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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dred

  1. Paragon and Rendgade are the story routes for Rejuvenation. Paragon being the good ending route. Renegade being the bad ending route.
  2. Here's a manual patch then https://www.rebornevo.com/downloads/rebornremote/Rejuvenation/patch.zip
  3. Run the updater to receive the latest patch. This has been fixed.
  4. Did you add the item to Itemtext.rb, and run compileAll?
  5. Send the error, and what you're trying to have it do.
  6. 02/14/2025 Dev Blog Welcome to 2025! We're a little late... but don't worry! Progress has been moving along smoothly since the start of the New Year, with most forms being finalized, and general important assets near completion. With the progress that we've made so far, we are on-track for release this year as planned. (As long as v14 doesn't ruin EVERYTHING). As for story writing, I am pleased to announce that Act 1 of Renegade has been finished, and is now being internally tested by the development team! So far, the act is around three and a half hours long for story content alone. This does not include in-depth exploration, side quests, and does not factor how long it takes to complete fights. Act 2, 3, and postgame are intended to be longer, so we can definitely confirm that there will be no shortage of playtime. Act 1 of Paragon will be worked on next, and will not take as long to develop as Act 1 of Renegade, due to some eventing overlaps. From there, we will work on Act 2, and Act 3 of Renegade at the same time, and potentially Postgame as well. From there, we will wrap up Paragon, finalize and sidequests, music tracks, and any other outstanding assets, and hopefully get into a full on internal testing, and beta testing. Thank you all for your patience as we develop all of this! We are excited to showcase the story upon release. Now for actual content to showcase, here's come screenshots from around Aeternus's local businesses, and a new Aevian Form. Second cNPC Submissions About a week ago, we announced that people can submit for a second cNPC within the mod (We need more residents) This is still active, and the guidelines for this are posted in our Discord. I won't be going into it too much on this post, as we have everything needed to be mentioned in the announcements channel. And for this posts form, we have: Aevian Salandit / Salazzle Design & Art by IronicOmens Dark, Dark/Fairy Type Salandit: Native to the Voidal Chasm, these creatures are often compared to Murkrow for their similar fascination with shiny trinkets. Salazzle: Experts at navigating the Voidal Chasm, they'll approach lost people and escort them out. However, these people have found themselves absent of any valuables after being guided away from the Chasm. That's all I have for this post. On the shorter side again, but with story writing, we're definitely limited as to what we can share, so I'll see if I can tease some story content next post! Make sure to check our Discord for semi-regular teasers, and out of context stuff that we post. See you all next time! Overseer Files Discord
  7. This would quite literally be the biggest waste of time. Having to make 7 unique trainer sprites that would never be used is just not worth it.
  8. Are you playing on PC or Joiplay? And is your game up to date? Additionally, does the error log have any errors in it? You can find this log in your save data folder.
  9. This likely pops up for all Pokemon, specifically ones that have alternate forms that you'd want to use. Diancie has its base form, and mega.
  10. Please update to the latest patch for Desolation, as these bugs have been fixed for awhile now.
  11. 12/15/2024 Dev Blog It's only been what... two months since we posted one of these? whoops. I promise we didn't forget about you! We've been hard at work with development, and eventing the Renegade route for the story. So far, we're about half way through Act 1 of the Renegade route. Once Act 1 is done, we'll start with Paragon, which probably won't take as long as Renegade, since there isn't a huge plot difference between the intro events, first excursion, etc etc. Apart from eventing, our artists have been hard at work finalizing any Aevian Forms that were missing assets and art, and JZ as been continuing implementing any missing trainers/trainer changes, and continuing to work on custom coded assets, such as the Matrix. So over all, everything is still progressing like normal. With the holidays coming up soon, things may slow down a bit, but after the New Year, we will be back at full pace, with hopes of having the mod done sometime in 2025. 1 Year of Overseer Files So uh, yeah, we've been doing this for a year now, pretty crazy to think. Now, the official anniversary was technically back in November, but we did open the Discord on this day, so we're just going to say that December 15th is the anniversary. So, with it being our anniversary for the mod, we're going to be doing a few events in the server for it. For the first event, we are doing a re-run of the... Powerpoint Presentation event This event was our most participated event, and seemingly the favourite amongst the server, so, we're doing it again! The rules are as follows: - Submit a powerpoint of any length, preferably done in Google Slides, going over why you want the changes to your team. The more detail, the better, just don't make it a wall of text. Aevian forms should have some lore in the presentation as to how they obtained it. - You can submit for Aevian Forms, Pokemon that are not on the ban list, or changes to pre-existing Pokemon. Trainer Effects and illegal moves are not allowed. - The following Aevians are banned from submissions: Noivern, Flygon, Aerodactyl, Sceptile, Aggron, Tempest Wing, Iron Seraph, Mega Aevian Mawile. - Submissions end in 1 week, this can be extended if needed. - Submissions are to be sent in our Discord server event channel. Trainer Effect raffle I'm sure this will go fine. If you win, you can only win 1 trainer effect, and must be balanced. No omni boosts, or overpowered abilities. We will have the final say on if your effect is allowed. If you have a trainer effect already, you cannot win the trainer effect reward, but can make a change to a pre-existing Pokemon (you cannot substitute for another). Submissions will be closed in 3 days. Link Development Screenshots Here's a few random snippets from development, no context will be given! Symfora sprites, made by MoonPaw! Kalosian? Really? That bird I hate... 1 Million Leafeons. Aevian Form Worm? Worm. As a general reminder, we still have several field slots open for submissions right now! So, if you want to add your team, come check out the Discord server, and send over a submission. Our next Dev Blog will be sometime in the New Year, so look out for that. You can find our Discord server / on-going events here: Overseer Files Discord
  12. Sorry for the delay, I've been very busy with work. I downloaded your save, and ran it on my build of Deso, and I'm not seeing any issues. I've attached your save file again, this time saved from my PC, let me know if this helps. Game_28.rxdata
  13. Are you ever actually getting to the main menu? Or does this prompt upon loading? Usually this happens for Mac users when attempting to convert a save file from a previous version to the latest.
  14. I'd recommend taking this over to the troubleshooting thread for Deso, and asking there. Make sure you provide the error message you're getting, and some details on the issue.
  15. Re install or patch your game again. Both bugs you've reported have already been fixed.
  16. Patch v1.0.3 for the Aevian Demo mod is out. This update adds 4 new forms to the mod, as well as overhauls the pre-existing events. Changelog: - M6 can no longer be obtained before receiving your starter, and now has a boss fight. - Aevian Comfey supply ran short, and now has a trainer battle tied to it. Event has been moved to Evergreen Forest. (AI may use Decorate on your mons, will be fixed later) - Aevian Incineroars speed has been nerfed, again. - Added Aevian Noibat, and is located in Teila Resort, near Magrodar Crater entrance. - Added Aevian Trapinch. and is located in Sandstream Cave, after unlocking the regular Trapinch encounter. - Added Aevian Vivillon, and is located in the 3rd Layer. Its encounter is in the same location that Glalitite is located. (Sig ability is bugged, will be fixed in next update) - Added Aevian Lycanroc, its quest is located in the GDC Police Department, and requires access to Route 10 to complete. Installation: - Download the file `Aevians.rar`. - Put the downloaded file on your Desktop, right click, and click `Extract Here`. - Open the `Aevians` folder, and copy the `Scripts` `Graphics` and `Data` folders. - Open your `Pokemon Rejuvenation` file, and paste the copied files. - When prompted, click `Replace the files in the destination`. - Once finished, load the game. This mod will overwrite any pre-existing Script changes, and will also run into errors if your savefile has modded Pokemon that no longer exist due to it being overwritten. Aevian Demo v1.3.rar
  17. 10/08/2024 Dev Blog Today is a pretty big day for the mod, as we recently hit 1,000 members in the Discord server, a huge milestone for something that is just a mod for Rejuvenation, at least to me anyways. Because of this, we are hosting a bunch of community events, and revealing some new content for the mod. Community Events Starting off with the events, we are hosting 3 of them. The first being "The Pinnagame", a RNG based/raffle event, where members with cNPCs can submit their character into a raffle, and if selected, go at it in the Hunger Games, with the first three winners getting an Aevian form on their team! You can submit your cNPC into the raffle here: https://forms.gle/sgfDHYQy3h3b7oZaA The second event is a Trivia, where we will be doing a Kahoot quiz based on the mod, the story lore, and some other mod related questions. The top 3 highest scoring participants will win an Aevian form for their team, where the participant that comes in first place will also win a trainer effect for their team. The trivia will be taking place TONIGHT, at 7 PM EST, check the server events, or join the stage channel to participate. This will be taking place in the Discord. And finally, we will be updating the Aevian Form demo with 4 new forms, those forms being Aevian Noivern Aevian Flygon Aevian Vivillon and a community chosen form to be added to the pack. You can vote for the new form here: https://forms.gle/u82J8yM1Y7xWa4Wv5 Duskmire Bayou Duskmire Bayou is the final main location in the Pinnacle to be revealed. Located south to Silverlein Highlands, Duskmire is a overgrown toxic swamp, and is the least populated location in the Pinnacle, with the primary residence being Outcasts, who are either seeking an escape from the main Pinnacle locations, or those who are in tune with nature. The poison type Pokemon alone are a main deterrent for new residents, but on top of that, the land itself is suspended above the toxic waters by thick vines, and frequently shifts without warning, making it extremely difficult to construct homes, or any other kind of residence in this location. The waters are home to Aevian Dragalge, they're extremely territorial, and will typically attack anyone who attempts to disrupt their home, making it highly difficult to urbanize the Bayou. This however does give homes to a plethora of Poison type Pokemon. RemeSpin.mp4 New Forms These next forms are pretty special compared to the rest. As mentioned in the Aevian Demo update, Aevian Vivillon is now real, but we have two other forms to showcase along side it. The Void The Void is a desolate landscape, No important information is known about it. Any history on this location, or how it came to be is unknown, and there are no known Interceptors that reside there. You are not meant to be here. The Void is watched by a highly aggressive Pokemon. Please see the found footage below. StompyReveal.mp4 A single image has been captured of this creature, and is assumed to be a new variant of Silvally. No other information is available at this time. That's all for this post. Thank you all again for 1,000 members! Make sure to check out the Discord for the on-going events, and future updates. Overseer Files Discord
  18. Create a new post with the error message rather then responding to an unrelated post from 2 years ago.
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