorra City is the first thing we do in E19 (from Dev Blog sidebar) I'm aware that there isn't really anything else for us to do beforehand, and Hardy did foreshadow it after our battle but it still somewhat rules out any mission/quest we have to do to break/sneak past the barrier(unless said mission doesn't involve battling). Probably has something to do with Florinia's program she has analyzing the barrier that would have finished during our battle with Hardy.
  15. Dude in Peridot Ward alleyway who you give the Jigglypuff to in the Mega-Z ring quest.
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