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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by alvaroo_lt

  1. I probably didn't noticed that Audino used Simple Beam and there is no bug, I feel like a fool haha Thanks for ur help!
  2. I was fighting against Audino (breeder in Goldenleaf Town)
  3. Im training a feraligatr with sheer force. Wiki says "Sheer Force raises the base power of all damaging moves that have any additional effects by 30%, but their additional effects are ignored". I used ice punch and crunch in battle, but additional effects still works. So, is sheer force not working? Is it a bug? Help!!
  4. Im looking for a dawn stone to evolve my snorunt to froslass, but i have not found any yet. I just got the fourth badge. Could u help me?
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