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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Pj7504

  1. Is there any bug regarding no shiny appearing with this mod ,I have both swm and pyrolusitium installed.I also have shiny charm but haven't encountered a single shiny either it is some bug or my luck is really really bad
  2. Ok i understood this far,debug mode is in Aironfaar's optional mod pack so I assume it works and a new save file for e-19 sounds good.But will the save file from this version will work with when you update the mod according to e-19 version which comes later this year.Is there s guide of some sorts like Pokemon location,item location ,plates working etc I seen you are also active on discord so if I have any further queries I will ask it there. Thanks :)
  3. Hi,I played reborn once back in e-17 I think and I was thinking of playing once again before e-19 release. Should I go for a normal run or with mods(never used them before) .This mode seems especially interesting,also any other mod suggestion compatible with this which contains debug mode.I wanted to know if the save file created after using this mode containing alt form etc. will work with e-19 release,if not then I will have to use new save file for new release and also will the altform or moded save file will work for new version for this mod when it comes. Also just by the information of this mod and you are still replying to queries is amazing so thanks for that.If you reply do it assuming that you are replying to a noob in this department.
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