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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Bananacake887

  1. Yeah you're right, and we've fought him several times already, like at Fiore mansion and the Tanzan Meteor base. His team seems to keep switching members between fellow Meteor Diana for some reason so I dunno who will be in his team.
  2. "I would imagine that if her behaviour is only a facade, then it will remain until after we beat her" Yes, both Cyrus and Ghetsis have similar qualities to Lin and both had a breakdown after losing, as their defeat was unexpected to them(does Cyrus' breakdown really count, he seemed to accept the result and only showed mild disappointment). In my opinion, both Cyrus and Ghetsis' battle themes seem to represent the qualities that I had set out for Lin, which fit in with their character from what we have seen in the build up to their battles. Afterwards is a different story, so if Lin does have a breakdown after losing(which I'm sure she will unless her 'death' is instantaneous to her defeat), that fiery side probably won't be represented in the theme. I doubt Lin will breakdown beforehand as she seems to to think that we're a cakewalk(which we probably are without plot-armour) and so her plan would be playing out ideally. Music is interpreted differently among different people however, so it is tricky to accurately attribute certain sounds to certain feelings/moods, especially when it comes to deciding what is 'dramatic' and 'calm' as they can quite often overlap. I am aware that I have given the idea of themes too much thought and attention as I should, though I am not trying to ridicule anyone's taste or opinion on what Lin's theme should sound like as I am likely wrong(which I have a history of). The last two suggestions you mentioned some posts ago do imo, show Lin's qualities quite nicely(I'd say the Leon theme is a bit too 'victorious' and 'friendly' for the situation) and stray away from the 'epic' and 'hype' aspect, though I doubt they will see the light of day as they aren't by GlitchxCity, nor are they an Ame original unless the Dev's choose to break tradition. I wouldn't be surprised if Lin gets a brand new theme(like with Rejuvenation) that our puny little ears aren't yet worthy of hearing.
  3. I would say for the most part that Solaris' theme is a drop in 'hype' and energy from the Admin theme, and takes more of a calmer and more dramatic(probably why it's called "dramatic" ingame), which is fitting as Sirius is more ruthless and blood-thirsty than Solaris; who seems to be more calculated and humble(doesn't really work for the other two admins though). Even if it is only her exterior behaviour, we haven't seem her true self so you can't base something on an assumption. What if Lin's true personality is what we have seen; being the classic 'cool, calm and collected' cliché and then fucking Bangarang starts playing when we fight her. It would seem unfitting as loud and fast(which is what you implied 'hype' to be) isn't her style. Lin seems to be knowledgeable about how events will carry out, likely as she can remember from the previous timeline much like Anna(dialogue from the Glass Workstation in one of the routes seems to prove this) and probably Shade. The MC seems to puzzle her, but she seems to have found a way to work around us to get her way(making us get the crystal keys). It all seems to be part of her plan in which she anticipates a final showdown. I would imagine that if her behaviour is only a facade, then it will remain until after we beat her, so I would feel as though her theme would have to reflect this. Her current overworld themes seem to be a slowed version of Solaris' battle theme, 'Majesty' and 'Paranoia'(although paranoia is more suited to the Devon Corp), and I'd say all three sway away from 'hype'.
  4. I am a fan of the N remix, but as Oscarus said it was previously the Meteor Admin theme, so I doubt they would make it Lin's theme although that doesn't mean that they could bring the theme back for another 'less important' battle. Personally I disagree and believe that the final showdown should have a more menacing, slow and 'calm' theme as I see it fitting for the New World field. For example, Arceus' theme in the main games somewhat follows this idea, and Arceus is considered to the God of pokemon; the final boss. Also, Lin seems to have a 'cool, calm and collected' persona, she never seems to lose her cool and has a degree of patience. Her theme would have to reflect more of her personality than the circumstances/environment of where she is fought. A more dynamic theme would be better suited to Sirius or even Solaris. Lin's theme would have to be somewhat dramatic, but yeah not necessarily 'dynamic and energetic'.
  5. Ok yeah you're right, found the clip and she said "I think you might prefer what we have for Lin instead" in regards to the Giratina remix. Assuming that they don't stray away from GlitchxCity, the Cyrus and Rose themes are probably the best contenders, or they could perhaps delve into the custom Rejuv themes (doubt it though).
  6. Yeah I like the sound of either that or this as her theme, both made by Glitch and have an ominous feel to them, perfect for Lin.
  7. Bee said that she found it when she was exploring a cave under Reborn City, so most likely the one under the Grand Stairway.
  8. Though Ultra Beasts are not legendary, their strength, obtainability, lore and design make them a sub-category of Legendaries, much like Mythical Pokemon, so they often get included as Legendaries to save people the effort of typing out each sub-category, as the term 'legendary' is rather vague nowadays.
  9. Damn, PULSE Hypno lookin' freaky
  10. I believe that was a joke, as the Dev blog that announced it was posted on the 1st of April. It would also be kinda pointless to have a post-game tournament location in Labradorra since we have the Nightclub, unless they were able to link something story related into it, although I doubt that. I'd imagine Labradorra's content would just be the Gym, removal of Team Meteor from the city + destruction of the PULSE's, and maybe a few sidequests to get Mega stones, Z-crystals and the last Department store sticker, as well as cleaning up the city as it seems to have been roughed-up by Team Meteor, similar to the content found in the other satellite cities/town of Reborn.
  11. Part 1 for the alpha took about 3 weeks, and there are 3 parts so it will take some time. There is beta testing after alpha which is exclusive to the patreon members which could also be split into multiple parts, then is the community testing(which I'd count as the official release for us as all of us here are community members), then the actual official release. I personally wouldn't imagine that the community testing/release will begin for at least 2 more months, probably longer. There is just over 3 months left until the end of Spring(or Autumn for the upside-down people like myself) for the community release to be dropped and still meet their original deadline.
  12. The redacted one has two counters which I will assume are shops/a pokemart, which none of the other Pokecenters have(except the grand hall), so it is probably the league. The teaser photo for Labradorra shows a Pokemart, so it probably isn't Labradorra. The colour scheme also suggests that it is at a league-affiliated place.
  13. It is quite obvious that Gardevoir loved Radomus from the game, proven by all the evidence that collected here. However, your post is seemingly structured in a way to 'prove a counter-point' towards my last post, which had been about your claim that Gardevoir was jealous of Zina, not in regards to Gardevoir and Radomus' relationship, which had been acknowledged.
  14. Who are you referring to when you say "and how did he land there"? Samson/Ciel were send there while Gardevoir was under the control of Lin(I'm not even sure it's confirmed to be G.Gardevoir, just implied), and Cain was under the control of Hypno, and was forcefully put to sleep in close proximity to the PULSE when Gardevoir attacked, so he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time(not that he could have done anything to prevent that in the first place except for not going to the Glass Workstation). I also wouldn't say that Gardevoir was jealous over Zina, the two had a seemingly close relationship. While Gardevoir does mention her crush on Radomus, that was 10+ years after Zina so the crush could have developed over that time. Just before Gardevoir casts the black hole, she states "This is my purpose!","Yes, it is! To make sure you lived on -- All those years ago... This is what she(Zina) asked me to do". Gardevoir's are loyal only to those whom they deem their master, so for Gardevoir to carry out Zina's wish after 10+ years shows that despite not being her Pokemon, Gardevoir respected her so much as to regard her as her master. If there was a hint of jealousy, I wouldn't imagine that Gardevoir would be so willing to reveal the promise that they had, and instead would claim that she is protecting Radomus out of her own love. Also, if Gardevoir was indeed jealous, why would she care all these years later if Zina had gone missing as that would mean that Gardevoir has Radomus all to herself. This 'oopsie' that you mention doesn't really make sense as Gardevoir shouldn't be jealous anymore, and Cain has nothing to do with it
  15. Adrienn only has an overworld sprite in Rejuv, so it is pretty hard to judge an age as they're too small to show much detail, and each person views things differently but Adrienn looks to me at least 30 here
  16. So you're counting the years xe was frozen in time, causing xem to be 10+ years younger biologically than chronologically, but then praising xem for not looking as old as people xyr own age?
  17. The wiki says that Adrienn is mid-twenties, while Solaris is middle-aged. A middle-aged person is generally between 40-60, and Rejuvenation is probably at most 10 years after Reborn(I'm not sure what the actual answer is). Given this, Adrienn in Rejuv would still be quite a bit younger than Solaris was in Reborn. If Adrienn never got stuck in the Citae Arc-d'Astrae however, then xe would be of similar age of Solaris in Rejuv
  18. I just re-watched a video of the ending to E18 and it doesn't include the "hee hee" thing, except the last sentence which says "i wanna keep playing for a long, long time...". Nothing else in the dialogue sounds like the Citae Astrae voice, and Ame is renowned for not using capitals. Could be worth asking about that if Cass' T-shirt cannon ever returns(I doubt it though as 6 t-shirts was already very generous, and some things have gotta remain a mystery for us to discover) Also, what's the go with the 'baby arceus'? I thought canonically there was one Arceus, so I always assumed that the 'baby' was just a pet name that the author of the diary used, as it kinda suits their persona, but I've seen others refer to it as a literal baby.
  19. 252+ Atk Choice Band Magikarp Bounce vs. Lvl 32 0 HP / 0 Def Giratina: 147-173 (106.5 - 125.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO Man, Giratina's been real quiet since this dropped.
  20. Yeah the Police do struggle in the Pokemon world, but they're not useless. They attempt to stop Corey(it's a bit hard to stop someone who practically teleported), and they evacuated civilians out of the Obsidia, Jasper and Beryl wards when the Tangrowth's struck. They continue to do tiny behind-the-scenes things throughout the game, but it is hard for them to train their Pokemon and enforce the laws whilst also being severely underfunded. They seem to have some arrangement with the League where Gym leaders seem to have some authority, and allow them to do the battling(roping talented trainers like the MC in as well), while the Police do the other stuff. Also, your response to 'the cops will pass the message on' was 'they're bad battlers so they won't'. The Police are on our side, so what does being poor at battling have to do with passing on an important message to the higher authority that they work for(I assume the Grand Hall acts as the government headquarters). The reason that the message didn't get passed on is because the dead Fairy leader and the dead Police officer are different people, so it was unnecessary to tell Ame, as it seems she isn't/wasn't in charge of the Police administration.
  21. I think the policeman and the Fairy leader were two separate people, as the Police learn about the outcome of their fallen comrade(at least if you do the quest), while Ame says that she doesn't know what happened to the Gym leader; just that they had gone missing after the Jasper Ward? (not sure which ward Ame said but the officer was in Beryl, so potentially different places). I'm sure that the Police would have passed on the news if they were really the leader. But yeah, you did catch me out with the reserve leader thing, I had been referring to the one who died but called them the reserve leader due to them being the reserve after Adreinn.
  22. I forgot about the whole reserve leader thing, that probably makes more sense. My explanation for the name in the diary would have been something like 'The diary transcended the confines of time and space from the previous timeline' or that Shade tampered with it. My only concern is why the game bothered to tell us the reserve leader's name this late when they're already dead and had only been mentioned previously in one line of dialogue. I've always thought that the voice after Hardy was just Ame(IRL one) breaking the fourth wall and having a bit of fun(I suppose that does mean that there is a higher power than Lin; the Dev's).
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