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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by RefGarnet

  1. Is there some sort of debug mode that can help me skip this Angie fight because I am super close to throwing my laptop out the window in frustration
  2. Is there a way for trick room to last more than 5 turns
  3. Where exactly in the safari zone is magnaton
  4. How rare is Oranguru in the Hulu Meadow?
  5. What move from pyukymuku gets rid of the field?
  6. Does Solrock and Lunatone get trick room by any chance
  7. I’m at my wits end with the Angie fight. I’m on the easiest difficulty but I still keep losing. Is there a way to make it easier or is there where my journey ends?
  8. Where exactly is toxtricity so I can let this guy paint it?
  9. Can someone give me a list of all the moves that break Angie’s ice field?
  10. Does growlthe learn heat wave in this game and if so what level does it learn it
  11. With a team of Incineroar, Mawile, Aevium Chandelure, Floatzel, Venasaur, and Pangoro you think I’d have a decently easy time, but instead I keep losing. Any tips on how to win?
  12. I know type null is in the game (unless it was for whatever reason removed) I just want to know how to obtain it
  13. The dusk stone doesn’t work so I’m wondering how does it evolve
  14. I got Aevium litwick from the egg and i want to know if it’s good enough to use
  15. The stolen cargo quest stumps me since all my Pokémon keeps fainting on the spinning tiles, how do I get past that?
  16. I have 2 questions: 1; where do you find a phantump? 2: what Pokémon can come from the egg?
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