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Trainer M

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Everything posted by Trainer M

  1. Hey! I actually just beat him. Playing on intense (no items and set mode) and I used a soft hail strategy to beat him. Incineroar (with intimidate and fake out), Abomosnow (with snow warning), Mamoswine, Alolan Sandlash (with slush rush), Golisopod (not necessary but First Impression is nice, also baits), and Blastoise (to mirror coat one attack for a free kill). I also realized I used 2 water types but the challenge is fun. Golisopod and Blastoise can be dropped for whatever you think will be better. I lead with Incineroar (with intimidate) and Abomosnow (with snow warning and a quick claw). Turn 1 I fake out the Raichu and the Electivire targets Incineroar with the 3 hit attack (which he barely lives thanks to the intimidate attack drop). Abomosnow then uses Blizzard to turn the field into an icy field so the electric attacks don’t get powered up. The Blizzard can freeze with good RNG and especially if it freezes electivire that’s a near guaranteed win. My Abomosnow was modest with near perfect special attack IVs so one blizzard with hail damage kills the Raichu. He should switch in Togedamaru. From there the battle isn’t too bad. The key to winning is using Mamaswine’s earthquake while he has his Mega Toxtricity and another non floating electric type out. The field being frozen from blizzard let’s you use EQ once and it will one shot both Pokémon. Using a water type as the partner to Mamoswine here ensures that the water type will be targeted so Mamoswine can get off the EQ. Thats just what I used though. Good luck on the battle!
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