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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by scoob7

  1. I love the idea for Heal Bell, and Substitute is really funny to me lol. The buff to Instruct is a solid idea as well because I also pictured Oranguru as an Ace along with Pokemon like Girafarig and Snorlax in a doubles battle. Also, I need to say that you did an amazing job on the Rejuvenation guide @BIGJRA! It seriously got me through the game, so thank you for the great work! Looking forward to reading through the Reborn one when it's finished to see anything that I might've missed
  2. As someone who absolutely loves the field effect system, I've always wanted to design one myself. So, just for fun, I came up with a new possible field: The Classroom Field The general theme of this field is themed after a middle/high school and has a focus on things such as learning, bullying, popularity/secrets etc. As far as where this field could appear in game, it would definately fit in the Onyx trainers school. In another world, I could see this field being used by an early game normal type leader, kind of like Cheren from BW2. Anyway, here are the effects that I came up with: General Effects: Sleeping Pokemon wake up each turn Fighting Moves > 70 BP get disabled after use (or cause a recharge turn) (Pokemon was sent to detention!) Confusion damage is based on Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense stat Abilities Affected: Analytic: Boost increased from 1.3x to 1.5x Hustle: Doesn't suffer from lowered accuracy Prankster: Gains Speed when switched in Rivalry: Boost is active reguardless of gender Schooling: Always Active Unaware: Has 2x chance of getting confused Anticipation: Raises Pokemon's Defense and Sp. Defense on entry if it activates. Simple: Loses it's effect (acts like no ability at all) Moves: Moves with a 1.2x incease in damage Uproar Hyper Voice Chatter Covet Low Sweep Moves with a 2x incease in damage Low Kick Frustration Beat Up Punishment Slam + Body Slam: can't miss and 1.5x damage increase (Pokemon was slammed into a locker!) Confusion: 1.5x damage and double chance to confuse target Amnesia: Additionally confuses the user Sharpen: Raises Special Attack in addition to Attack Calm Mind: +2 Sp. Defense +2 Sp. Attack (Amplified stat change) Swagger: Can't Miss Torment: Additionally lowers opponents Defense and Special Defense Slack Off: Heals for 25% of Max HP Sucker Punch: Succeeds even if target uses a status move Captivate: Additionally lowers opponents Defense. Fake Tears: Additionally lowers opponents Defense 2 stages Here are a few moves that I think should be affected in the field, but I can't decide what effects they should have. I would love to hear any ideas the community might have. Subtitute: Heal Bell: Trick Room: Copycat: Stomping Tantrum: Nature Power -> Instruct Secret Power -> May confuse Synthetic Seed -> Raises lowest stat by 2 stages Transitions to other fields: Splintered Stormshards will terminate this field. Transitions to Classroom Field: Summoned by using Instruct on two different Pokemon. I had a lot of fun coming up with this ficticious field, and would seriously love to hear what everyone thinks. Is it balanced? What other abilities/moves could be affected? What could a gym leader's team who uses this field look like? Anything else I missed?
  3. As someone who adores the idea of crests and making less viable Poke'mon a little bit more niche, I came up with a few crest ideas just for fun. I don't expect these to be added to the game in any way, but I think that some of the changes on the list could be really interesting. I tried to not make any crest too busted and keep them as simple as they can be, while playing into the Pokemon's strength. Arbok Crest- Coil at the end of every turn. Biting attacks drain 25% HP. I think that because Sandslash got a regional form, Arbok needs some love too. Free coils could make Arbok a really solid support Pokemon in Doubles as it already has access to Intimidate and Glare/Acid Spray. Venomoth Crest - Poison Attacks always Lower enemies Sp. Attack by 1, Bug attacks lower attack by 1 I actually really love this crest because it pairs pretty well with tinted lens. It would allow Venomoth to do some decent damage and have a bit more utility. Kingler Crest - First hit is multiscale (maybe 30% reduction instead of 50%) and gives a speed boost Kingler would probably still drop to any electic attack that is thrown at it, but at least with this crest it would have an opporunity to get a sweep going somewhat. Octillery Crest- Beam Moves have +2 crit chance, heal 1/8 hp each turn I wanted to lean more into Octillery's sniper abillity rather than moody, as I feel moody is more of a gimick. In a way it is pretty similar to the Claydol crest. Tropius Crest - Increase raw defenses by 1.3x and do damage based on how much HP Tropius has remaining. (at 100% HP damage is 1.5x scales down linearly to 1.0x at 1%) Tropius needs some love. I think this Crest pairs well with Harvest, or even Chlorophyll. Either way, this would maybe encourage a few more players to sneak Tropius onto their sun teams. Emboar Crest- Has effect of a held metronome, successive uses of moves grant speed boost that is lost when move is changed. Samurott got a crest, and Serperior is actually good, so Emboar kind of got left in the dust. This crest could hopefully help him charge his way out of a slump. Zebstrika Crest- all attacks use physical attack We all know that physical electrical types are quite pitiful. Perhaps the solution is not to make more physical electric moves, but rather make all moves physical! This will make Zebstrika extrmely unqiue as it will be able to hit physical thunders and even spam physical overheat that does not lower it's attacking stat. Elektross Crest- When switched in the opponents speed is lowered and Elektross speed is increased For being a big scary eel, Elektross really underperforms. The ability to sap speed on entry I think could really swing some momentum into Elektross' favor. Slurpuff Crest- Defense incease by 1.5x and Safeguard on Entry Leans into a supportive roll. Any pokemon would benefit from defense boost, but here it allows Slurpuff to really excel in doubles, perhaps as a sticky web setter. Salazzle Crest - Poison Type attacks are super effective against steel types I know that Salazzle has fire type stab for steel types... but it's signiture abillity is called Corrosion for a reason. I think this is maybe the most niche, but also one of the coolest crests on this list.
  4. Hey, I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced getting stuck in Valor mountain. I've noticed several bugs in the area (such as surfing on land). Is there a way to give life to the cave altering crystals that are devoid of energy? I got stuck in a part of the Mountain higher up with no way to activate crystals that I previously toggled. Because I was stuck and couldn't escape rope I decided to faint my Pokemon and start from the beginning. From here I can only access one cave altering crystal that has no power and a Xen grunt is blocking the door that I used to progress previously. Any help is appreciated! Worst case scenario I will just load a save file from before I entered the mountain and be more careful when navigating the mountain Solved here:
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