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SoulN7 last won the day on January 10 2024

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About SoulN7

  • Birthday September 2

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  1. Neat, really cool the Reldin Island's new design!
  2. I'm not sure if you played all of Rejuv, included Karma Files but, I'll tell you this:
  3. It's removed, his rewards were moved in the "mid game", specifically Terajuma.
  4. The good rod should be in Jynobi Pass, after talking with a fisherman, if I remember correctly.
  5. Probably during Day or something almost close to night, but I'm not sure myself, I just messed with my pc time and recharged the map everytime.
  6. I'm not Dred, but... Route 6 as static encounter in the northwest part of the map, during Starfall Weather.
  7. The only place I found the dex notes were in GDC in the Lost Parts and stuffs in Judicial District, alongside Rift Carnivine's notes, since I never found them too.
  8. Bulbasaur: Kakori Village, egg reward for completing the Abnormal Phenomemon quest Charmander: The Underground (requires 10 Red Shards) Squirtle: Aquamarine Cave, Secluded Shore (after Adam) Chikorita: Route 2, trade with the Lady with Meganium (requires Spinda) Cyndaquil: Carotos Mountain, egg(requires Magma Drift and some Blast Powders) Totodile: Chrisola Hotel, Pool, talking witht the dark spot at night (requires Surf) Treecko: Sheridian Village, west of Daycare (requires Surf) Torchic: Unobtainable, other than being a starter Mudkip: Helojak Island, in the eastest side(requires Rock Climb) Turtwig: West Gearen City, egg reward for completing all Help Plaza quests Chimchar: Magrodar Crater (after Fly, requires 12 Charcoals) Piplup: Evergreen Forest, Spring of Preservation (requires Surf and Anju's Amulet) Snivy: Pyramid Grounds, wild (after Ryland) Tepig: Valor Mountain, top of Xen's base roof at the middle (post Valor events) Oshawott: Route 8, event (after Darchlight Cave's events) Chespin: Route 4, Cairo's House (requires 10 000 Red Essence) Fennekin: Kakori Village, give the Magic Wand to a NPC (after Ryland, item in Eclypsia Pyramid) Froakie: Akuwa Town, reward for giving all 34 required Pokèmon to the aquarium (after Adam) Rowlet: Tyluric Temple, reward for My Dearest Rowlet quest Litten: Junction Bridge (requires Dull Key and Strength) Popplio: Mynori Coral Reef, reward for beating Neptune Grookey: Tyluric Temple, static encounter (after Fly) Scorbunny: The Lost Garden, static encounter after completing The Lost Souls quest Sobble: Route 4, surf in the pods at the north (after Adam) There.
  9. Hisuian forms were thought for a different battle system from normal Pokémon games, many of these are hilarious to use, like Hisuian Electrode (which breaks the midgame) or the already quoted Lilli, Samurott and Zoroark, or even Hisuian Goodra. I'm not saying they're incredibly broken, but...these mons also should be considered for this list or have some sort of spotlight.
  10. Mine completely changes during the run, but I think this "rotation" is the one I ended up with the final:
  11. Try at Nightime in District of Hope. You should see her with a "!" on top of her sprite.
  12. I would dare to say that some chapters can take from 2 weeks to 1 month, since S.S. Oceana events start in July or June, while Terajuma Arc should take all of September and Ch15 + .Karma Files whole November and December. In a Pokèmon game, time don't make sense often and many times that's not even important, so I never thought about how much time passed between chapters and arcs.
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